15 Chapter 15. Siege on Griamore

Theo gave Hiro some magic items to heal injuries. Theo then drew a symbol on the ground to teleport Angelica and Hiro to Griamore. Theo grabs some dirt and puts energy into it creating a crystal and a gauntlet. He writes symbols on the gauntlet and hands it to Hiro.

"When you're done with your mission put energy into this gauntlet. It'll create a portal to teleport yourself and anyone around you to my location. That could mean allies as well as enemies so be cautious of when you do it."

"Well this is more help than you gave me last time so thank you."

Theo laughs.

"My boy I didn't think you'd survive last time. If you couldn't fight those giants and win on your own there would have been no purpose going any further. But you've grown just a little from battle. If you manage to come out this time alive that means I wouldn't have wasted my time training you and sharpening your blade. So don't misunderstand my intentions boy. I just don't want a weapon consumed by vengeance to the point it can't get any stronger. I think of your battles as adding heat and pressure until you become something greater than I originally forged."

"Is that your long-winded way of saying you care about me?"

Theo punches Hiro on the top of his head then smiles.

"Don't go getting yourself killed those elves will be far stronger than the Yakioni in terms of magic. You must steel yourself to your convictions or else you will die. Don't go half-assing it."

"I don't intend on it ."

"And you girl I hope for your sake you don't have to learn what made Hiro the way he is by going through his pain."

Hiro and Angelica step onto the symbol and are teleported to Griamore. They appear in the forest outside of Giramore and blend into the crowd full of demihumans from all over Alctora there for the executions of the criminals. They sneak inside an see a few carriages caring the criminals into the center of town.

"Hiro, did you see my father in any of the carriages?"

"How am I supposed to know what he looks like I've never seen him."

"Oh right, well, in any case, let's get closer so that I can try to find him."

"No, not yet. We know they'll bring out the criminals when they're about to be executed. That's the time they'll least expect an attack."

"I think that's the time they'll most be expecting an attack, Hiro. The criminals brought here may have supporters who want to break them out before they're executed because this would be there last chance. I'm sure they'd know this and execute the criminals quicker as a way to discourage any attempt for rescue. If you attack after my father is out they'll just kill him faster."

"Why should I care?"

"Because if you save him you can ask him yourself if we're family. If he is that'd make him your uncle and worth saving."

"Fine then what do you suggest?"

" Let's find the location of my father first you cause a distraction and I can break him out while you get your revenge."

"They'd have spells against magic don't you think? How about this I'll just blow a few of them up no big deal."

Hiro creates a fire in his hand to demonstrate his point.

"No, you could accidentally kill my father that way."

"I'll hold back a little. Do you have a plan to undo any seals or spells that might prevent you from rescuing him?"

"I have this!"

She pulls out an enchanted item in the shape of a skull with a gem inside it.

"This is called a Skeleton Key. It undoes any binding or spells on sealing or barrier magic. With this ill be able to safely save my father. I got it in Dwarvenguard when I left to let you and Theo talk."

"I'll only agree to not start until only if you find your father first."

"Thank you."

Angelica sneaks around the carriages looking for her father. Hiro gets antsy but stays hidden. Hiro takes a look around Griamore seeing the elven castle and all the demihumans entering Griamore. He waited for some type of signal from Angelica. He kept looking back waiting for Angelica and walk and accidentally runs into an elf.

"Hey watch where you're..... A human? What's a little worm like you doing here? I suppose I can do a little killing before the festivities begin. I'm sure no one would care if I killed one little human."

"I'm sorry mighty powerful elf sir it was my mistake for bumping my clumsy weak frail human body into you. Some insignificant whelps don't deserve to breathe the same air as powerful creatures. Those that would take up space with their worthless existence are worse than scum. No one should die here other than those responsible for horrific acts. Can you hold off on my killing until I see those who truly deserve to be punished get what they deserve? I won't flee I promise. It's not like an elf as great as you couldn't catch me."

"Very well worm. Enjoy the executions while you can I'll see to your death afterward."

The elf walks away and Hiro feels like he's going to vomit after trying to appease the elf for Angelica's sake. Hiro felt rage welling up inside him.

"Just a little longer hold it in. I'll kill him. I'll kill them all."

Angelica keeps looking for her father but can't seem to find him. Carriage after carriage full of criminals but none being her father. She begins to lose hope that she'll ever find him.

"Please no don't tell me.....they already..."

Just then Prince Sasuna walks out on the execution stage.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. I welcome all demihumans from across Alctora to Griamore. We hold these executions here because we elves alone have enough power to contain an execute the criminals of each kingdom. We have the vilest criminals from all over Alctora here today. Bear witness to justice being carried out!"

Th elvenguard takes several different demihumans up on stage and bound by magic.

"Let's start these out with a bang shall we?"

The elven guard gets into position and uses combination magic for one spell. "Reaper's Law." It was significantly smaller than the one that wiped out Hiro's village. The elven guards put up a barrier around Prince Sasuna and the crowd. They were cheering on the execution. Upon witnessing this Angelica's stomach began to turn.

"You may have heard of this spell before but prepare to witness its true destructive power! Ready? Aim! Fire!!!!"

The spell completely obliterates all of the demihuman criminals on stage. Making the crowd erupt from excitement. Angelica is horrified by this grotesque display but tried to appear unaffected to still search for her father.

"We have an extra special execution this year. An ex-royal, deserter, and traitor to Griamore. During the battle of Faltkreath, he abandoned his post leaving his allies to die and has been hiding ever since. Normally we execute our own away from public executions but this is a special case. For utter scum like this, he deserves nothing less than to be treated as such."

The Elvenguard drag out Nasir Ta'fferel, Angelica's father, to the stage. He was beaten and bloodied.

"It seems certain elves couldn't wait until execution days to have a little fun."

Angelica sees her father and is horrified by the torment they had put her father through. He was bleeding from his head. His long ears were cut to the size of a human ear. His nails were pulled out and his long hair was cut. Angered Angelica pointed toward the sky and started using magic.

"Forest magic: A thousand roots"

Her magic went under the barrier and surround her father with thick tree roots. They were impenetrable to swords and the magic the elves tried to use to pull it open. This was Hiro's sign to act.

"Finally no holding back!"

Hiro's fire explodes from his body engulfing himself and burning the demihumans around him. He slowly walks forward burning the ground with each step. The fire grew denser and hotter and the heat could be felt 5 meters away from him. He looked like a devil and his fire was full of hatred and wrath. The fire began to grow burning the ground and catching the carriages on fire. Hiro finds the elf that threatened to kill him and punches a hole through his chest.

"Like I said earlier those who would take up space with their worthless existence are worse than scum. And all you elves to me are even below that. Ignition Fists.."

Hiro turns the elf to ashes and gets ready to take on the full force of the High Bloodied elves.

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