
Chapter 029: Let's Have Our Wedding Earlier

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Chi Huan pursed her lips and met the man's eyes in the rearview mirror, "Aren't you going to give me a conclusion?"

He spoke indifferently, "After Yang Hao left the ward, he went to the underground parking lot... He did have a car parked there, so it's impossible to confirm whether he learned of your whereabouts from Su Yabing's mouth, or as Mr. Mou said, just happened to run into the driver who was temporarily assigned to pick you up."

Chi Huan looked down, and after a long while, she asked, "What do you think?"

The man tugged at his thin lips, creating a slight arc, "I never believe in too much coincidence."

At night, a cool breeze stirred, sweeping up the withered leaves by the roadside before they fell again.

Chi Huan sat in the car and watched for a while, then said, "Let's go back."

When there was nothing special, Mo Shiqian would not follow her upstairs.

By the car, his handsome and calm features expressed, "Miss, if you have no other matters, I will head back first."

Chi Huan looked into his cool, deep eyes, "Mo Shiqian."

The man did not speak, simply raising his eyes to look at her, his gaze very tranquil.

"I thought, maybe he felt some pity for Su Yabing, the sentiments of a first love, or perhaps the unwillingness from being forced to separate, but I also thought he would not cross the line."

Her voice was quiet in the wind, and a bit lost.

Mo Shiqian had seen her in many states, but seldom saw her lost, because she always knew what she wanted.

"So, based on what did you come to that conclusion?"

Chi Huan glanced at him, then retracted her gaze, looking off into the distance. The wind blew her long hair, with a few strands falling onto her fair face.

She lowered her head, "I'm going back to sleep."

Mo Shiqian restrained his brow and eyes, asking no further, simply saying in his usual tone, "Alright."

Chi Huan turned and walked towards the apartment building.

She walked slowly, holding a not-so-large handbag, her long hair flowing in the wind.

Mo Shiqian stood still, his gaze tranquil as he watched her retreating figure, his thin lips curling into an almost imperceptible arc.

A psychological world unwilling to be known by others, huh.


Chi Huan stayed at home for three days in a row without going out.

She gave Mo Shiqian time off, did not go to find Mou Xigu, and did not even call him. Of course, Mou Xigu also did not come looking for her.

She was not particularly patient, but those three days she holed up at home reading books, casually skimming through the scripts her agent had sent to her email looking to cast her in a film.

When it was time to eat, she ordered takeout, and after getting tired of takeout, she simply made a call back to the Chi Family, instructed the chef to prepare a meal, and had the servants deliver it. Her days passed fairly leisurely and comfortably.

Until the evening of the third day, when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was the servant bringing her meal, she went to open the door without even thinking to set down her book, "Why so early today, didn't I say six o'clo..."

Her voice abruptly stopped, as standing in front of her was not the servant that brought her meals every day.

It was Mou Xigu.

Chi Huan's expression cooled slightly, then she raised a smile again, "You didn't even call, just came to my house. It seems you've made your decision."

Mou Xigu looked into her eyes, his voice a bit hoarse, "Won't you let me in?"

"Oh, sure."

As she spoke, she stepped aside to let him in.

Mou Xigu stepped in and, while changing shoes in the foyer, he naturally noticed a pair of men's slippers.

Chi Huan had already opened the shoe cabinet, taken out a new pair, and handed them to him, "Wear these, they're new."

The indoor slippers on the shoe rack consisted of only one pair of men's, while the other two pairs were women's.

As he changed his shoes, he asked indifferently, "Are these slippers Mo Shiqian's?"


"Does he frequent your apartment?"

"You could say that."

Although the answer was expected, something so obvious it didn't even need thinking about, Mou Xigu couldn't help but probe further. By the time he had finished changing his shoes and sat on the sofa, Chi Huan had already brewed tea and brought it over.

"You like drinking tea. This is Da Hong Pao I secretly took from my dad's place; it should be top-quality tea leaves."

Mou Xigu glanced at her delicate and clean features; perhaps because she was at home, she was not wearing makeup. Her bare face looked like that of a lovely little girl, and her long hair was casually tied up, exuding an effortless beauty.

Her apartment was cleaner and more organized than he had expected; it lacked the pink hues he had envisioned and wasn't cluttered with casually tossed clothes, garbage, or dishes.

Chi Huan propped her head up and, seeing the way he was surveying the place, laughed, "A maid specially comes over every day to clean and tidy up the house for me; I don't like staying in a messy place."

Mou Xigu's scrutinizing gaze finally fell back on her, "Chi Huan."

She wore a thin cashmere skirt suited for autumn, paired with a simple sweater, sitting across from him, her attire exuding a casual and relaxed vibe.

His voice was huskier, but more straightforward, "Let's move our wedding up."

Chi Huan was stunned, "Move it up? Why?"

The man looked into her eyes, his deep and husky voice carrying a seductive illusion, "Don't you want to marry me anymore?"

Chi Huan slowly nodded, "I do."

"Then I'll have someone arrange the wedding."

"Why so quickly?"

Mou Xigu looked at her for a good while, then said casually, "Aren't you giving me time to consider? I've thought it through. I'll marry you, and after the wedding, we'll go to Europe for a trip,"

After a pause, he added, "We haven't properly been together these years. Let's use this opportunity to cultivate our affections."

Her eyebrows lifted slightly, "What about Su Yabing?"

He lowered his eyes, concealing their depths, his tone sounding very mild, "She will return to America. I've arranged for someone to find her a job there, and also put her in contact with a lawyer. Whenever she decides to divorce, there will be a designated lawyer to handle all her affairs."

Chi Huan smiled, "I thought... knowing that she has remained chaste for you all these years, you would give up our engagement for her sake, to resume your former relationship with her, despite how difficult that seems."

Mou Xigu gazed at her, a sudden wave of amusement in his eyes, but it was chilling, "Chi Huan, don't think too highly of me."

Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she said nothing, simply tilting her head as she watched him.

"Yabing is my first love and the only woman I've ever loved in my life,"

His voice sounded very indifferent, but upon closer inspection, it was clear it had no warmth, "But as you said, getting back together with her would come at too high a price. My mother wouldn't allow it, the entire Mou family wouldn't allow it, all circumstances and realities wouldn't allow it. Moreover, I am no longer the young man who first fell in love, who could abandon all power and status for a woman."

"So you gave up on her?"

Mou Xigu watched her, his tone slightly mocking, "Are you that eager for me to cancel our engagement for her sake?"

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