3 Every human has a Shadow

Every human has a shadow.

Adam just happened to be hers.

Mary Anne had a dream; she dreamt she had married Adam.

This happened to be the first nightmare she had in a long time.

She had woken up startled an hour after midnight just as the old grandfather clock made itself known. It was not uncommon for her to be up so late an hour but she would usually be reading underneath five blankets with a torchlight. You see her house was extremely cold, so cold that it felt as though there was a micro climate similar to winter year round.

After being woken Marry Anne sat in bed for a good hour trying to understand what such a dream meant. It was during this time that she heard footsteps approaching from the backyard. It must be understood that Marry Ann lived alone, that being said she had never encountered such a situation before.

So Marry Ann being a member of the Wilde family took up a vegetable knife and snuck out the front door. Slowly she made her way to the backyard where she heard an awful scream that reminded her of someone being murdered.

With deep breaths she steadied her shaking hands as she attempted to play the hero only to confront Adam. Adam much to his dismay had left a rather cowardly impression upon the love of his life. His arms wrapped around his head as his body curled up with tears streaming down his eyes.

Mary knew that Adam had been stalking her, it wasn't that hard to notice when he tried to hide his lanky body behind a street lamp. However it must be known that she never thought he would have come to her house for her house was the type most stayed away from. It was after all on the edge of a graveyard but what startled her the most was that Adam was covered in blood.

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