
Zombies? Why?!

Asato Sonoda, a young, imaginative high school student who always lives in his own world, woke one mundane morning, only to see that it wasn’t a mundane morning at all. It was an outbreak out there, caused by a mentally unstable scientist who was rejected by his fiancée. Now juggling between two worlds, Asato made exploring and surviving his priority, alongside his hobbies. Along the way, he meets Gen Shimazaki, who was the one who accidentally created the zombie virus out of desperate to kill himself, and after Gen killed him, Gen saved him and both of them are now friends thanks to Asato’s belief and sympathy. Together, they threaded across Kawasaki and beyond with Asato’s girlfriend, Kiyona Kumagaya, whose cousin was killed in that zombie outbreak, and Reina Aoki, a half-Japanese, half-Spanish college student, helping out while Gen was figuring out a cure for the virus. At the same time, Gen hides his accidental murder of his fiancée from them. But, how long he will hide that unforgivable crime before they would put the pieces of the puzzle?

Roxas0702 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 1 – Outbreak!

???'s POV

  I woke up one morning, only to see that the room was hot. It was dark in my room, with the only light being the sun through my window. I, Asato Sonoda, had woken up from my sleep sweating like crazy. I then looked around, and then at the aircon, only to see that it was off. Curious, I get up and tried to turn on the lights, but there is no light, as if the electricity was cut off. 

  "Weird..." I said to myself before beginning to think. 

Then, suddenly, I heard some sirens coming from outside. 

Immediately, I ran to my apartment room window and opened the curtains, only to see destruction in the city of Kawasaki, my current home. 

  "What in the world?" I thought in shock. 

Because of this, I immediately went to my nightstand to grab my phone so I could contact my girlfriend, Kiyona Kumagaya, who was living in a nearby city. 

But, once I dialed her phone number, what I can hear was, "The number you're dialing is currently unavailable. Leave a voice message." 

Then the call was hung up.

Desperate and worried about what might happen to her, I immediately dressed up, pack up my backpack with whatever I have, and left the apartment and to the outside world. 

  My name is Asato Sonoda, a 17-year-old teenager in 2nd year in high school, and I currently lived in Kawasaki. My parents lived in the Tohoku region, but I moved to Tokyo upon entering high school. I even got a part-time job at a convenience store to cover my living expenses. My dream is to be a detective. My hobbies are watching data videos, reading, writing, and cooking. I have yellow hair and black eyes. I can be emotional, but very sympathetic to anyone because I believed that they are also victims, not just ones who were at fault.

  Back to this, I went through the chaotic streets filled with small fires and destroyed vehicles and some barricades. My main purpose is to go to Kanagawa to search for Kiyona. I was shocked to see all this, as if I was in an apocalypse movie. I can't believe all of these are real. I then stopped walking and felt in emotion because I felt that the 'normal' is gone. 

  "I want to live a normal life," I said to myself in despair. 

I then began to shed a few tears of emotion, before wiping them out with the sleeve of my hoodie and continue on walking. 

  Along the way, I would hide whenever I heard zombies roaming the area, and try to sneak through and get out. I didn't have anything to fend off the zombies or to defend myself, so I just did my best to hide and sneak out.

  Then, at 7:22 a.m., I arrived at my workplace of my part-time job, only to see that it was abandoned, with broken windows and a dimmed interior. I then entered and tried to turn on the lights, but to no avail. Aborting that, I decided to roam around and get some available food and drinks so I could survive in this situation. I didn't mind at all because my manager and coworkers didn't contact me this morning or last night. My last shift was at 10:22 p.m. last night.