
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

chapter 14

[The next day]

"Fuuuu ~~ what a pain..." - Aiden said as he got up from his bed.

'Though I'm very grateful to andramelek for healing my injuries, but why didn't he finish healing me... my body feels like it had a very intense workout yesterday...' - Aiden thought as he stretched a little, his body stiff and sore as he headed for the bathroom.

Yesterday after all the trouble, aiden went to sleep. thankful that andramelek healed his wounds, but even though I healed his wounds, I can't help with the pain in his body thanks to using the spiritual body manifestation.

But hey, today he decided to relax while he waits for his pain to pass and... wait for the system to finish adjusting the technique.

Remembering that, aiden can't help but sigh at his luck. He no longer knows if he has bad or good luck, but he hopes that this time it is good luck and that the system can adjust the technique so that he can solve that problem.

[Time after]

"And in other news, a terrorist attack happened in one of the xxxx warehouses, the police are investigating the place in search of evidence, for more information we have...". - The voice of a reporter was heard from the television while aiden was having breakfast.

"..." - Aiden stared at the images of the destroyed warehouse and I can't help feeling a little bad for having let himself go in his fight against Andramelek... if you can call it a fight.

But still, he sighed in relief as he remembered that Andramelek had cleaned up any evidence and energy residue from their fight. Though he's a little confused wondering how he can do that, but he can't fully heal it... but of course, he won't say it out loud, he's thankful that at least the visible wounds are gone.

Even more after Sayaka's... at least his excuse was more credible without having several bleeding wounds on his body.

But... remembering sayaka, he wondered what else he doesn't know about his closest acquaintances... I can't help but feel like batman thinking that.

'Although it was surprising to find out about that, now I have to be more careful, I don't know if sayaka is really good or not...'. - Aiden thought as he had a serious look on his face, although he won't reach Batman's level of distrust, but he certainly will have to be more careful.

'(Sigh) I'm not good for this, seriously...' - Aiden thought as he sighed, his mind isn't that good to be a detective, drawing conclusions out of nowhere or seeing the smallest details of things.

The only thing he's good at is hitting things, though now he's not so sure after the fight with andramelek...

[Time after]

"I'm bored" - Said aiden while he was lying down watching television... anime.

"I've gotten too used to training all these days and lying here doing nothing is bothering me..." - Aiden thought as he sighed at the routine he had imposed on himself.

"Wait...now that I think about it..." - Aiden said as he remembered something he hasn't used since he got it.

"Cryo vision... huh, this thing is supposed to allow me to create and manipulate ice or chill energy as well." - Aiden said as he looked at the vision and felt how it was connected to him at a soul level... so to speak.

While aiden was thinking about what to do with the vision, he remembered one thing that comes with chongyun's second technique, making talismans or energy seals to do the ice sword attack.

That attack came with a mini guide on how to make the seals. The [Spirit Blade: Cloud Splitting Star] attack is done by performing the secret hand seals, but if aiden goes a bit further on that, he thinks maybe he can make different kinds of seals with different functions. such as: purifying seals, healing seals, defensive seals, freezing seals...etc.

Since, although he came with a mini manual on how to make the seals with energy, they are only the seals of the attack with the ice swords, nothing else. but aiden wants to try, no he doesn't want to try, he wants to create those seals to help him in the future.

"So...let's go with that..." - Aiden said aloud determined in what he will do.

Getting up and going to where her school supplies are, she takes out her notebook, pencil, eraser, and sharpener.

"I didn't think I'd grab this before school started..." - Aiden said as he walked over to the table and placed the things.

He used to grab these things to draw the seals he has in mind. since he first needs an image to guide himself to create the seals and his mind is not strong enough to create the mental image directly while he creates the seals with energy.

"I'll start with the seal of purification, I'll need it more in this world full of spirits... though" - Aiden said, but stopped as he remembered that since he got his powers he hasn't seen any spirits.

"..." - Aiden turning his gaze to the necklace that his mother gave him, he can't help but think that maybe...

"Well, after all, it doesn't hurt to check..." - Aiden thought while he put the necklace in his inventory and asked the system to analyze it.

[System: [guardian angel pendant]

A necklace that was made by [...] for aiden to protect him.

Very high rank artifact.


Safe Area: The necklace creates a safe area made of spirit energy that drives all good and evil spirits away from the wearer, the necklace can draw on the spirit energy of the environment to maintain the area. Very strong spirits can trespass the area. Range: 30 meters.

Defensive Barrier: The necklace creates a barrier if the wearer is in danger, it can withstand 2 attacks from a weak transcendental.

Heal - Heals the user of almost any mortal wound, only triggers if the host is truly dying.

Locator: The pendant has a locator spell on it, people who have access to it can know where the wearer is at any time with location details. Range: 100 km.

Conceal: Conceals the spiritual signature (spiritual energy) of the wearer making it nearly impossible to find/trace unless you have access to the locator spell on the necklace. Very strong beings can break through this impediment and be able to recognize the spiritual signature of the user.

Soulbound: The necklace is bound to aiden honton's soul, any normal person who tried to put it on will not be able to and people with spiritual energy will receive a very strong electric shock. So it can only be used by the true aiden honton.]

"..." - Aiden stared at the necklace, not knowing what to say at the absurdity of the necklace and then I can't help but tremble a little at what he just discovered.

"My... my mom..."-Aiden said without being able to finish what he's going to say.

That is to say, his mother, aiden's foster mother, is someone who is or was on the supernatural side of the world and she gave aiden the necklace to protect him.

"(Sigh) this is too much for me"-Aiden sighed as he felt how his desire to make the seal faded.

"(Sigh) let's do it, I need to divert my thoughts to something else, it's useless to think about that now..."-Aiden said as he sighed and began to draw the seal that is intended to purify ghost spirits or whatever .


This chapter was for yesterday, but something happened that made me not want to translate it and upload it.

Well, in the next chapter aiden will use the ticket to receive the character template.

A hint: the character can create and manipulate fire... :v

Well... I hope you liked the chapter.