


hello everyone, I like anime, manga, web novels and video games.

2017-12-29 BergabungGlobal



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  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon2 years ago
    Balas Breuno

    I think they fixed it, but it looked bunched up, but also had symbols and and some word made no sense.

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon2 years ago

    㰋䝙䮛 䄦䯑㖳'㝇㟀䯑㖳㼩㶊㘵䲃㵸㝗㼩䯑䃻㜝䲃䃻㟀䯑㶊䑑㵸㜝䲃㟀䝙䔺䯑䤔㟀䲃㝗㝇䯑 㜝㶊㟀䝙䡚㖳㰋䯑㶊䑑㵸㽷㮵㶊䑑䑑 㯜㶊㘵㝇 䑑䯑䯑㮵䲃㵸㘂䲃䤔㖳䑑䯑䯑㮵䡚䑑䑑䤔䡚㖳㟀䲃 㘵㝇䡚䃻㝇㝇䝙䲃㰋䡚㖳㝇㓆䯑䑑㵸䲃㖳䤔㖳㝇䯑 䪝䝙䲃 䢕䤔㑊㑊䲃䃻 㝇䯑 䝙䡚䔺䲃㜝䯑䃻䲃 䲃㼩㼩䯑䃻㝇㘂䝙䮛 䝙䡚䔺䲃 㘵㝇䤔䑑䑑㰋䲃 䡚䑑䃻䲃䡚㵸䮛䯑㼩㼩䤔㟀䲃䃻㰋䲃䤔㼩㛧㶊㝇 㐢䑑䑑䤔䡚㖳㟀䲃䕾 㝇䝙䤔㘵 㼩䯑䃻 㛧䡚䃻㝇㖳䲃䃻㘵 䡚㖳䮛㰋䡚䮛䕾㘵䯑㵸䤔㼩㼩䲃䃻䲃㖳㝇䲃㖳㝇䤔䃻䲃䑑䮛䑑䯑䯑㮵㑊䃻䯑㶊㛧䕾" <--- I tried to copy paste this section as all the words seem to be bunched up together and make no sense.

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon2 years ago
    Balas Breuno

    it's not just this novel I see it happen that the words seem to be bunched up.

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon2 years ago

    why does most of the chapter make no sense? the words are scrambled?

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon2 years ago

    A room filled with green hats....

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon3 years ago

    thanks for the chaps this week!

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon3 years ago

    And half_empty hits a line drive to left field for 4 games now he batting average is 450 with 5HR this season and it's looking like he will make a great comeback this season!

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon3 years ago

    With this you can start a cable company like comcast and have a triple play package too.

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon3 years ago

    Two releases in a week and back to back can be considered in a row. Now lets aim for steady release of 2 chapters a week.

  • WolfEmperormoon
    WolfEmperormoon3 years ago
    Balas half_empty

    Honestly I still am agaisnt taking antidepressants I had to take 2 years of phycological therapy from all the personal stuff that had happened and I asked my therapist if we could avoid med if possible, and we did for a bit and it worked, but I later found out that there was a lot of chemical imbalances in my head which was causing me to be depressed. They started me on a 10mg pill (forgot the name) which worked to stop the imbalance and after that was fixed I asked if there was anything I could do to stop taking the pill and I just had to do some basic exercise and eat fruit for lunch and have light dinner that are not past 5pm. My biggest problem was that I always tried to fix things myself and would take on all the stress of it because to me it was more efficient that I did it than to let someone else do it. basically had to teach my self to let things go.