
You're the one for me

Being a generous person has never been in a petty girl's dictionary. With great aspirations unfinished in her old life, the young woman transmuted into the body of a saint from a fantasy world. To guarantee her safety, the young woman tries to hide her old personality, assuming the identity of Sofia Werneck. But when she finds out that the old Demon King is still alive and wants her as a bride, her facade of kindness begins to crumble. She swears under the skies that she is not the only bad one here!

CorujaSOS · Fantasi
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12 Chs

I'm beautiful, aren't I?

The dark and rainy dawn brought bad expectations for the start of my day.

The rhythmic noise of the rain made my ideas more objective.

When I was brought into this world, my nights were not filled with dreams as usual.

It was a white, empty sleep.

It took a while to get used to that fact. As it was something I couldn't explain, I decided not to think about it intensely.

I decided to deprive attempts to go deeper into the fact, erasing it from my memory.

What dreams? What was that again?

I wanted to stay where I was, without moving, for fear of the answers I might get. This world seemed very supernatural to an intellectual like me. And my intuition said not to covet such glory in solving the mystery ...

Judge for yourself if I did the right thing.

So for someone who had given up dreaming, it was strange to lie in bed and keep my emotions in order. For that night, I had known the feeling of dreaming again.

- I am dead...


According to the information I got from Paula, the people who lived in Vila Consoladora were affected by the unknown disease around the kingdom. The disease appears at random... Or so it was stated in the reports. But I noticed something curious while marking the location of the new site of the disease. And I was curious about the new aspect discovered.

"My lady"

Maria, like a homemade parrot, calls my name at the entrance to the tent.

"With the grace of the gods! Come in, Maria. It's raining a lot to stay outside in the cold "

Without hesitation, Maria enters the tent and swings her gaze at the view of the map under the table.

"My lady, I didn't expect to see you dressed so soon," she says with a vague look.

Ha, haa...

It would be beautiful... in case I wake up of my own accord...

"I know, I got used to living idle in the capital these past months. I believe I have to thank you for all the work that I did in my name "

For the first time, I believe I owe my gratitude to someone in this world. Even if what Maria sees in me is not the real me.

"My lady..."

Looking at Maria's sympathetic look, I decide to change the subject.

"There is no time to lose, Maria. I want you to choose ten horsemen to make my escort to Vila Consoladora "

"Miss, isn't it better to go to Nicola town to inform the mayor?"

"I know it would be the best choice to follow.

But Maria, have you forgotten my identity?

I wasted too much time... until this dawn the tracks may end up lost!

That's why I want to go to the infection site now - I hope to find survivors and get answers! "

I say in a discouraged emphasis. Look at my beautiful tired face! Who wants to work on a rainy morning?!

"Ask Miss Paula to stay here until I return. She will be protected with the rest of the knights "

"Madam, as a simple servant, I cannot change your decisions. But please take a few more horsemen. I will be calmer this way "

I smile at Maria's request. I had forgotten that I am deplorable in showing courage and vigor in my endeavors in the papal of Santa.

"Thank you for your concerns, Maria. I am also going to ask that one of the guards of the Cuba family, who are with Miss Paula, come along in my survey of the place. I want someone who knows the area. There is no sunny weather, but the gods will bless our way "


Paula raised no objection.

For a withered flower from last night, a good night's sleep brought a lot of vitality to the girl's countenance. What appeared to be a weak lady with little brain and a lot of heart - she was smart not to express a desire to go with me to the village.

I don't want useless stuff. A weak Saint with zero attack is useless.

His guard hesitantly showed dissatisfaction. I had heard rumors of the disease and was afraid of the infection.

"Mr, the gods will be with us"

Not wanting to extend the departure time, I look at the poor guard with a cold smile. And I repeat again:

"The gods will be with us"

Yes, he freezes with fear. Apparently, he had forgotten who I am. Or my stunning smile was too much for someone as ordinary as he was.

He looks at me without speaking.

I am sitting on a white horse with the other riders around me, and it freaks out as my smile is kept on my face.

I'm beautiful, aren't I?

Then, kneel down.

He had forgotten that he was in front of the Saint of the Church of the Gods and under the examination of dozens of holy knights.

Holy knights who have been trained to follow orders without objection. It would be naive to show an aversion to requests from this group of people.