1 Prologue

God! what it’s a god? Then, where did he come from? Something we always consider sacred, then they are sacred without us knowing their origin. How do we ultimately sanctify them? What are their services to us? The history of the worshiped figures was only recorded in the early generations, and even then, not all of them were complete. In the next generation, is the historical record really complete and in accordance with the facts that have happened? Is it possible for the disappearance and alteration of information due to war, for example? It might happen.

We often see some tribes, that are considered less following the flow of modernization, such as some tribes who live in the interior. They worshiped gods who, if seen in appearance, were very similar to the gods worshiped on other continents. Does one god appear in several places at the same time? Or are there many gods scattered all over the world?

If they teach science to the ancestors of the local tribe, it means that the gods are a nation that has intelligence. So where are they now? Still on our earth or have they returned to their original place? If so, how many times have they visited our beloved home planet earth?

Let's go back in time, back so far that is right where the gods are at odds with the other gods.

The first being, he got knowledge directly from the Creator without intermediaries. He built civilizations with this knowledge and taught various advanced technologies to complement each civilization.

From various breeds, six major races were formed and each race boasts of the superiority of their respective races, because each race has a distinctive and unique technology. Their egos emerge and then show off their technology in front of their ancestors, to hope that their group is the best. Problems arise when they start to expand their territory because each group wants to get the widest area and is reluctant to share it with other groups. War was unavoidable and of course many casualties fell.

For the sake of the safety of the universe, the Advisory Council of each race intervened and tried to find a middle way, fortunately they still hold to the ancestral principle that the technology of the six great races, should be used to prosper the universe, not destroy it.

Finally the six Advisory Councils met and made an agreement in the form of the Galactic Peace Treaty. The six races are Xibra, Zantra, Levukha, Olvarham, Xirthana, & Arthegra.

Of the six races, only the four major races got the dominion while the other two races refused, because they chose to live in the dimension they had engineered themselves. The contents of the agreement is the division of territory for the four major races where each manages one star cluster and each star cluster contains empty planets that can be used to build civilizations: Each race already has a territory and is allowed to manage as many resources as possible. maybe while in his territory; Each race is not allowed to seize the territory of another race. All races were satisfied with the contents of the agreement because it was considered fair. The covenant was kept for thousands of years. However, there is a planet that is the start of a great war.

Gadhara Zuva

Is the name of the group of 6 main races known as the "Early Gods" (more details will be explained in chapter 12). The six races are:


A race that has control over energy cells at the Klervasinna level, they are able to live in the fifth dimension. If ordinary people only live in the third dimension, namely the dimension of length, dimension of width and dimension of height. So Arthegra can live in five dimensions, two more dimensions, namely the dimension of time and the dimension of space displacement.


The name of the race that has control of bodily strength at the Klervasinna level, they often make machines that open time and space Portals and they often offer them to every planet. If the planet's inhabitants need a space and time condensing Portal, then Xirthana will sell it.


Races that have energy control at the Klervasinna level, their job is to find points that have black holes and then mark them by scattering colored gas called nebula clouds. They are also able to live in space without breathing, because they don't eat and don't drink but they can live by simply absorbing energy. They have a habit of cloning their bodies in large numbers, so that when they die, they will move to a new body, so that they can live forever.


A nation that has energy control at the Klervasinna level, they are tasked with finding arid planets and shooting organic engineered seeds until the planet becomes fertile and full of forests then after that they will clone some animals, that can become food chains, such as herbivores and carnivores as predators. This nation has the principle that the simpler they live, the lighter their responsibilities, they only have a small amount of technology but it is very effective and they have few members, but all of them work to build a beneficial environment.


A nation of light makers, who have control over bodily powers at the level of Umbragia and they live on the planet Arventhia. Their bodies can change shape into a bright white light. They absorb energy from the sun and are also able to create an independent energy source from light that conducts heat and electricity.


A nation with control of body strength at the Umbraghian level, they are the nation's guardians of the sun because their job is to monitor the sun which often explodes and their job is to balance it by firing missiles containing Gargantha substances, which are substances that can neutralize explosive spikes, so that solar explosions can be avoided, because otherwise then the explosion will cause a solar storm, that will scorch the planets that have life in the galaxy, the solar storm has a fairly strong and wide radius.

While each nation, has a level of strength. Classified based on the ability and the amount of energy it controls, it is divided into:

1–9 % = Phallegia

The strength just like ordinary human, still requires food intake to absorb nutrients and his age is only under 100 years. Not capable of levitation and teleport. Nations belonging to the Phallegians: Phenomma, Mekhalomakhi, Darazh, Larantukha, Tanalum, Thigramerra, Astrigha, Darghonia, Dragnatherva, Zemmaludra, Tramergha, Abunggalla.

10 – 19 % = Millaztra

At this level, humans are able to jump high and the power of their senses is much stronger. Their bodies are agile and able to think quickly. Nations belonging to Millaztra: Zedralloz, Golltraz, Sorvebulla, Seraphim, Zallghuria, Zirillia.

20 – 29 % = Zivantrazh

At this stage, their bodies begin to strengthen, are able to run fast and begin to live long, averaging thousands of years. Nations belonging to Zivantrazh: Belmirra, Andham, Talloma, Thoragum.

30 – 39 % = Jamuzh

At this level, they are already capable of levitation, making energy punches and creating advanced technology. Its body is capable of forming an energy shield and its lifespan is up to hundreds of thousands of years. Nations belonging to Jamuzh: Dellgomia, Fresthazia.

40 – 49 % = Olludra

At this stage, humans began to form colonies that spread out into space, then formed civilizations on other planets. On average they are able to live without food, because they get energy not from nutrition, but from energy absorption in the skin pores. Nations belonging to Olludra: Verghom, Zungga.

50 – 59 % = Arliazemmal

At this stage they have been able to make a very large spacecraft and they are used to traveling with the way of life in the plane. The nation belonging to Arliazemmal: Zelldha.

60 – 69 % = Lahewa

In this stage, many are genetically engineered and multiply colonies to be placed on empty planets. At this stage they rarely reproduce by giving birth. Nations belonging to Lahewa: Arleztrian, Arudha, Vritaldia, Lexzathor.

70 – 79 % = Thortrava

At this level they are never old and always young, millions of years old and begin to regulate the security of the galaxy by forming certain alliances. Nations belonging to Thortrava: Erlam.

80 – 89 % = Umbragia

In this stage, humans often clone themselves in large numbers, because they are able to transfer their consciousness from one body to another. Nations belonging to Umbragia: Xibra, Zantra.

90 – 99 % = Klervasinna

At this level, they are able to travel from one galaxy to another just by teleporting and without a spacecraft. The strength of his body was able to make them move places with great distances. Nations belonging to Klervasinna: Dervirazh, Levukha, Olvarham, Xirthana, Arthegra.

99% > = Anderlagha

This level is called pure energy humans, because they are able to live without a physical body. This means that they can live eternally only in the form of pure energy. They are often considered gods by the levels below them, because of their intelligence, wisdom and technological sophistication. The nation belonging to Anderlagha: Anderlagha.

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