
Zenar 24

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(Guess what's back!? Rewrite time, baby!) Ava Kalesidia is a girl struggling with boredom and a seemingly never-changing life. That changes when she meets Karma Mye Destin, or Mye. Karma Mye Destin struggles with finding friends and hanging out with them with her social status as the daughter of the Duke. That changes when she meets Ava Kalesidia. So, what's the problem? Well, Ava is a Zenar, a terrifying creature that originates from a virus from another dimension. To make matters worse, Zenars, and the Zenar Virus, destroyed every galaxy, destroying the ruling races and bringing the population everywhere to below forty percent. Everyone lives in fear of them knowing that, if they happen upon a Zenar, their lives are most likely over. There is reason for this. Zenars are incredible strong, fast, and are extremely hard to kill. They also feel no sympathy or remorse, acting like a hive mind, and are enigmas, sometimes failing to destroy a metal wall while other times they fly through an entire ship, destroying it. Ava, like all Zenars, seem to have that same strength and viciousness. Only, unlike other Zenars, Ava is perfectly able to talk and think for herself, having what looks like no connection to any of the Queen Zenars out there. For this reason, Ava is kept in strongest stronghold of humanity, Fort Ziler. Unfortunately, no matter how different Ava is, she is still a Zenar, and still kills without reason, seeing nothing wrong with killing and eating humans, which she used to be. Yet, because of how different she is, she grows a strong attachment to the first strange girl she meets, named Mye. Yet, can such a relationship ever last? Ava, no matter how innocent she is, will never see killing as wrong, as her total lack of common sense makes her dumber than other Zenars and, to that extent, more dangerous. Mye's father, the Duke, wants her to have nothing to do with his daughter, and Ava has many more oddities besides her behavior. Why does she look like the President's deceased daughter? Why is it that she doesn't feel the hive mind like the other Zenars do? Why is it that she can speak? These mysteries need answers, and sometimes the answers are much more dangerous than remaining oblivious, especially when it means that not only will the remaining species take up arms, but the Zenars themselves, who are nowhere near as dumb as one may think. This is a messed-up love story about a monster trying to learn how to love. Hope ya enjoy!

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Chapter 1First Meeting

I woke up with a rather painful headache. I let out a small whimpering groan as I opened my eyes, casting a soft red glow on the metal floor beneath me. I tried to recall what happened last but nothing came. All my memories were grey and faded. In fact, the only one I can recall per fectly is my name.

I tried to move and realized that I was in cuffs. I was in some kind of complex-looking metal restraintment chair...though what it is restraining is beyond me since this chair can barely even hope to contain me. I broke out of the cuffs and accidentally destroyed most of the entire chair in the process.

Huh. Well, that sucks for the chair. Though what did it expect? Honestly, what a dummy chair.

I looked around the room I was in. It was...really and painfully empty. The chair was the only thing in here of any notice. Well, that and a few bones. Strange. I smell that they were my meal before but I don't remember eating. In fact, it was hard to tell if I have ever eaten before. Well I mean I must have or else how would I be alive? Actually, how old am I?

I tried to remember but once again nothing came up. This time, however, I got a rather bad headache for my efforts. I let out a growl at that.

I noticed something odd about the wall in front of me. It was see-through. I could see shapes on the other side and a bright blue light. I instantly decided to call it Light. The Light was burning my eyes and rather annoying so I gave it a warning growl. The Light, in response, did nothing!


Naturally, I respond by getting into a pouncing position. When I did so an amazing smell hit me. I licked my lips. The smell wasn't that of food but more of something tasty. It was hard to explain. It was like the smell was calling to me and making me excited.

I was just about to pounce when a crackling sound filled the room than some voice. I paused, looking around and realizing the voice came from the four corners of the room I was in on the ceiling. I sniffed the air and studied the spots but no prey was there. So who was making the sounds?

Oh! It must be the Light. That makes much more sense. What is it saying though?

The sounds stopped and after waiting for a minute I got ready to pounce again. Once again the voices came back. This time, however, they sounded a little more familiar to me. I repeated the same process until I could finally make out what the Light was saying.

"I think she is trying to understand us."

I pump my fist in the air. I don't know why I did that or where I learned to do that but I did it anyway. I smiled at the Light before frowning when I realized the smell from before had mostly died down.

"Zenar 24, can you understand us now?"

I looked around the small room I was in before pointing at myself with my tail. Did the Light mean me? My name wasn't Zenar 24. Though it does sound catchy.

"Yes, you."

I nodded. I'll let them call me that name for now. Maybe when it starts getting annoying will I tell them my real name.

"So far this Zenar has proven to be quite different from the others. But let's see if it has humanity."

What is humanity? And the Light forgot my 24!

"Zenar 24. Are you hungry?"

I perked up at the word hungry and nodded. Were they going to feed me? I hope so. I was planning on eating one of the shapes in the Light if I didn't get food soon, no matter what the Light says. Luckily for them, they seem to get how to treat a predator right.

I waited until I heard the sound of someone. It sounded like the same species of the Light since they spoke the same language. Well, they don't have that muffled voice so they can't be the same. Regardless I better hide.

Oh. Well, that is a problem. There is nowhere to hide in here besides that broken chair. Well, no matter. I do have another trick up my sleeves...Where did that saying come from? What does that even mean?

I jumped up on the ceiling and waited. Finally, a grey shape entered through...Wait. Did that shape come through the wall!? Or did the wall open up for a moment to let the shape in before becoming a wall again? You know what, I'm just gonna call that wall the food wall. I smelled a metal shape but since it is metal and electronics it isn't food. This shape on the other hand…

I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. The prey looked up but I was already gone...gone right behind it still on the ceiling. I was quick, little shapeless prey. I don't remember hunting before but I know what to do in this situation. Maybe I hunted before in the past? I don't know. All I know is that I'm about to get some food.

"Hey! I hear a girl in here. What the hell is going on Doctor? Do you want me to fix that restrainment chair? Well, I don't have any tools with me and I don't want to with that creepy ass girl's voice in here!"

Did the prey just insult me? It did, didn't it?

I snaked my tail over the prey's neck and spun it around to face me, dangling it in the air. It started making weird noises and that tasty scent from before came back even stronger.

"I'll have you know, prey, that while I don't know what you really said but insulting my voice is a bad thing to do. I mean, the sounds you are making right now are bad. See, it's not fun to have your voice be insulted, isn't it? No, it is not. And are ya dumb too? I mean, I'm the predator and you're the prey and yet you insulted me. What kind of prey would insult the predator hunting them? That is just dumb! You're begging to be eaten then. Gosh, are ya dumb? Hmmm? Wait, when did you die? Ya didn't even let me kill ya! You Insult Me Then Die By Yourself!?!? Oh, you are lucky you aren't alive, or else I would have...Done Something Bad To Ya!"


From what I knew about this project was that I was in charge of watching over this new Zenar. That was it. Now I knew why.

Zenars. They are creatures that come from the Zenar Virus that appeared eighty years ago when the U.A.R.T opened a portal to a new dimension or alternate universe. The virus killed mainly kids and turned them into Zenars. Four short years later, all the dominant powers in our world were brought to ruins by the Zenars. Zenars aren't really smart, more like an animal than anything, and while they can have strikes of intelligence that was it. But this Zenar, this strange-looking Zenar right here just proved that wrong.

Zenars can't talk. The few that do speak telepathically and may very well not even be Zenars. Yet this Zenar talked. Sure her grammar is bad and childish but she most definitely spoke. She felt insulted by DP-0137's words. Even when she woke up for the first time the Zenar probably couldn't understand what I was saying. Yet she threatened to attack the glass twice more until she learned what I was saying. If that doesn't prove that she is intelligent then I don't know what does. Now, how intelligent is the question?

I let out a sigh. Even if this Zenar was intelligent there was one thing she lacks that she and all other Zenars lack. Humanity. Despite being a former human, this Zenar has no problems ripping apart and eating fellow humans and I don't want to send in a kid to find out if she'll do the same for them. Though I find that hypocritical of me. Here I am feeding a Zenar a human, even if they were a death row prisoner, and finding it funny that the Zenar killed him by crushing his neck without even meaning to.


I was sleeping when I heard a familiar sound. The food wall opening and closing. I stayed still, sniffing the air for that amazing scent that happened whenever food saw me. This time, however, none came. Instead, a rather sweet smell hit my nose.

Too curious to wait any longer I got up into a sitting position, my tail unwrapping around my spiked arms and sliding across the floor as I turned to look at the food that entered.

The food let out a small gasp but that tasty scent never came. But that wasn't the most surprising thing. I could see this shape much more clearly than the others. I stared at her, yes a female, for a long time. Normally I wouldn't be able to tell genders apart from shapes since they lack any detail to them other than how some had more hair or hair on their face or some other body detail that set them apart. But this one I could make out every curve, her hair, and even the dress she was wearing...which was vastly different from what the others wore.

Finally, the food took a couple of steps towards me. I let out a giggle at that. It was like the prey was curious of me. I was curious about her. I guess we both have that in common.

"So, how come you're different from the other food?"

The prey stiffened and seemed taken back by my question. Why is that?

"I'll have you know that my name isn't food."

My tail dropped to the ground causing it to shake slightly. The food's name isn't food!? Impossible!?!?!

"T-th-then what is your name?"

"My name is Karma Mye Dastin."

"Huh. That sounds like a nice name."

"What's your name?"

About time someone asked me that. I was beginning to think that the Light thought my name was actually Zenar 24.

"My name is Ava Kalesidia. The Light calls me Zenar 24 though."

The fo-...no, Karma Mye Dastin sat down in front of me. She was only a few feet away. I was starting to become very confused. Everyone so far other than the Light has run away from me. Yet this prey isn't letting out that smell and is just sitting down right next to me. Is she prey? I don't think prey is supposed to be like this when next to a predator.

"So, what are ya doing here?"

"I honestly don't know. Guess I'm just here."

"What does honestly mean?"

"You don't know. Well honestly means that you're speaking the truth."

"Oh. Okay then. Well then, are ya food since ya came out of the food wall?"

"What food wall? I came out of a door?"

I pointed at the wall with my tail.

"Pretty sure that is a wall. Besides, what is a door?"

"What if I told you that what you call the food wall is actually called a door, but not only is that called a door but that not everything that comes out of the door is food or prey?"




"Um, hello? You look like you just had an epiphany right now. Ava? Hello?"

"I think my mind just expanded."

Karma Mye Dastin let out a giggle at that. I found the sound cute and pleasing.

"Say, your name is kinda long. Should I just call ya Karma instead or something?"

"Oh. Just call me Mye. That is what most people call me."

I closed my eyes and smiled at Mye. I felt like this prey was someone who I wouldn't forget.


I let out a growl at how loud the new voice the Light has was. Mye looked annoyed at this voice. How I could tell that was something beyond me. I just knew.

Wait. Is the Light trying to take this prey away from me? I spared its life and the shapes that live in the Light but now it thinks it can steal from me!? Not on my watch!

In a flash, I pin Mye down, careful that I didn't hurt her in the process. I heard multiple voices coming from the Light but paid them no mind. I only stared at Mye. Even now that scent did not come from her.

"Ya didn't answer my question from before ya know. Are you food?"

"I don't know. That is up to you, Ava. Am I food?"

I studied Mye from head to toe, deciding if it was worth eating her or not. She was food but at the same time, she was different from the other shapes. Besides, if I kill her I won't have her around anymore and that would be boring. It would be much more interesting to keep her here.

"Nope. I think it wo-"

Before I could finish, Mye suddenly had color to her. I jumped off her in surprise and backed away against the opposite wall, my tail poised to strike. Mye suddenly look like me. I could tell every detail. The red of her eyes, the black and red dress she wore, and her black hair. Her skin was tan like mine but a little whiter.

"Y-y-you suddenly have color?"

Mye got up and cocked her head, confused.

"What were you going to say?"

I shook my head before circling Mye, sniffing her here and there which made her cheeks turn a little pink and red color. After deciding that her new changes weren't a threat to me and only made her more interesting I stood up on my two legs in front of her. She was smaller than me so I had to look down on her.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought it would be more interesting to keep ya around. You seem fun."

I rubbed her cheek with my finger, seeing if the ink and red color would change. To my surprise, it only grew deeper. Interesting. I can tell that this is going to be fun.


I don't know what I was really thinking at the time. I just saw a door marked Zenar 24 and knew that a Zenar was on the other side of it. I also knew that this was the door that it was fed through.

I had been on the observation side of this Zenar's room a couple of times but since it was night and no one was around other than the guards the Zenar was sleeping, curled up. Right away I knew it was odd. From what I was told, Zenars have segmented tails with black spikes on the top and a sharp black-bladed end. Yet this one was wide and there were three black spikes running in a pattern. No segments. But that was all I got from looking at her. Other than the note saying this Zenar was different and female, everything about her was highly classified, so much so that even my father probably wouldn't be able to access information about her.

Yet despite the fact that it was nighttime when I entered her room again I knew I was going to die. Zenars are feared for a reason. Even if she was asleep, the moment I enter her room she'll wake up and gut me faster than I could blink. So it was a surprise that when I entered her room she was still sleeping. That was until I noticed that she was actually awake. The next moment she sat up. Zenars are more comfortable on all fours so she was sitting as a dog would. Right away I noticed she was different from other Zenars. She had four horns, two on the top of her head pointed backward and two right above her ears also pointing backward. Black spines ran down her back. Her arms were coated in black spikes but unlike other Zenars, her arm spikes were massive and were bunched up close together.

But the most noticeable difference was her eyes. Zenars have black eyes with glowing red pupils that when looked at would scare even the toughest man and fearless beast. Yet surrounding her black eyes were softly glowing red veins. Her red pupils were surrounded by three red rings as well.

Her other features were her short blond hair which curved at the top and a dark pink tank top and short jeans. She wore no shoes since her feet were scaly and black, clawed and changed due to the Zenar Virus. On her left arm tattooed in red were the words 'Zenar 24'.

While I was studying the differences that she had compared to other Zenars, she spoke. It wasn't a growling voice or whatnot but an actual childish voice of someone not much younger than me.

"So, how come you're different from the other food?"

That surprised me. Zenars make terrifying sounds from what I heard yet this one spoke like a completely normal girl. Not even her sharp fangs hindered her speech. Though since I felt no fear at the time I decided to answer her back cheekily.

Maybe it was due to the fact that I kinda thought that this was a dream I wasn't afraid and started talking to her. The more I did the more I realized that she was vastly different from anyone I knew.

I had good judgment and could see people's intentions or how they really felt ever since I was little. Since I was the daughter of Duke Destin, I was an outcast and seen as some uptight rich daughter. I was homeschooled and when I asked for friends my father sent me to parties to see other rich people's kids. I could tell that they were afraid of me because of my father and our conversations were always awkward. Grown-ups tried to use me and kids were fearful of me. So I grew up with my only friend being my personal maid.

Ava, on the other hand, showed no fear or anything else. The only thing I got from her was friendly and curious. I knew that it was due to her being a Zenar and having no concept of social standings and money but it was better than what I had so far. And to be perfectly honest, her personality was cute. I was kinda surprised that she didn't know what a door was though.

There was another thing too. When she stood up and put her finger on my right cheek she seemed like an attractive older sister. I actually blushed. Then of course my father came in to ruin it.

Before I could say anything though, Ava pinned me down and asked if I was food. After I told her that it was up to her she suddenly jumped off me like she was afraid. Of course, she wasn't though. Now we are here.


I was about to speak up when Ava let out a snarl and dove towards the observation window. She punched through it and grabbed a researcher by the throat and looked him dead in the eyes before turning to stare at a slightly dimmed blue light.

"Light, let me tell ya something. I am sparing ya because ya give me food. But you seem to have forgotten something important. You are food. Now you are trying to take something away that is mine. This is your last warning and a demonstration of what I will do to ya and everyone shape in here."

Ava let go of the scientist's neck and grabbed his head and crushed it with no effort and faster than I could blink. Blood splattered everywhere. Everyone was silent. Ava then jumped back into her room and started licking the blood off her hand.

I don't like my father. He was controlling and he rarely visited me. But I didn't want him to die. If Ava had grabbed him and crushed his head in...what would I have done.

Whatever little dream I was in faded away in an instant. I need to remember that Ava was a Zenar, and all Zenars lack humanity. The scattered bones around the room are all the evidence you need to tell that Ava kills and eats humans. The worst part is that Ava didn't even look at the guy she killed. Just glanced at him then stared at the light. She clearly showed no regard to his life at all.

Ava turned towards me and walked over to me on all fours, making it look like the most natural thing in the world.

"Are ya okay? I don't like the smell coming off of you."

But killer or not, I guess I got myself into this mess.

I reached down and petted Ava. She started purring like a cat and rubbed her head against my leg, her tail making circles around us protectively.

"Yeah, I'm okay."


I woke up with a warm and cozy sensation around me. I groggily sat up and noticed that a large black tail was covering my neck. I gently took it off me and looked to see who it belonged to, trying hard not to panic. When I saw a Zenar with yellow hair laying beside me I remembered what happened yesterday.

I wondered how long I was asleep. I looked around and froze when I saw a blood puddle on the wall and a few bloodied bones lying beneath them. Long claw marks were on the wall. I looked down at Ava and saw her claws were indeed bloodied. It didn't take much to connect the dots.

She sure was quiet. She killed someone and ate them without waking me.

What I just thought hit me. She killed someone. She killed someone and ate them with me in the room.

Well of course she did. She's a Zenar after all. Zenars have no regard for life or manners.

No. That can't be true. If that was true she would have killed me. Besides, I have no right to complain about the life choices others make. A Zenar is a Zenar. Why should she be made to be any different?

I got up and realized that Ava wasn't waking up. Realizing that I have to check in with my personal maid since I promised her I would see her family today I took out a sticky note and a pen and wrote down my plan so Ava wouldn't freak out. After thinking for a little bit I wrote on the back a cute nickname I thought for her.

The food door mysteriously opened. Well not mysteriously. Someone was watching. I don't remember much after Ava broke the glass so I don't know what my father did afterward but I have a feeling I won't hear the end of this when I get home.

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