
Face of a Demon

Before Yang could answer her, Qrow and Taiyang arrived but in different directions. They both went to them quickly as Taiyang tear-eyed hugged the girls closed while Qrow was looking at the Grimm that was knocked out, he brought his sword then swung at the head then walking back to see Zack looking around like he was still on high alert, this brought a small smile on his face.

Qrow approached Zack, went on his knees then looked at his eyes "It's okay, you did good, you protected them, you can rest now kid".

Then as in cue, Zack's eyes slowly closed and fell back on Qrow's arms.

As Taiyang, Ruby, and Yang saw Zack fall on Qrow, Yang immediately went to ask "Is he gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry, the kid's just exhausted, let's all go back," Qrow said while picking up Zack and began walking back to the house.

'what was that, how could a 5-year old kid take on a beewolf and win, I guess I'll know tomorrow when we go back to the station, but I gotta hand it to the brat, he protected the girls' Qrow thought of as they walked.

Taiyang picked up Ruby in his arm and took Yang's hand in the other as he led them back home.

By the time they made it back home, Ruby was already asleep again and Yang was in Taiyang's arms as she was exhausted as well.

What others didn't notice was that the few strands of his hair that became silver didn't return too black.

Zack's mindscape

~That's right Zack, the more you use this power, the closer I 'am to my return~

~In time, we will see if you still have the courage to fight as you did now or will my darkness consume you from the inside~

~We will have our reunion, and in that time, we will battle for your evolution or my revival, it's all up to you, Zack~




The next day,

As the sun begins to rise, it's sunlight perfectly aligns to Zack's sleeping face, due to this Zack turned the other way but was surprised as he suddenly fell on the side of the bed.

"Ugh... stupid mornings... What happened to me? And why do I feel so sore?" Zack said as he stood up while both of his arms and right leg were feeling sore.

Suddenly Zack remembered the events last night, then like a dam, memories of his and Zack's life came at him.

'I remember now,…. I picked up that 100$, I died, met a slimmer look-alike of Santa, then I woke in a forest with Qrow looking at him then kicked the ass of that big ass wolf thing last night…. Oh, now I know why I feel sore but still…'

'This is a lot to take in…. I lost my 100$...'

'If I remember correctly, I'm in a different world from my own and Zack's, weird I feel like I should know this but can't seem to remember.' Zack thought as he clenched his sore arms.

'This is freaky, It feels like I'm Zack Fair and I just got a few extra memories along with a game that was about my life at Shinra.'

'Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk, I'll just enjoy my life especially without Shinra hounding on my ass.'

After a moment of remembering everything, Zack headed for the bathroom but he suddenly stopped as he was hit by the big dilemma,... he doesn't know where the bathroom is.

'Hmm... Logic states that I should find somebody that can assist him in pointing to the right directions as to answer to my immediate distress in my imminent bowel problems that I am currently facing, but on the other hand... It's more fun to just wing it'.

"Alright, to the nearest bathroom!" Zack said enthusiastically as he went for the door.




Later that morning,

As everyone was eating breakfast, they all had various expressions on their faces while a certain spiky-haired kid was eating with a small handprint on his face and two big lumps on top of his head but his expression was that of bliss.

'Ahh finally after so many trial and error, I finally found the bathroom and took a quick shower too but I honestly didn't expect that Yang would show up abruptly and she didn't have to slap so hard, It's not I didn't do anything weird, *sighs* girls are weird' Zack thought of as he was happily chewing a set of pancakes.

As for the others, Taiyang had a vein popping on his forehead as early today as he heard Yang scream in the bathroom and went to look but then sees a naked Zack slumped in the floor with Yang running red-faced to her room, enough said, 'Zack, that little Qrow has already defiled my one my precious babies' eyes.' As Zack got up, Taiyang swiftly bore down his fist on his head then went downstairs.

As for Qrow, he grumbled as he was also annoyed at a particular brat as he was abruptly kicked out of the bathroom while he was shaving but as he was surprised by Zack, he hadn't noticed by then that he shaved half of one of his eyebrows and once he noticed it, he quickly retaliated with a fist to head and went downstairs.

As for Yang, she was still red-faced as she suddenly remembered Zack at the showers, 'Uwaaaaa!!! I can no longer get married anymore!!' as she thought off as she brought up her hands to cover her face.

The funny thing about Yang, even though she's still young, she had learned about boys very early as at one point, she was very curious about it.

As for Ruby, she just went on eating her pancakes and occasionally her little hand ends up in a cookie jar as she hadn't noticed the others.




After eating breakfast, Zack and Qrow headed back to the Vale's police station to finally know where his parents or relatives nearby as Qrow was being annoyed again by Zack as usual.

As Qrow and Zack made it to the station, they went for the reception straight ahead.

"Excuse me miss, I'm Qrow Branwen and I'm here to pick up the test results and location of this brat's parents or any relative" Qrow said as he pointed his thumb at Zack when he said brat.

"O-oh, so your Mr.Branwen, we're sorry to say this but his tests show no known match with any registered citizen in this kingdom or any kingdom for that matter, as he was most probably be from an isolated village that got taken over by Grimm as you stated that you found him at a forest infested with Grimm, I'm sorry," the female police officer said as she looked over the documents about Zack.

Qrow grew silent at this as he pitied Zack's circumstances.

Zack held a neutral expression on his face like he expected that answer already.

"But we did found something in his blood, we hadn't identified as of yet but whatever this is, it's genetically bonded with the boy as his blood and the substance was in perfect harmony, the lab said they needed a few more test but they identified that it poses no harm to the boy so it isn't a top priority at the moment," said the police officer.

That drew the attention of Qrow as he was still curious if that had anything to do with those reflexes and how he managed to take down a Beowolf Grimm without the help of his aura 'for a little brat, I 'am impressed'.

"As of now, you have two choices, go to the nearest orphanage at the far-end part of Vale or be adopted by Mr.Branwen here" the female officer smiled a bit too sweetly at them.

When both of them heard the second one, both of them froze then looked at each other, then both of their faces turned like they just ate shit.

Without missing a beat, the female officer answered for them.

"Alright, thank you for adopting him Mr.Branwen as you know, the orphanage there has been overpopulated by cases like this and these places tend to attract a lot of Grimm due to their situation so It means a lot for you to do this" the female officer suddenly decided for them still smiling sweetly at them.

"W-w-wait!" Qrow and Zack said in defiance.

"Yes, is there anything more you need help with as we in the station are pretty busy with the massive riots of some Faunus citizens, so if you two kindly make your way out that will be deeply appreciated, thank you," the female officer said as she finished filling the necessary file as she placed Qrow as Zack's legal guardian and finalized it.

What Qrow and Zack didn't know was that said female officer's name Akari Koumoto (AN: from Jitsu wa watashi wa) was having a very bad day as her boyfriend just dumped her yesterday for another man, yes that's right, her boyfriend was gay then she tripped as her heels broke she then went to a night club that night and drunk her this month's salary, then as she walked back to her place she was almost robbed but when the robber saw her face, the guy just screamed and went away like he was about to be eaten and that was just a mighty blow to her insecurity at the moment then finished her leftover paperwork all night. At the moment she's just wearing make-up to mask her horrible day and right now she was just waiting for a moment to blow up at some poor soul.

Unfortunately for both Qrow and Zack, they were about to find out what will happen when the said female officer finally unleashes her wrath.

"Hey hey, this isn't funny lady, I won't adopt this little brat just as you say so!" Qrow shouted at Akari as one her hands popped a few veins at the back of her hand and thought '1'.

"Yeah, that's right lady! Who do you think you are as you choose who gets adopted by whom! I feel so sorry for your boyfriend if this how you act" Like Qrow, Zack shouted at Akari as her other hand and on her neck popped a few more veins as well '2'

"Honestly lady, you shouldn't joke about these things carelessly, I might even complain to your senior officer about you!" Qrow continued as he crossed his arms then shook his head left and right.

The Akari's vein popped at her forehead while wearing a scary forced smile at these poor lambs in front of her as she was just waiting for the finishing blow and thought '3' as she was shaking a bit in anger.

The co-workers of the female officer seeing her like this begin to pale as they have seen her famous boiling anger and some even stepped a few steps back but as the said officer was going to put a stop to it she and others on the floor froze as they heard something.

"Yeah, that's right lady, you have a terrible sense of humor as well as your terrible make-up, you should ease up on that as that make you look an old hag if keep wearing that much layer over your face, the old man is right, we might as well complain this to your boss alright," Zack said these things without much thought and nodded sagely with Qrow doing the same as he agreed with Zack except for that old man comment.



After a few moments of silence, everyone at the police station including the commanding officer, quickly escaped from the station, some officers took and placed a bulletproof vest on themselves as they ran, and others just panicked and ran as fast as they could. Those that are near a window just literally jumped from the window.

The weird thing about all of this was that every one of them said officers that were running, no one said anything, they just got up and ran without a word.

Qrow and Zack took notice of this as they were surprised and confused as to why they suddenly ran like that and in no time the place was silent as a grave, but then Akari with her head lowered and her hair covering her eyes as she calmly walked to the door.

Qrow and Zack were confused by this, curious as to where they were all going they followed her without a word.

When Akari was at the entrance, she closed the doors, took the metal roll-up doors over it then she calmly took her keys and locked it. As soon as she locked it everyone at the building took notice that the lights flickering in and out, and the sudden temperature dropped.

Qrow and Zack immediately felt a cold chill on their backs all of a sudden as they saw this. Qrow being a professional huntsman and instincts honed by years fighting quickly went for the window as an escape route and was gonna leave Zack on his own 'Sorry kid, may you make a long enough time for me to get a few miles from here' but before he could break the window, he was shocked as there was a hand on his cape and to his horror, it was attached to a face of a demon, then he was suddenly flung to the opposite wall with a force.

(༎ຶꈊ༎ຶ╬ )

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