
You say I have to kill Kaguya?

In a strange turn of events, a young woman wakes up in an unfamiliar room, undergoing a perplexing physical transformation. As she grapples with her confusion, a mysterious message on a floating screen informs her that she is dead. Tasked with a seemingly impossible mission to kill someone named Otsutsuki Kaguya, she embarks on a journey to unravel the truth behind her predicament and find a way back to her own world.

Livice · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

Word spread like wildfire through the Hyūga compound, buzzing with rumors of Hinata's dramatic transformation.

Whispers started among the maids, who had served Hinata faithfully, sharing their bewildering encounters. No longer the docile maiden they knew. The maids reminisced about the times they tried to assist her in dressing, only to be met with a sharp retort.

"Thank you, but I can handle it myself," Hinata would snap, her once-timid voice now infused with defiance.

Gone were the days when Hinata exuded gentle politeness, always punctuating her words with a respectful "-san." Now, she would brazenly demand, "Who are you again?" or "Hey, you! yeah, I called you!" It didn't take long for these rumors to spread beyond the maids' gossip circles. The main family's maids are from the branch families themselves, so the whispers reached every corner of the clan.

"It's all becoming clear now. It must have been that training three days ago," exclaimed one maid, her eyes widening as if struck by lightning.

"Ah...? Hinata-sama passed out after hitting her head, right? Hiashi-sama is ruthless even to his own daughter," another maid chimed in, her tone tinged with a mix of sympathy and awe.

"Does that mean Hinata-sama lost her memory?" speculated the third maid, her voice brimming with curiosity. "But the change in her demeanor, it's like a blessing in disguise."

As the third maid busily gossiped away, the door suddenly slid open with a loud bang, almost detaching itself from the wall. Startled, they straightened their self immediately, their eyes widening with horror.

It was Hyuga Ko, a newly minted Konoha Jounin who had just returned from a mission. Dressed in his shinobi attire, complete with a chunin vest, he stormed into the kitchen upon overhearing the maids' chatter about Hinata.

Being from the branch house, Ko was well aware of the escalating tensions between the main and branch families, and he despised it. As a shinobi who had pledged his loyalty to Hinata's mother, he felt a surge of anger at the baseless rumors circulating about Hinata.

Listening intently to the maids' account, his eyes widened in disbelief.

This wasn't just some fabricated tale; it was an actual event that had taken place. Determined, he swiftly set out to locate Hinata, utilizing the power of his Byakugan to speed up his search.

"What... she's practicing?" Ko mused to himself, astonished by what he witnessed.

Hinata, who had never engaged in independent training unless ordered by the clan head or himself, was now vigorously performing squats in her room.

Politely knocking on her door, Ko assumed a respectful posture. "Hinata-sama, it's Ko," he announced, his tone reverential.

'Um... Who?'

Ko's eyes flew open, his expression one of disbelief after hearing that.

Could it be that the maids were telling the truth?

The door creaked open, revealing Hinata, her breathing ragged and perspiration glistening on her forehead. Ko couldn't help but notice the change in her eyes—once soft and tender, they now exuded a cold, distant gaze. Hinata's entire aura had shifted, making her seem unapproachable.

"Who are you?" Christine, the girl who had taken over Hinata's body, stared at the teenager standing before her, her confusion palpable.

Truth be told, she didn't recognize him at all.

Hyuga Ko, feeling a pang of sadness as if his master had abandoned him, couldn't help but worry. "I-I am Hyuga Ko, Hinata-sama's lifelong bodyguard. I apologize if my presence interrupted your training. If you allow, I will take my leave."

What's with the excessive deference?

Damn, I'm not used to being treated like some rich kid, Christine pondered in her muddled thoughts. Though skeptical, she maintained her composed demeanor.

"Do as you wish," she replied, her voice betraying no hint of her inner turmoil.

"Very well, Hinata-sama." Hyuga Ko departed, and his next destination was the head of the Hyuga clan.


"Alright, suit yourself."

Observing Hinata's deteriorating state, Hyuga Ko hurriedly made his way to the clan head to report what had happened. As expected, Hiashi's response was as cold as ever. Being the head of the clan, he showed little concern for Hinata's well-being. Funny how their reactions seemed so similar—they were father and daughter, after all, Ko couldn't help but ponder over this as he left.

"Understood, Hiashi-sama," Ko acknowledged, not dwelling too much on the matter.

He had obtained permission to bring a doctor to the Hyuga Compound, so he had a job to do.

'Sigh... seems like I've failed.'

Once Ko was out of sight, Hiashi closed his eyes and muttered to himself, grappling with the weight of his failures.

"I've failed as a clan head and as a father."

Hiashi had never quite lived up to the expectations associated with his renowned clan. His cold demeanor was no secret, and it extended even to his two daughters. If it weren't for the oppressive burden of the [Caged Bird seal], the symbol that enforced the division between the main and branch houses, Hiashi would have treated all members of the clan equally.

Witnessing the unbridgeable gap that had formed between himself and Hinata, Hiashi couldn't help but feel a deep sadness.


I was completely focused on my goal, hidden behind a towering tree as I surveyed the exit gate of the Hyuga compound.

It's time to utilize my unique skill!

[Stalking (E) has been activated.]

[Presence reduced, but ineffective against stronger opponents.]

I effortlessly blended into the surroundings, becoming as inconspicuous as the air itself, of course not.

The reason I managed to deceive the two guards was simple—they were bored and, as a result, half-asleep.

It wasn't like my trash-stealth ability could trick two skilled chunin. Well, the clan only looked after me because of my status as a member of the main family, and they don't want to lose a pair of Byakugan either.

To prevent getting lost, I decided to explore the clan's surroundings while familiarizing myself with the area.

"Pant... pant... This is insane!" I panted, realizing that I had been running for the past two hours, covering a distance of ten kilometers.

It was my first time training such a heavy workout, and while the crisp air and the picturesque environment provided a refreshing experience, I couldn't help but wish for the stamina boost of the Uzumaki clan.

Oh well, it was pointless to dwell on it.

Ever since I saw the daily quest, doubts started to creep into my mind about whether I could complete it all in just one day.

I clearly underestimated the norms of this world.

"I can't believe I'm stuck in the body of an eleven-year-old," I grumbled to myself, rubbing my eyes.


Suddenly, I spotted a man dressed in green walking on his hands while lifting ridiculously heavy weights with his feet.

"Yoouuuth! Great job on the 10-kilometer run, Hyuga girl!" he exclaimed, pausing his bizarre exercise routine to give me a thumbs up and a dazzling smile.

For a moment, I thought this guy was a toothpaste commercial star crossed with a fitness fanatic.

"Uh... yeah. Good job to you too, uncle," I replied, recognizing him as none other than Might Guy, the man who fought Madara using only Taijutsu.

"Fate has brought together two lovers of training! Call me Guy!" he proclaimed enthusiastically.

"Is that so? Nice to meet you, Guy. I'm Hyuga Hinata," I responded with a forced smile.

"Alright! To celebrate our meeting, I'll raise the stakes to 2000 steps!" he declared, resuming his grueling workout routine and leaving me with a look of horror on my face. He proceeded to perform 2000 steps while carrying those weights.


"Hahahaha! Come after me, you idiot!"

As I stood there, dumbfounded, a splash of paint suddenly landed on me, accompanied by high-pitched laughter from above.

I looked up to find a blond-haired child leaping across rooftops, holding a can of paint.

"Hey! Stop, you brat!" They yelled, as a group of ninjas and angry adults comically chased after him.

"Uzumaki Naruto," I muttered under my breath, my body now splattered with paint.

[Daily Quest: Saitama Workout]

[Push-ups: 100/100]

[Sit-ups: 100/100]

[Squats: 100/100]

[Run: 10/10 kilometers]


[Daily Quest: Saitama Workout (1/7)]

"I have to do this for a whole week?"

I shuddered, my entire body trembling from the daily quests. Wiping the paint off my face, I realized the system wasn't exactly benevolent."Hinata-sama! What happened to you?" someone called out to me if I had to guess.

You can see it wide and clear, why ask?

"Why are you covered in paint like this...? It must be Naruto's doing. Tch! That kid..." He miraculously produced a towel from his ninja pouch, proving its practicality.

"Hinata-sama, you must remember to stay away from that child," he warned, wiping away the paint with the towel. Raising my eyebrows, I knew exactly what he meant.

He wanted me to avoid the jinchuriki of the nine-tailed fox.

"You don't have to tell me what to do..." I took the towel from him, deciding to clean up the mess myself.

"But Hinata-sama, it's for your own safety," Ko insisted, using respectful language.

However, I could sense his disapproval of my closeness to Uzumaki Naruto.

I couldn't afford to distance myself from the main character of this story if I wanted to survive, acquire plot armor, and earn achievement points.

Meeting Ko's gaze, I firmly stated, "I don't appreciate being told what to do, and I don't like speaking ill behind others."

Ko was taken aback, lowering his gaze before kneeling.

"I apologize, Hinata-sama! It's for your well-being," he pleaded, still clearly surprised by my reaction. After all, I am not the real Hinata.

"Don't bother kneeling like that, dammit. I appreciate it, but that kid... he actually saved you from the 'catastrophe' brewing within him," I retorted sharply, not needing to elaborate further.

He already knew what I meant.

"I-I'm sorry! This humble bodyguard is astounded by your wisdom, Hinata-sama."

There was no need to kneel goddamn! I shivered as it gave off a strange mafia-daughter vibe.

Nevertheless, I discovered that Hyuga Ko was more than just a bodyguard; his loyalty was evident.

The reasons behind it, though, remained a mystery to me. As far as I knew, the real Hinata couldn't have gathered followers like this, considering she was a failed successor.

Nodding in acknowledgment, I dismissed the topic, and Ko informed me that a doctor was waiting for me at the Hyuga Compound to assess my health.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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