
~ Sweet Nightmare ~

What if a scary nightmare turns into the sweetest reality?

Myeongsun95 · perkotaan
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10 Chs

I Don't Believe You

The audience's rows were completely full of people and the hosts got themselves ready as the second day of the Golden Disk Award had started. Chaeyoung walked out of Twice's waiting room and headed to the next door room to meet someone. She slightly knocked on the door then was immediately allowed in.

"Roses" Chaeyoung called "are you ready!"

"Yes" Rosé smiled "it's about time we get on that stage"

"Yep" Chaeyoung nodded "Jennie Unnie .. I'm sorry for what happened to you" Chaeyoung chuckled.

"What are you laughing at!" Jennie complained making her members and Chaeyoung burst into laughter "I had to brag about going through a tough surgery"

"I wish you a speedy recovery unnie" Chaeyoung teased "Chaeyoung-ah I need you outside for a second" Chaeyoung whispered to Rosé.

"What's wrong?" Rosé asked as she followed Chaeyoung outside.

"Chaeyoung is finally getting the spotlight" Chaeyoung talked excitedly.

"Me or you?" Rosé asked.

"Me" Chaeyoung pointed herself "I got informed today that I'll be having a collab stage on Gaon Music Awards"

"Oh wow!" Rosé felt happy for Chaeyoung "with who?"

"I don't know yet but I'll let you know as soon as I know" Chaeyoung smiled.

"Sorry to interrupt but it's me" Suga suddenly appeared from behind the girls.

"Eh?" Rosé sighed deeply "Sunbaenim, you scared us"

"I'm sorry but you were too loud girls" Suga teased.

"So it's you?" Chaeyoung lowered her head a bit.

"Yeah, why?" He looked carefully at Chaeyoung "gotta problem with that?"

"I never said that" Chaeyoung got confused "I just never saw that coming"

"Why?" Suga faced Chaeyoung "is it too good or too bad?"

"Sunbaenim, we don't give our opinions about offers, do we?" Chaeyoung stared at him "we just perform sunbae"

"But I don't" Suga stared back at her "I don't 'just' perform .... If there's something that I don't like, I simply don't do it"

"Then don't" Chaeyoung got angry "don't do it. That would be better after this 'cool' conversation. I myself don't think I can work with you anymore"

"But I never said I don't like this one" Suga teased "I was just addressing your desperate attitude about any job you get"

"Did you just call me desperate?" Chaeyoung felt even more angry.

"Uh-huh" Suga nodded "this is how it looked like"

"I'm sorry to say this but you're a bad influence sunbae ... No ... Min Yoongi-sshi" Chaeyoung gave him a death glare then left to her waiting room.

"That was mean sunbaenim" Rosé said as she watched Chaeyoung leaving "what you said can be hurtful"

"Is it my problem that I'm too honest?" Suga looked at Rosé " and talking about being honest, tell Jennie I'm wishing her a speedy recovery" Suga walked away to leave then turned back to Rosé "a fake one that is"

"What do you mean a fake one?" Rosé got confused.

"I mean wishing that to someone who never got injured is fake, isn't it?" Suga smirked.

"Are you saying we're lying?" Rosé felt irritated.

"Nope ... I'm just saying you're not telling the truth" he shrugged.

"I already told you once. Why would I hide anything?" Rosé yelled.

"I don't know, you tell me" Yoongi said "I understand if it's someone who wants their identity hidden but telling me that it's Jennie, it's far from real ... I mean come on, she just got out of surgery last night, how is she able to perform"

"I don't need to answer this" Rosé flinched then left.

"Of course you can't answer this" Suga whispered to himself "you can't answer when you're telling lies"

"Waiting for something?" A voice behind Suga spoke.

"Nope, just passing by" Suga turned to leave.

"You're looking in the wrong place" she said "a person who just got out of surgery cannot be found in a place full of performers .... It doesn't make any sense"

"Jeongyeon-sshi, if you're going to help with something then do it otherwise I don't need more confusion" Suga flinched.

"So Chaeyoung was right after all" Jeongyeon crossed her arms "you really are a bad influence for a sunbae"

"I don't know what your friend told you about me but she was so wrong" Suga talked seriously.

"Wrong or right, you can't call a girl desperate" Jeongyeon said "she's having a hard time finding herself but you made her feel even worse"

"Look---" Suga said before being interrupted by Jeongyeon.

"Listen to me, there's only one way out of this" Jeongyeon warned "you have to apologise sunb---- Suga-sshi" Jeongyeon said then left.

Suga stood speechlessly as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He keeps getting in trouble everytime he makes a move. Not only did he call Rosé a liar but he also became looked down at by Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon too. Yoongi scratched his head and headed back to the sitting area where his members were.