
The party

Suna and Sakusa just transferred schools and it was the beginning of their second year at Inarizaki High school. It was the last day of summer break so everyone decided to have a party and they got invited since they already knew Kita who was going to school there. Even though Suna didn't know most of the people he decided it was time for him to step out of his comfort zone and socialise a little. Sakusa being Sakusa didn't want to go, but Suna and Kita didn't really give him much of a choice.

"Come on Sakusa! I know you're afraid of crowds, but you should at least come to this one party to meet others before the school starts." Suna said while pushing Sakusa to the closet to pick an outfit.

"Suna is right, I mean, you can just go to the less crowded spaces if you feel uncomfortable." Kita added.

"Ugh fine, it's not like I have a choice..." Sakusa agreed since he figured he won't be able to tell them otherwise.

Happy and excited that Sakusa will finally come to a place with more than 4 people there, Kita and Suna yelled "Exactly!" at the same time.

~time skip to the party~

At one point of the party, a few guys decided to play "Truth or dare", and they started gathering people for the game.

Suna and Sakusa heard people talking about playing "Truth or dare" when they saw one particular blonde boy, who was just casually walking around, asking people to play, but when Sakusa saw him he just froze.

Soon, Suna realised that Sakusa was staring at him, he poked him a little in order to tease him for staring.

"My, myy did someone finally catch the almighty Sakusa's eye?", Suna teased.

"Shut up." Sakusa said, clearly annoyed.

"Come on now, you might be able to sit next to him if you hurry up!" Suna said while pushing Sakusa a little bit.

"Oh really? And why would I want to sit next to someone who's full of germs???" he said desperately trying to make a disgusted face.

"Because you might get lucky~."

"What? What do you me-" He was interrupted by the same blonde boy who came to them asking if they are going to play or not. Suna quickly said yes and went to find a seat in the circle where they played, leaving Sakusa alone with the mystery boy.

"Are you two the new guys? Kita told me he brought you here, but I didnt see you with him." Atsumu asked him.

"Uh yeah, that's us..." he responded nervously.

"Great!!! I'm Atsumu Miya by the way, but you should call me Atsumu since I have an annoying twin brother Osamu over there! And you are?" he said while smiling brightly.

"Oh, uh, I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi..."

Atsumu was already pulling Sakusa to the circle while saying: "Oh well, nice to meet you, now let's play!"

"Uh, I don't think I'm going to play..." Sakusa said while looking at the floor.

"Why not???" Atsumu said frowning a little.

"I'm germaphobic so I don't get along well with crowds... I came here just because Suna and Kita made me." he said while pointing at them.

"Well then we can move your seat a little bit away from the others and clean it up, also if you need to do a dare we can always just clean it up before you do so! It is kinda bad that we can't get spicy with you since I definitely wouldn't mind doing things with you..." Atsumu murmured the last sentence so Sakusa can't hear it but this was surprisingly enough to convince Sakusa to play. But before they could get to the circle everyone who was playing was at, Sakusa stopped Atsumu to tell him something."

"Hey, Atsumu." Sakusa said hesitantly.


Sakusa froze for a second questioning his choices but soon proceeded with what he was going to say, while stuttering.

"Uh, since I get to, uh, call you by y-your first n-name, I think it's only fair if you call me by my first name..."

"Oh yeah sure! But what was it again? I couldn't hear from the music!" Atsumu said while leaning closer to Sakusa in order to hear him better.

Sakusa noticed Atsumu getting closer so blushed a little bit and just replied with "It's Kiyoomi."

"What? Something, something Omi? Well, I don't know I'm just gonna call you Omi hehe."

"No, no, it's-" he was suddenly interrupted when they came to the circle. He was annoyed, but also a little bit happy about the nickname Atsumu had given him, but he didn't say anything.

When they arrived Suna was giving him amused looks, but he just ignored him as they all gathered in a cirle and Atsumu stood up, announcing the rules.

"All right everyone! We are playing "Truth or dare"! Now, I know what y'all are thinking, that this is going to be a very dirty edition of "Truth or dare", but since we have a couple of new guys, let's start slow and get to the spicy part later on!" Atsumu said giggling.

They all started playing and it was harmless at the beginning, the dares were light and the truths didn't have much "tea" in them, but as time passed by, they were getting more and more dangerous. Sakusa wasn't asked so often and Suna wasn't really affected by the rising danger of the game since he didn't really care about anything, but little did he know what was gonna happen next...