
20. The Blue Glow

Ash's POV

They called throughout the whole school that the game was over and to meet in the gym. I looked all around the mass of students to see if I could find Alex, but I came up empty handed.

Then it made sense. This whole game was a setup. They wanted me to take my attention off of Alex and keep it away until he was long gone. The pain hit my chest while I walked home slowly. The last time I was here he was with me with his hand in my grasp.

I have to find him, even if it's the last thing I do.


Alex's POV

Alice and I shared many small details with each other. Only simple things like favorite color and bands. I could already tell that we would make great friends since she was so smart and funny. Her sense of humor was similar to Ash's, causing my already fractured heart to break even more. I miss him a lot, and I prayed that he would find me soon.

My father knocked on the door a few hours later calling us down to the pack dinner held every night.

"Be there in a minute!" I shouted, turning to face Alice. "Listen. We have to pretend we did it or he'll make us."

"Oh, yeah. Lemme mess up my hair. You do it too."

Once we were done getting ready, I grabbed her hand to make it more convincing and pulled her into the dining hall. The clamor stopped at our entrance, and everyone in the room's eyes turned to us. There was a specific female in the crowd who looked absolutely pissed beyond belief that I assumed was Alice's mate.

Eventually everyone erupted into cheers. One of my old friends, Daniel, pulled me and Alice to sit at the same table as him and some of my other friends.

I used to be such good friends with them, but now I just felt so disconnected. I had changed from my experience with the world outside of this damn territory for the better, and my only hope now is that other young wolves will have that chance. I could be a legend after all; it all started here, with liberating the children. Then they could grow their own ideals instead of being forced into his!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a tray was forced roughly onto the surface of the table in front of me. I followed the arms upwards to find that female I had seen glaring down at me. Her black, wavy hair cascaded over her shoulders all the way down to her butt, and her baby blue eyes shone harshly. She reminded me of Ash the first time I met him.

She grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the room, only stopping when we entered an abandoned room.

"You think it's okay to fuck my mate, you filthily spoiled Alpha?" she snarled angrily, pushing me against the wall behind my back.

"I promise that isn't what happened!"

"Really? Because that's sure what it looked like when you entered the dining hall!"

Oh goodness, I have to deal with a jealous mate.

"Hear me out, please."

"Fine," she sighed.

I politely explained the situation, making sure to mention that I was homosexual.

"I see... I'll allow you to keep up your charade, but if you ever consider doing something real I won't hesitate to become your worst nightmare."

"Thank you so much."

I walked back to my room after the encounter, not wanting to go back and see my sour friends. I found myself questioning my friend making skills from before. It seriously shocked me how much I could change in two weeks, but it surprised me even more how stuck up I was before I left.

I lay my tired body on the bed, beginning to feel the bond tugging on my chest. My wolf whimpered in the back of my mind which drew my attention to him.

'Yeah, I miss him too buddy,' I thought to him.

I felt a sensation like static filling me up suddenly and turned to look out of the window. The only time I had felt this before was yesterday before the storm.

I climbed skillfully out of the window and onto the roof, having done this many times before. It used to be to get away from all the noise of pack life, but now it was to get rid of this feeling. My wolf was up and attentive now, running circles in my mind ecstatically.

My legs straightened out once I got to the highest point on the roof. I knew I was glowing, but my eyes were actually closed. My body was charging, almost preparing to assist this storm. I felt the familiar burn on my wrist; it was the bracelet my father had forced onto me for tracking.

With more control over it than the first time, I slowly rose my arm to the sky.

This time a blue glow connected into the brewing storm, shining much brighter until the storm picked up. Wind whipped around me, creating that thrill I got from the storms I controlled. For a brief moment I felt as if I was flying. I was slowly drifting in and out of reality for a solid thirty minutes until the storm stopped in its own.

My energy was non-existent as I swayed on that roof. I carefully climbed down into my bedroom. I took off my soaking clothes and applied some pajama pants and Ash's hoodie because it still smelt amazingly like him.

I curled my exhausted form into the warm blankets and drifted into a restless sleep since I couldn't rest easily without Ash by my side.


Ash's POV

I was in the middle of a discussion with Kailey about trying to locate Alex when it suddenly got a lot harder to think clearly. An exterior force seemed to push me to go outside, so I let it. I stood out in the trees when I saw I beam of blue light shoot up from a few miles away.

"Found him," I muttered to Kailey.

Then the rain burst out and I lost sight of the glow. My tears mixed in with the rain on my face. The first lead I had and I lost it.

It was 30 minutes until the storm stopped abruptly. I felt the energy I had remaining drain out of my system rapidly before I collapsed on the ground.

Kailey fluttered around me nervously, obviously confused about my sudden reduction of energy. My eyes snapped shut and I felt my mind tug me relentlessly into a dreamlike vision.

Alex stood in front of me, but he was talking to a girl.

"Who needs you when I have this beautiful girl to hold onto?" Alex asked me, turning around. His face was twisted with disgust when he saw me.

"I'm so glad that my father kidnapped me. He let me see how worthless you really are," he laughed, the chuckle following sinister.

"N-no, please!" I begged, crying. "Please don't leave me."

"Pathetic," he snapped.

Alex then kissed the girl right in front of me. I fell onto my knees and cried loudly, all of the tears pouring down my face.

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