

The deafening alarm and the sunlight seeping through the curtains woke me up from my peaceful slumber.

I lazily woke up, groaning and making the bed before striding to the bathroom while rubbing my tired eyes. I instinctively took my hairbrush from its stand and untangled my rumpled hair and tied my hair into a messy bun.

I opened my eyes completely and looked in my mirror. I was...smiling? I, the one and only Melian Yanna Young, was beaming early in the morning?!! (Yes I am dramatic) That can be nominated as the weirdest thing of the decade.

Waking up was the most laborious part of the day. There was no part of me that enjoyed getting up early, and when I say no part. I mean it. My Lycan, my vampire, my witch, and my human. None of the 4 forms of mine enjoyed waking up early. It was one thing for which all my forms had a mutual hatred.

Yet here I was, standing in front of my mirror at 6:06 am staring at my beaming face. Nothing good happened to me last night. I cried to sleep over a fictional character who died in the book I was reading.

Lyca, Vamp, Wits . Why are we smiling? I asked my Lycan, vampire, and witch. To keep things obvious, I named my Lycan, Lyca; vampire, Vamp, and my witch, Wits .

I have no idea, Lyca woke up early this morning, beaming, and woke us up with her exuberant howling. Vamp said clearly irritated.

We had to beg her to stop howling and not wake you up as well, Wits added.

This happened once before, I said analyzing my Lycan's strange behavior.

It was the day we found our first mate. Vamp finished my sentence.

Does that mean we are gonna find our second mate today? Wits said, voicing out my and vamp's concerned thoughts with excitement.

Yes, you heard me. 'concerned' thoughts. I never believed in true love. I always believed in mate love, the love which is developed through the mate bond.

I lost my belief in mate love a few minutes after meeting my first mate. From the night I met him to the next three months was the hardest phase of my life. Going through all that shit again was definitely not something I looked forward to.

Please tell me that what we are thinking is not true, Lyca. I begged Lyca to tell me what I wished to hear.

I'm afraid not, I don't know why but I feel so great. I think we are finally going to meet our second chance after waiting for decades. Lyca said, sounding excited yet nervous about our reaction. Wits seemed pretty happy. She was the most positive among the four of us. Vamp was clearly angry and pissed off thinking about the jerk of a mate we had and I was trying to think positively.

Maybe our second chance is not as bad as the last one. I said trying to make Vamp less angry in which I failed miserably.

I don't think so, I know you are trying to sound positive and all but no Yanna I can't trust anyone after our past encounter. we were on the brink of losing Lyca. we barely brought her out of depression. Vamp said. What she said was not false. It was all true. We nearly lost Lyca and I love all of my forms and losing one of them would trap me in the abyss of depression And it would eventually trap the other two of them as well. Ultimately losing my entirety.

As the pacifier of my forms, I must stay positive. I know but Selene assured us that our second chance would be an excellent mate. I said. Lyca and Wits nodded in agreement. The mention of our goddess somehow cooled Vamp down.

Selena, our moon goddess who also happens to be my bestie. not really but she can be considered as one. We talk once a month on the full moon. Since I am a Lycan-female, I have the power to communicate with Selena in my Lycan form. It's one of the privileges which only Lycan females can enjoy. No one else knows about that though. It is kinda like the family secret or species secret in my case.

As I mentioned earlier, I am a Lycan, vampire, and witch. It may seem like my human form has no power but it's not true. My human form has control over all other forms of mine and is the most vital form. Being a human, vampire, and witch is pretty normal but being a Lycan is not.

Lycan's are the first creation of the moon goddess. My great-grandparents were the youngest mates of the original six. The original six were the first six Lycan. There were three males and three females. The oldest two were mates, the youngest mates and the middle two were mates. The first three mates.

Giving birth to a Lycan is extremely exhausting since our powers are much stronger than other species. So none of the Lycans have given birth to over three pups.

The original six were the first generation. The second generation was my grandfather. The descendants of the original six were mated with each other (not with siblings and cousins of course). The only one with no mate was my grandfather. His mate was not a Lycan. He traveled across the world to find his mate. He found his mate on the way to a pack, in a coven. She was a witch. Mating with another species was unheard of. His mate was older than him by around a century. She was one of the youngest original witches. She had six older siblings and two younger ones. She gladly accepted him as a mate.

After a few decades of traveling together, my grandma gave birth to the first hybrid. My mother - Yama Young. Her birth would've been a matter of great joy and celebration across the world but it was not. The reason was the greedy mortals who dreamed of immortality and immortals who aspired for absolute power.

When my grandma was pregnant, my grandparents decided to return to our Lycan pack, which was situated in the center of a beautiful snow forest in present-day Canada. One day my grandfather, his brother, their cousin sister, and brother. Cousins are not exactly blood cousins, we just address all the Lycans as if they are our brother and sister, except for our mate. So my grandfather's cousins were sons and daughters of the other two original mates.

The four went for a run outside the forest and stumbled upon an injured pup who was on the brink of death. My grandfather slit his fingers and let the injured pup drink his blood. We Lycans have much more enhanced healing powers, we can cure any wound with our blood and can save the almost dead. Almost.

The pup was saved. She was a beautiful pup of the alpha of the Mystic Shadow Pack, she was also the mate of the future alpha of the Crescent Moon pack. Her name is Cassie. She obviously didn't know about her mate when she was saved.

One rogue wolf witnessed the scene and spread rumors which said, 'Lycan can resurrect the dead' 'Lycan blood can make you an immortal' 'Lycan blood can make you as powerful as them' 'Lycan blood can make you young and powerful forever' and all type of absurd rumors which were clearly false.

Lycans are immortals, we don't age after we get our Lycan, that is when we are 21 and we could find our mate once we get our Lycan, unlike werewolves who get their wolf when they are 16 but can only recognize their mate when they are 21.

Werewolves, vampires, and other magical creatures are also immortals. Werewolves would certainly not die of old age. But they would age like humans. They would have wrinkles and all. Their aging system doesn't exactly work like humans though. It is a bit complicated. They would stop aging at 21. And they would resume aging after mating with your mate. So that they can grow old and get all wrinkly with their mates.

However, the case is different if the wolf is mated to a Lycan, that never happened. I once asked Selene what would happen if my mate was a werewolf and if he/she would age and I will stay young. Then it would seem like I am married to a grandpa or something.

She said that after a Lycan is fully mated with a werewolf, the werewolf will have few traits of a Lycan and vice versa. The aging system is one of those. So if my mate is a werewolf then he/she would be just like me, looking young even in his 1000s.

After about 50 years or so of finding and completing the mating process, werewolves will start to get weaker in power, like an old person, so it will be easier for others to kill them.

Unlike Lycans who look like they are in their 20s even when they are 10,000 years old. And I am not even kidding. My great grandparents are alive and they are over 10,000 years old. It might be a little weird or maybe a lot weird to have great-grandparents who look your age.

Anyway, the point is that none of the rumors are true. We are powerful but it doesn't mean we can make you powerful. We can cure the almost dead. ALMOST. Not the dead. Also the more we cure, the more we lose blood, which means our healing will deplete and would take years to be normal yet my grandfather helped that poor pup.

When the rumors spread, the supernatural world desired the Lycan blood. The father of the pup we saved, Alpha Phoenix of the Mystic Shadow Pack helped us spread the rumors about Lycans being extinct.

My grandma helped in concealing their(I was not yet born at that time) scents and so no one was able to smell them or recognize them. They separated and went to different continents and different countries in small groups. Now I am living in California with my direct cousin Yash and his mate, my favorite sister Oliviya.

There are few rules for naming, it is not like strict rules or something like that. It is just something my great-grandparents came up with not to confuse the family.

So it is like, the descendants of the youngest mates will have their middle name starting with Y and surname would be Young. Likewise, the name would start with O for the descendants of the oldest mate and the surname would be Ole and C for the middle mates (because both middle mates had their names started with C) and the surname would be Middela.

Also, about the first name, it can be anything, meaningful, or whatever the parents or anyone wishes.

Also, Youngs had grey eyes. Middelas have Blue eyes and Green eyes are of Ole's. It was much easier for outsiders to recognize our family. Even though Lycan's mate is within these three families, the pups would have the eye color of dad, which is a privilege for Lycan males. Compared to us, a female's ability to talk to the moon goddess, the male privilege is pfft.

About my mom's birth, my grandma hid her scent as well and taught me and mom how to hide scents and protect our species when we were super young. Just like grandpa my mom's mate was not a Lycan, she had to discreetly travel around and find her mate. Her mate, my dad- Maldrin was the oldest son of the oldest and the most powerful vampire couple. My grandparents.

My dad was supposed to be the king of the most powerful vampire kingdom but he gave it up for mom and spread the news around the vampire kingdom that my dad was dead in a fierce battle with his brother, Malcolm for the throne, but the thing is Malcolm uncle hates the throne, my dad had to promise that he would look over all the issues in the kingdom, even when he is traveling and is away from the kingdom and then uncle finally agreed to take the crown.

my sweetest uncle, King Malcolm who everyone else is scared of. Even Yash flinches a little when he sees my uncle, even though Yash would never admit that. My uncle and his mate have a son, who is a pure vampire, Dalrick. He is 30 years older than me and so he has a more powerful vampire but my Vamp is nothing less. He is gay and hasn't found his mate yet.

Whenever he misses me or I miss him, he will fly over and come to stay with me for two weeks, during that time we will enter my magic world (about which I will talk later) and train together, hanging in trees, running around and all. It was so much fun. Now I suddenly miss him. Anywho.

After traveling the world for centuries my parents had me. Giving birth to a Lycan is difficult enough but mating with another species has its consequences. My grandma is a witch, they are almost like humans but can perform magic so there were fewer complications. But my dad is a vampire, their blood is stronger and is as powerful as a werewolf. So mating and marking a vampire had more complications.

According to my grandma, my mom had a labor that lasted more than three days and my mom passed out a week after giving birth to me. The more powerful the pup, the more complications, and energy required to give birth.

After giving birth to me, my mom decided to never have kids again. Dad instantly agreed because seeing his mate suffer once was painful enough.

Me, Melian Yanna Young. The first tribrid. Every form of mine is powerful on its own.

My Lycan, I don't have to explain much, I am a Lycan and I am powerful, and I am not bragging, Lycans are so freaking powerful. They can take at least 10 normal werewolves at a time. Werewolves are more powerful according to their rank and blood. A Lycan is more powerful than an alpha. I could easily win a fight against a not-so-powerful alpha.

My witch, the daughter of the daughter of an original witch. a much simpler way to say it is the granddaughter of one of the original witches. The more spells you know, the more powerful you are. My grandma knows so many spells. I could say that I know much more spells than those who are of my mom's age.

My vampire, the vampire of the oldest son of the oldest vampire couple. It was enough to describe how powerful I am. I might be young but my vampire blood is strong enough to knock someone who is double my age. That's my limit. I can easily win a fight against a 400-year-old vampire.

Did I mention my age, I am 199 right now, I will be 200 in two weeks, and I will move to mystic shadow pack, which is where Cassie (the pup my grandpa saved) used to live, she is now Luna of the previous and first pack I lived in, Crescent moon Pack. a place where I had my first bestie and I hate to admit but also my only bestie- Brina. Brina is like the sweetest thing ever (Only for me and a few others only though.)

It's not like I am a lonely ass or something, well I do admit that I am socially awkward, the only way I speak in front of people is when my vampire or Lycan comes forward. Anyway, my cousins are my best friends, they are just like me, a Lycan. I don't have any other friends since I am 'extinct'. Unlike me, my cousins don't have any cousins who are not Lycans. My parents and grandparents are the only ones who got mated with those who are not Lycans and so I am the only one with more cousins. I am close to all my direct cousins.

Brina is the daughter of Luna, Cassie, and alpha, Mathew of the crescent moon Pack. The first pack I lived in. We, Lycans, move from pack to pack and disguise ourselves as werewolves and take the rank we like. Sometimes we will disguise ourselves as humans as well.

My grandparents moved from the pack, witch-coven, and the human world. My parents, just like me, pack a witch coven, vampire kingdom, and human world.

Lycan pups are born in our original pack - Snow Moon Lycan Pack - and stay there, and train for the next 25 years. We all shifted for the first time in our pack. We had many of our first in that pack. Losing virginity for a few of my cousins as well. I refused to entire those rooms when I knew about what my cousins did there. They always forget that I have advanced hearing. Humph.

Anyway, I lived there for the first 25 years of my life. Moved to my grandma's coven and lived there for the next 25 years and celebrated my 50th birthday there before moving to my dad's previous kingdom for another 25 years and moved to Asia, Japan, and celebrated my 100th birthday even though my friends there thought it was my 25th birthday. I wanted to keep in contact with them but they would eventually pass away and it would hurt.

The next place I lived was Crescent Moon pack. I lived as an omega, but Alpha and Luna felt bad to have me cleaning and serving others so they made me the personal maid of their pup who is Brina. Even though I was supposed to be her maid, I had absolutely nothing to do. All the chores related to Brina were done with my magic with no effort.

I used the 'changing wolf' spell on myself for the first time. I had a blonde wolf, and it was so much smaller than my original Lycan. My Lycan is as tall as an alpha wolf. My mom covered my Lycan scent and put an omega scent on me.

I was supposed to stay in a small house but Brina insisted that I stay with her. Everyone thought that I slept on the floor to always be there for Brina's needs. But in reality, I was sleeping in my own cloud bed, my mom made me for my 13th birthday. That bed is like the softest thing to sleep on. It is made of clouds after all. Not the clouds which will melt away. It is firm yet soft and has a magical boundary around it which protects me from danger when I am asleep. It had a lavender scent that could make even my non-existent worries disappear.

The bed was placed right above the window of Brina's room, it is invisible to others. Brina and I would climb up in bed and watch movies and all. Luna would urge us to sleep early but us being the rebel beings would never listen. We would switch off the lights so that she thinks we were sleeping and then I would make a small light with my magic and do whatever we wanted to.

Luna would scold us both like we were her own kids and Alpha would protect us and defend us but eventually would get scolded by Luna as well. Ah, the good times. And to ruin everything, my unnecessary ex-mate made an entrance.

I was 124, 10 months before I moved to another coven. There was a ceremony for the new alpha of the blue blood pack. I had to accompany Brina to the ceremony, normally I wouldn't go, since I didn't like going to crowded people, the main reason was that I had social anxiety but the excuse I used was, the more people the more danger for my Lycan, which was also true. We used different spells to protect ourselves but anything could happen, and we definitely couldn't take risks.

That day I went, Lyca behaved just like she did today and me being the excited Lycan about meeting our mate agreed with whatever she said that day. Lycans and vampires feel more connection to their mate and if the mate is a wolf then Lycan will feel more connection which means that my second mate is most likely a werewolf as well.

It was a ceremonial ball. A masquerade ball. I felt my mate's presence and I knew that my mate was not a normal mate and had powerful blood. At first, I expected it to be the new alpha. It wasn't him, in fact, he had already found his mate a few weeks before.

I waited for 5 minutes or so before all my forms urged me to follow his scent. I did what they wanted me to do. I followed his scent and I could hear muffled moans and groans. I ignored it and tried to not think of the worst. I wanted to knock on the door but I found myself being a nosy shit, pushing the door open, to find my mate and his fuck buddy fucking. My Lycan got all heartbroken the moment she saw it. My vampire was trying to console her saying that ' it is just sex nothing more, he will love us from now on ' how I wished what she said was true at that moment.

His fuck buddy, I forgot her name it was something with c. I barely remember his name. The only reason I remember his name is because his name is Abaddon and I would always be like 'my ex-mate Abaddon who abandoned me.'

Anyway, that girl snapped her head towards me and growled. She had delta blood and I had an omega scent which meant that she thought she had more authority than me. I hate the ranking system in werewolves but not as much as I hate the sexism in the human world. After all the higher-ranking meant more power and we were animals and the most powerful survives, jungle law, but it still won't justice the discrimination towards lower ranks.

I expected that jerk to be a little considerate and at least apologize but no, he looked equally angry as his delta girlfriend.

Words: 3764

Thanks for reading :)

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