
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · perkotaan
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120 Chs

Chapter 64 - Run, there's a sniper

After lunch, some of the students of Class 3 sat on the ground and played poker together. Some chatted in groups, while others took out their drawing boards and copied the scenery in front of them.

Sun Xiaodie, however, ran off to pick wildflowers, running left and right all by herself, having a great time. She wanted to drag Zhao Yutong along with her, however, Zhao Yutong was unwilling to go. Instead, Yutian ran to the side of the stream and washed his face comfortably in the clear and slightly cool stream water. Then, with a spear grass in his mouth, he lay on his side on the grass by the brook, looking at the reflection of the brook's water surface, the world in front of him was so peaceful. Zhao Yutong clasped her hands on her knees, sitting beside Yu Tian, her eyes face scanning the surrounding, breathing in the fresh air of nature, only inadvertently, her eyes would sneak, slipping past Yu Tian's body, and her face would inexplicably surface a few red clouds.

The stream flowed so slowly that one could not seem to feel its flow. The trees on the opposite side of the mountain, the bamboo forest, reflected in the water, swaying with the wind. Suddenly, Yu Tian saw an unusual shaking of the bamboo shadows in the water, took a deep breath, there was a faint smell of blood coming from the air. His face immediately became grave, years of wandering on the line of life and death, practiced his unusual vigilance surname. He hurriedly raised his head towards the bamboo forest on the opposite mountain and let his eyes look out.

In the bamboo forest on the opposite mountain, the blood hand's eyes shot out a cold aura, and the tone of the question was eerie, "What's going on?" One of the blood-clothed guards came up warily, shivering in his mouth, "It's me who was careless, my feet slipped, and ... woo..." Without waiting for him to finish his sentence, the blood hand rushed up with a trampling step, covered his mouth with one hand, and One hand grabbed his hair, instantly broke his neck.

Dropping the corpse in his hand, Blood Hand warned coldly, "Like I said, anyone who drops their chain for me at a critical time, don't blame me for being merciless."

After saying that, he took the lead and ran towards Destination #2, and when he arrived at the destination, Bloodshot pulled out two photos from his personal pocket, glanced at them, and then picked up his binoculars and looked down the mountain.

"The man and woman sitting on the grass by the creek across the street are our targets this time, Blood Two, Blood Five, and Blood Nine, take the men and spread out and get ready to shoot."

"Yes," the three Blood Clothes Guards who were named by Blood Hand nodded and responded, then they each dispersed with a few of their men.

After the bloody hand waited for his men to follow orders, he fixed his eyes on Yutian again, then his face changed and he shouted sharply into his earpiece, "Not good, the target is alerted, shoot immediately."

The Blood Clothes Guards had just gotten ready when they heard Blood Hand give the order. Without the slightest hesitation, they immediately pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle.

Looking at the woods on the opposite side of the mountain, Yu Tian suddenly felt a dangerous aura coming his way. Instantly, his body tensed up, and then, his body immediately tightened up and rolled on the ground while holding Zhao Yutong.

Yutian suddenly made such a move that it scared Zhao Yutong into screaming. "What does he want to do, in front of so many people, does he still dare to mess around?

Zhao Yutong's face was filled with shame and anger, her silver teeth clenched. After getting along these days, she slowly changed from being hostile towards Yu Tian to having a hint of good feelings. But it couldn't be because of this hint of good feelings that Yu Tian could do whatever he wanted to her.

Just as Zhao Yutong was about to push Yutian away with force, ping ping ping ping, a few muffled sounds came from the place where they had just been sitting, grass clippings flew and dirt splattered, hitting the human body and causing Zhao Yutong to feel a stinging pain.

Having experienced too many similar scenes these days, Zhao Yutong immediately reacted that she had encountered danger. A tense expression immediately appeared on her small face, and her hands tightly pinched Yutian's sleeves.

Unable to care about Zhao Yutong's nervousness, Yu Tian picked up Zhao Yutong and ran in the opposite direction of the enemy. As he ran, he yelled at Sun Xiaodie, "Xiaodie, there are snipers. They're coming for me and Yutong, I'll go distract them. You run quickly and tell Zhang Jia to take the students and quickly retreat down the mountain."

When Sun Xiaodie heard Yutian's shout, she was so scared that she threw the flowers away and ran towards Zhang Jia with her legs spread out.

After hearing Sun Xiaodie's transmission, Zhang Jia was instantly scared out of her wits as well, and hurriedly gathered everyone, telling them to quickly retreat down the mountain.

Those students who were playing cards didn't believe it at first, thinking that it was a prank played by Yu Tian. When they looked up and saw the bullets raining down behind Yu Tian's heels, they were so scared that they threw their cards away and immediately ran down the hill in a swarm.

After breaking through the fourth layer of the Easy True Scripture, this was when the effect of the true qi in his body came into play. Yu Tian carried Zhao Yutong and ran rapidly without even feeling much effort.

While performing a zigzag movement, he shot a glance at Zhang Jia's and their side. When Yutian saw that Zhang Jia, Sun Xiaodie and An Xiaohu, hadn't withdrawn by now, he anxiously let out another yell, "Run, An Xiaohu, you take Teacher Zhang and Sun Xiaodie and withdraw down the mountain at speed."

At this moment, hearing Yu Tian's shouts, An Xiaohu was in a bit of a dilemma. He was also scared, but he had just recognized Yutian as his boss, and now that his boss was in trouble, he just ran away like that. He thought that it was a bit unseemly to do so.

"Shit, what are you waiting for? Quickly run." Looking at the few people who didn't move, Yutian burst out anxiously.

An Xiaohu clenched his teeth, and with one hand, pulled up Zhang Jia and Sun Xiaodie, and ran desperately down the mountain.

"Damn, it's all because of that asshole who just alerted the target." Bloody Hand punched a small tree beside him, then spat out a word icily into his earpiece, "Chase."

Under Wutong Mountain, a very ordinary Toyota drove up and parked by the side of the road. There were three foreigners sitting in the car, their eyes sweeping around through the windows from time to time.

"Jack, what do you say we go up and have a look, it's too far from the head. In case there's something, we'll be out in time, won't we?" Explosive Bear asked, rubbing his head.

"Ravenous, merciful God, forgive this ignorant child." Miller chipped at the explosive bear's head, his right hand holding the cross on his chest as he prayed reverently.

Jack was about to speak when suddenly his eyes narrowed. "Something's up." Jack shouted, then, kicking the car door open, rushed down. Running to the tailgate of the car, he lifted a long bag and ran for the hills.

As they watched their classmates swarming down the hill, Miller and Explosive Bear also blushed, then rushed out of the car as well, running up the hill right behind Jack.

People in a crisis, always be able to vigorously dig their own potential. An Xiaohu's obese body was no longer bulky at this moment. With Zhang Jia and Sun Xiaodie, An Xiaohu ran faster than a rabbit.

Seeing that he was almost at the foot of the mountain, An Xiaohu was slightly relieved, as long as he reached the bottom of the mountain, Zhang Jia and Sun Xiaodie would be safe. The task explained by the boss was also considered completed.

Just as An Xiaohu was about to head down the mountain, launching his final assault, more than a dozen black-clothed men blocked their way.

"What are you doing? Why are you stopping us?" An Xiaohu shadowed his scalp and numbed his guts to ask.

No one paid any attention to An Xiaohu's question, and one of the black-clothed men in the lead pulled out a photo and compared it to An Xiaohu and the others for a few moments before shaking his head and preparing to leave on that note.

Watching the reaction of the black-clothed man, An Xiaohu was slightly relieved and secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead before preparing to leave with Zhang Jia and Sun Xiaodie.

But without waiting for An Xiao Hu to leave, a man in black once again blocked the middle of the road and said something to their leader in island language.

After listening to his men's report, the leading black-clothed man reached out and pointed at Sun Xiaodie, and said to An Xiaohu in raw Chinese, "She stays, you guys can go."

"Has she offended you? She's my friend, if we want to go we'll go together?" An Xiaohu said in a very righteous manner.

An Xiaohu is afraid of death, but he has his own persistence, that is, to be righteous. Although he has little ability, but to his own pair of eyes, or very confident. When he first saw Yutian, he felt that Yutian was not an ordinary person, and as long as he followed him closely, he would always get ahead.

Bringing Sun Xiaodie safely down the mountain was the task given by the boss. He didn't think that Yu Tian couldn't escape this crisis. If he threw Sun Xiaodie away now and escaped by himself, how would he face the Boss in the future?

The leading man in black laughed when he heard An Xiaohu's reply. The smile was bizarre and arrogant. Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, a few fragmented gunshots came from the mountains. Instantly, his face changed, and he shouted at his men in island language, "The target is on the mountain, leave two people behind, grab that girl, alive. The others follow me up the mountain."

With that, there were two men in black who stayed behind. The rest followed the leading black-clothed man and ran towards the mountain in a hurry.

One of the black-clothed men left behind didn't say anything and reached out to grab at Sun Xiaodie. An Xiaohu immediately stood in front of Sun Xiaodie and swung his fist toward the man in black.

The man in black smiled coldly and kicked An Xiaohu in the stomach. An Xiaohu was then kicked and fell to the ground, his hands covering his stomach as a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

Seeing that An Xiaohu received a kick because of himself, Sun Xiaodie hurriedly ran to An Xiaohu's side and asked repeatedly, "An Xiaohu, how are you? Is the injury serious?"

Gently wiping away the blood at the corner of his mouth, An Xiaohu shook his head. "I'm fine, you and Teacher Zhang go first, I'll hold them off."

"No, it's me they want to catch, you and Teacher Zhang go first." Sun Xiaodie stubbornly shook her head.

"Come on, the boss told me to get you guys out safely, I can't let him down."

After saying that, An Xiaohu pushed Sun Xiaodie, then rushed towards the man in black once again. Intercepting the black-clothed man with both hands, An Xiaohu shouted at Zhang Jia and Sun Xiaodie, "Hurry up and go."

Sun Xiaodie clenched her teeth and pulled Zhang Jia before preparing to run down the mountain. The other man in black, with a big stride, was in the middle of the two.

The black-clothed man who was held by An Xiaohu, struck An Xiaohu's back with his elbow a dozen times in a row, and after An Xiaohu spat out several mouthfuls of blood, he slowly collapsed to the ground.

After resolving An Xiaohu, the two black-clothed men slowly walked towards Sun Xiaodie.

Sun Xiaodie felt powerless at this moment, and an emotion of despair rose from the bottom of her heart.

Just then, a silhouette scurried up, a silver light flashed, and the necks of the two black-clothed men splattered with an arrow of blood before they fell to the ground with a thud.

Miller stood over the body and shook his head as he said, "Too bad, you guys."

"Are you guys okay?" Jack looked at Sun Xiaodie and asked in a hurry.

"You guys came too good, quick, Brother Xiaotian and Sister Yutong are on the mountain, you guys go save them."

As soon as Jack heard this, he took Rice Rib, Exploding Bear, and ran desperately up the hill, dropping a line far away, "There's a car at the bottom of the hill, you guys go first."