
Zombies? Why?!

Asato Sonoda, a young, imaginative high school student who always lives in his own world, woke one mundane morning, only to see that it wasn’t a mundane morning at all. It was an outbreak out there, caused by a mentally unstable scientist who was rejected by his fiancée. Now juggling between two worlds, Asato made exploring and surviving his priority, alongside his hobbies. Along the way, he meets Gen Shimazaki, who was the one who accidentally created the zombie virus out of desperate to kill himself, and after Gen killed him, Gen saved him and both of them are now friends thanks to Asato’s belief and sympathy. Together, they threaded across Kawasaki and beyond with Asato’s girlfriend, Kiyona Kumagaya, whose cousin was killed in that zombie outbreak, and Reina Aoki, a half-Japanese, half-Spanish college student, helping out while Gen was figuring out a cure for the virus. At the same time, Gen hides his accidental murder of his fiancée from them. But, how long he will hide that unforgivable crime before they would put the pieces of the puzzle?

Roxas0702 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 7 – A Diary is like an Autobiography

Third person POV

 Later, at 6:11 p.m., night came and the three of them are now at the table in the lab eating a simple dinner. Asato and Kiyona made some instant ramen noodles in spicy flavor since they like spicy foods often. Gen, on the other hand, likes sour and bitter foods more than sweet or salty. He fries some pork tonkatsu so he would douse them in bitter sauce. Asato also made some steamed rice as well. The electricity at the building is provided by a series of backup generators in the first floor. Now, at that table, Gen saw the labels of Asato and Kiyona's cup noodles. "You two like spicy noodles?" 

Asato and Kiyona then looked at him. 

 "Yes, we do." 

 "It's our favorite flavor for noodles and meat dishes, among other things." 

 "I see." 

After that, Asato asked Gen if he made any cure for the virus. 

 "Not yet," Gen responded. "It's too hard, and I don't remember what did I mix in that serum of zombie virus." 

 "It's okay," Kiyona replied back while slurping the noodles in her mouth. "We'll wait. Just do your best, okay?" 

 "Yeah, we'll just adapt and survive," Asato added happily. 

Seeing how patient they are, Gen eventually nodded. "Okay, I'll do my best." 

 Later, after dinner, Asato was now writing his day's events in his personal journal under the dim lightbulb. Wherever he goes, he always brings his diary with him, and that was his habit since middle school. Gen was back at the drawing board making a lot of calculations with different concoctions and formulas and mixing them with caution. Kiyona is tired, but still wants to do some studying in the field of nursing. 

 "Wow, a diary is like an autobiography..." Asato thought while writing. 

He believes that because a diary and an autobiography are very, very similar. 

 Then, at 10 o'clock in the evening, the three of them are now resting up in separate rooms within the same floor, and their doors are locked just in case. But still, Asato thinks about his own world, which was better than reality, and in that world, he is a ruler over a kingdom and was known as Taqua. In terms of personality, Taqua is a strong person who loves to reform things and fight. As a result of this, Asato began to daydream all the way to midnight, where he was now finally asleep.