


Je suis beau

2017-10-31 BergabungFrance



Membaca buku-buku

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspape9 months ago

    You can copy Shadow Slave but you cant evolve it . Its juste a wish version of shadow slave with a mc with a cheat . Nothing more nothing less . The autor even manage to fucked UP the power ranking lvl with a very good one as an example.

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspapea year ago

    To long for nothing , should have been over a thousand of chap earlier.................................................................................

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspapea year ago

    Thats just plagirism . Like men you are juste rewriting birth of the demonic sword. Character character character character character character character character character character

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspape2 years ago


  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspape2 years ago

    Here since the begining and masha'Allah that's a great story . (14444444414444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444)

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspape2 years ago

    This novel is a bit to much like Supreme magus for me. There is a lot of similarities beetwen the two novels. There is also some difference (i'm not saying its a copy paste). But the mc having an abomination side just like Lith was a huge disapointement for me.

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspape2 years ago

    Excellent novel (140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters140 characters)

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspape2 years ago

    140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter 140 charachter

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspape3 years ago

    I'm sorry but this story is a lot similar to agaist the gods , even in the name seriusly . A man who comited suicide by jumping off a cliff who rebirth in a teenager body with a mysterius goddes who use hes body to survive. It's literraly the same thing. Even the broken mysterius god legacy. And yes omg the two year tournament to mary a princess , cant you do it more cliche plz ? Honneslty i'm kinda sick of cultivation story where the only difference between the different stage of cultivation is the amount of energy they have. It like the only thing you have to do to be powerfull is medidate during year and year to accumulate energy, where is the fucking difficulties here. Well i guess it's my fault , i shouldnt have read too much of these storys , now i'm too stric. Anyway , otherwise the writting quality is pretty good unless that i found the combat a bit muddle-head. To sum up the story does not break three legs to a duck.

  • Jesuispaspape
    Jesuispaspape3 years ago
