Just someone who really enjoys to read.
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I was just curious, couldn't you just say that a record company does thing in benefits them and their contract are intended for them to have all the power over new artist, instead of having several paragraphs saying that?
That is just stupid at this point. He has already been exposed and one the spy learn about his workshop they would push it further to kill him. It would be best to show what he is made off, to have the country protect him more. Then at least with more people around him, they might be able to kill them off better.
I really don't understand why he would keep a secret he created them. I try to understand the authors explanation but it made no sense. Wouldn't it be in his best interest to state he created them and with that make him more valuable to protect? Even though he is Moon Empress disciple she does have enemy's that wish to harm her and the best choice would be her disciple? Wouldn't it be smart to have more protection if he state he was the one who created them?
I’m confuse, didn’ t he have paltium coins?
Huh? Please explain, the martial art he practice made him stupid? That makes no sense.
Not the greatest chapter, just kept on going on and repeating what we already know about his members and their fey and what power he had, I felt could have explain it in once or two paragraphs and moved on.
I would like to give it more stars but after reading up to 100 chapters I can not. The writing is great and I think the story had great potential but the MC kills the story. He is a college student that in the game he is a complete idiot or has no common sense on anything. The Author tries to get away with this on the fact that the MC was from the country side. I find it highly unlikely that even someone from the country side would have never been expose to any stories or games related to cultivation or even fantasy. If that was the case, the Author should have said the MC grew up in a Cave where they just learn how to make fire. I tired to keep reading but once I got to chapter 100, I just can take it any more.
I agree with you the MC is so stupid it makes you cringe when you start reading the chapter. I last to chapter 100. I can not take it. He suppose to be in college even though he is from the country side, he can not be that stupid that he has no common sense or read any stories or played any games that had cultivation in it.
Please don’t stay with her or even spend time with her.
Please changed the names back to the original ones.