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Dude, I understand what you said. This site really gives bonuses to 18+, but your story is the best of House of Dragon on this site. So I ask that you continue it if possible on this same site. If you can't, at least let me know if you're going to continue on another one. But please continue. It's very good. I've been following it since chapter 5.
Yes, we see the raw potential of his magic when he expels 100 dementors alone.
In the Harry Potter universe he is one of the main causes of World War II.
Man, he's strong, but overall he's advanced a lot because he was underestimated and can handle a lot, and obviously the heroic spirit Saber Arturia is also strong, but overall he's not the most dangerous.
No man, it's a sitcom world and for the most part a positive world, that is, without the problems of the real world, at the same level, everyone has a good salary, lives well, sometimes there is a problem but nothing major, you know, the ideal world
I agree with you, I hate the movies but they are so famous, everyone knows them and a lot of people have seen them.
This is her case, she recently changed studios and opened her own, but she lost her old songs and is having to re-record them again after winning this right in court, which almost ended her career. The thing is that Keyne West bought her songs, and that's what it comes from.
What series is it from?