
Zedath Will Rule Them All

" Zeda, love, are you okay?" Xitan asked he looked at his fiancée on the ground, she had been shot because of him " don't worry you'll be fine" xitan said again but he started to worry as zeda had not replied, he put a device in her mouth and did not remove it until it rang thrice. He took it out and when he looked at the device a tear dropped from his eye, he looked at zeda, she just stared at him with a smile on her face," No...no zeda, you told me you loved me, you said you would marry me, you said you'd never leave me", xitan said as tears uncontrollably ran down his face, he tried to control it but it wouldn't stop, his eyes were red when zeda used to last bit of strength she had to place her hand on his, her face which was more radiant than the sun and as delicate as the moon was as pale as paper, her full beautiful lips were chapped and unattractive " I love you" she managed to whisper to xitan which only made him cry more, she started to fade and xitan could feel her life slipping away " I love you too" he replied, he continued saying " In...your next life, don't...don't love anyone else" he said as he looked at her" I must be your only love", zeda smiled and weakly nodded before she passed." Zeda!?, Zeda!?" xitan called as he felt her life force disappear, Nooooooooo!!!!!!!, xitan screamed .

Nifesimi_Esther_3092 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Zedath slowly opened her eyes but quickly closed them as she was welcomed with a blinding light. A second later she slowly opened them again as she adjusted to the light, she looked around, it seems like she was in a hospital, she then thought xitan had saved her and was thrilled but she felt different, really different. "Ah!" she heard someone scream, she saw a young girl and thought she was a nurse but then she saw what the woman wore, it looked like a uniform but she had never seen a nurse wear that kind of uniform before, it looked like the fabric was made from polyester but that kind of cloth had been outdated for centuries. Come to think of it, she looked around again but this time saw that all the machines in this hospital were those used in the 21st Century, Zedath was starting to wonder what kind of hospital xitan had brought her to, it was so old and outdated, even though the machines looked new she felt they were really old. She was interrupted from her thoughts as the door flung open, a doctor ran inside with two nurses, and they examined zedath's body as they had heard that the VIP patient who came in with a very rare and untreatable disease and had passed away exactly two minutes ago was alive, the doctors thought the nurse was mad and were about to fire her when she started crying and swore she was telling the truth. The doctors were already scared as the girl who had passed away was the granddaughter of the Su family, the biggest influencers in the whole C city, they had cherished the little girl but they could not treat her illness and were depressed when they heard she could not be saved, so when the doctors heard the pleas of the nurse they decided to check it out but they did not think it would be true. The child whose heartbeat had stopped in front of everyone was sitting there, eyes opened, her heartbeat was normal, pulse, normal. What in the world was going on??.

All the members of the Su family that had gone to the hospital had seen Su Ling, the youngest and most favored granddaughter die, her parents were heartbroken, they knew the day would come but still couldn't bear with it, they lost their happiness the minute they lost their daughter and when they got a call from the hospital that their daughter was alive they couldn't believe it.

Zedath was a very smart girl though she still could not wrap her head around it, so....she had transmigrated, she was reborn but she couldn't bear the pain of living without xitan, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath and tried to clear her head. As she did that she felt her memories or...the owner's memories return.

She was Su Ling, she was 9 years old and the youngest granddaughter in the Su family, and unlike normal big families, hers was peaceful and loving, she was loved by her family members and was rich and was a very beautiful child, she was the most famous child model in China but she had an untreatable disease called dementia or Alzheimer's disease, she was diagnosed with the rare disease at the age of 5, her parents had taken her to local and foreign hospital but they could not treat it, the condition worsened until she finally passed away in this hospital.

Zedath thought this was so hilarious, was she actually in the 21st century? how could that be? so...xitan was a100 years away?! In the future dementia would be like malaria, it would be treatable, it's a pity so many people had to die before that solution was formed zedath thought, but her thoughts were interrupted again as the door flung open for the 2nd time.