I've got legs
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No, they would've survived because they did just fine in the age of strive where the imperium didn't exist, and that time period was objectively hard. It's 100% his fault that they worship him. 1) he has glamour on that affects everyone interacting with him, he basically projects himself as a "demigod". You can't exactly blame people when his glamour is messing with their minds. 2) He repurposes religious words for his army and empire. Like calling his astartes angels?? No, before the horus heresy chaos wasn't active as they are in 40k. Infact chaos wasn't even as active in real space before the "great crusade", they were busy with their "great game" and wouldn't have turned their gaze towards humanity and unified against the emperor. He also empowered chaos with the suffering he caused throughout the "great crusade" basically levelling his enemies up whilst "fighting" them. The emperor essentially handed chaos their most effective tools in real space, the daemon primarchs and their legions (& the mechanicum that gave chaos access to the dark mechanicum) Whereas before they were limited to subtle corruption, now Chaos gained vast, organized, and very capable armies of transhumans they could send out to directly conquer in realspace. Humanity wasn't unified in a empire before the emperor, they were split up throughout the galaxy in different nations. Unified humanity before the imperium is basically fanon. His path in the beginning was wrong, he had perpetual allies (immortal humans who were his peers) who disagreed with his path, and most of them left him because they disagreed with his "golden path". The fact that they're losing against chaos further proves my point, the Emperor's arrogance led to humanity's extinction. He made deals with chaos to even create the primarchs in the first place, that's peak stupidity making deals with devils lol. This again highlights his arrogance 1) He was arrogant enough to think he could make a deal with chaos and pull through without any consequences. 2) He disregarded his perpetual peers (people who've lived for long ass time) and forcefully continued with his golden path and led humanity to 40k where it's fated for extinction. You gotta stop glazing bro, because he didn't just doom humanity, he also doomed the galaxy.
Sure they took over a portion of the galaxy, but they're currently headed for extinction. Conquering the galaxy just to last 10k years and also leading to extinction of humanity, whether by a chaos victory, or tyrannids consuming all, etc means his path was wrong. Humanity previously would've survived better since they'd be more spread out with varied tech levels (many even surpassing the imperium in tech) (they survived the age of strife like that), and there wouldn't have been any daemon primarchs or chaos space marines. His path has essentially empowered Chaos with high level forces and furthered their growth by causing galactic level genocides during the 'great crusade' and even after when the imperium was in charge, most people have shitty lives as a result of how brutal the imperium is towards its own citizens so they become daemon bait or empower daemons with their suffering. The Emperor conquering most of humanity also lead to a technological downward spiral since all the high tech civilizations were conquered and brought down to mechanicus tech level, which meant that the highest they could go is mechanicus, this lowered humanity's high tech growth. And since the mechanicus itself is losing tech progress/level that means that humanity overall is going down in tech level. Ultimately humanity being spread out throughout the galaxy with different tech paths would've led to a better survival, instead humanity was forcefully unified and dragged down to a lower tech level.
Forcefully uniting humanity has forced humanity onto 1 path (the emperors), and because his path failed, humanity is now doomed so clearly he was wrong.
I'm now at 1322, one big problem is the translation of the " True Immortal Script characters", you establish the meaning of them in the chapter, but then revert back to the untranslated term, I've commented on a few chapters where it happens, I'm hoping you can edit and replace it with what's been translated in the chapter. In the beginning it still stuck to the translated term, but after a few chapters it has stuck to reverting to the untranslated term.
Sticking with the theme it should be Heavenly Devil
[Life/Birth] as shown in the chapter, you can just replace "Sheng" with the translated one from the chapter, same with the other True Immortal Script characters.
It's [Hatred] as shown in the chapter, could you edit it to that?
In the chapter it already said that "Li" is --> "Separation" You already translated it, could you edit it so that it's "Separation" ?
Congyun = Cloud Mist/Cloud mist Cong yun = Cloud Mist/Cloud mist so it should be Cloud Mist Sea/Cloud mist sea
Lan Yu = Bluefeather/Blue Feather (It's his title, not his name)