Have you ever been in a fix having trouble making a choice. One might work in your favor for something really important to you while the other, might just be a choice that might make others look down on you "I'm June Winters from Yankee high " " I'm Alessie from Charming High "
Alessie stared at her reflection once more. Her eyes quickly caught sight of her tie which was a bit rough so she immediately amended it. She was still staring at the mirror deciding on putting makeup on when her mom barged the door open
" Mum! "
she said placing her hand on her chest
" what! you're getting late Missy but you're still here staring at the mirror. "
her mom said annoyed
" Can't you see I'm dressing my best. leave me be mum. You're not the one going to Green High "
she said not sparing her mom a look.
" sigh, what do I do with you? "
her mom said nodding
" nothing. will be down in a sec
Her mum nodded angrily
" I wish "
" seriously, I meant it "
she said shrugging
No sooner had her mum left the room, she hurriedly applied the makeup and redid her hair. Smiling satisfactedly, she left the room.
" mum, where's my backpack? "
she called
" over there . You didn't even....."
her mum said but was interrupted by her
" thanks mum "
she said pecking her mum briefly before running out. The bus was to arrive at approximately five minutes and she didn't want them to find her in a lowly apartment so she ran as fast as she could to the green house, a house owned by The Howells. Though she was in no relationship with them, she needed to camoflauge her way into Green Field High popularly known as the school of the rich.
she had snuck her mum's precious jewelry and immediately put it on. Just then, the school bus came to a stop. ' right on time ' she thought. Walking inside, she felt stares and gazes of almost everyone on her. Well she was a perfect beauty or so she thought.
" hi, I'm June "
the girl sitting beside her said extending her hand
" I'm Alessie "
she replied shaking hands
" nice to meet you "
" same here "
she replied smiling. Today's gonna be hit. Time to activate rich kid camo.