
Boy issues

Yul was out downing drink after drink in some random bar. Zeng didn't like him getting out of control as he drank so he was gonna do exactly that. Even the bartender looked concerned at the large amounts of alcohol his client was consuming.

Back at home, Zeng had been frantically calling and texting him and Yul dutifully ignored all the ringing of his phone, angrily staring down at the device and having thoughts of smashing it on the floor.

When he got drunk enough that his mind was floating around, he felt sad and that sadness radiated off him.

A handsome young man drinking alone this late at night, probably trying to forget the sorrows of life may appear as an invitation to certain people.

"Hey cutie," someone slid on the stool beside him. Yul watched them with hooded eyes, not even able to tell if it was a man or a lady.

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