~this is basic off a show / comic. but this is my own fanfiction. ___________ after a huge success after escaping the horrible moment where Yona the princess of kingdom of kouko seen the love of her life Soo-won kill her father King il cold blooded in front of her and tried to kill her but she was saved by one of her protectors Son Hak then escaping the kingdom and never looking back and getting saved by Hak's grandfather and then bringing Yoon along with them then finding the 4 dragon warriors Yona'd other protectors (Kija the White Dragon's claw, Sinha the blue dragon's eyes, Jaeha the Green Dragon's Right Leg, and Zeno The Yellow Dragon) along there way of there journey.
after a year of heart break and tears. i finally realized that i have to stay strong for my father. i must, and i should. i have someone and thing that i need to survive.
the most important thing i had to understand is anger brings out people's true colors. i seen how soo-won killed an innocent man because he accused my father of killing his father.
my father didn't deserve that horrible day, and damn well didn't deserve to die. soo-won needs to get kicked out my home and he cannot be king! i promise my father as i'm telling you this story he will have justice.
i sat and waited at a village with hak. him doing his usually thing, minding his business. i don't know but i believe he developed feelings for me. i don't know why i'm staring at him eating an apple. i'm trying to turn away but i can't. i realized i was blushing. hak took a glance at me, and winked. "why you so red princess?" he said as she simply had a slight grin on his face. i didn't know what to say.. "uh- i- don't kn-" why i'm so stuttering so much?! that's a problem. "you know what? save it. don't even try it." he laughs. i blushes more. i got slightly angry "HAK!!" as i ran up to him and repeatedly hitting his arm while he laughs. "such stupidity" he added. i kept hitting him. "stop.." he says. i didn't listen. why should i listen? i accidentally slapped him in his face... i know, i know accidentally how is that possible. i stopped. i looked into his eyes as he looked very unease "sorry, i didn't mean it hak." i hugged him. shockingly he hugged back. "hak! listen are you still going to help me use a bow?" i asked him. he shook his head no "you've gotten better on your own, maybe my instructions were too hard for you?" "hak, no they actually helped me, please show me again. train me to be just like you!" i said proudly. he was shocked "princess..." he said softly. "no, i will become better. i need to become better for father!" i said those words and i got emotional. "you know king il didn't like violence. i'm going against his will because you do need to protect yourself. that's understandable but i'm your protector. i will protect you until the day i die yona!" he said as he got angry himself and walked off as threw his glaive behind his back. i get angry. "HAK!" i yelled out as he still walked away and he heard me but ignored me purposely. everyone in the village was looking at me, and the 4 dragons on the sidelines just watching the whole drama go down. fine if he gonna play it this way. i grabbed a bow and i was aiming at hak, i made sure it matched perfectly. i let go, and the arrow was flying in mid air everyone was gasping. he has fast reflexes because he grabbed the arrow and broke it with one hand... yes one hand. "and you want me to train you still? hm are you trying to kill me?" he asked. "no, i just wanted your attention." i should've known. he's the thunder beast... somehow he is just human with unnatural skills. he continued to walk off. "alright... if that's how it is..." i put my head down... and i walked away, and i was planning to leave the village to see how he would react. he is rude, i know but he is also kind hearted. i known hak since childhood. i know him he wouldn't let me go like that would he? he turns around as i walked away and took a glance back to see him and he looks very unsatisfied. i ran out the village into the forest deep ahead. i felt someone grab me. "what the hell? what are you doing?" i heard a familiar voice. i tuned around to see hak as he looks angry. "uh-" i just hugged him, and he didn't hug back. "i had to run for you. to make sure you didn't run far out of my site, i didn't think you were serious." he said "and i don't think this is serious..." as i kissed him an blushed, and he was shocked but he blushed. he didn't pull away. "p-princes?" as he stuttered. i did it because i had feelings for him and i also did it because i didn't want him to still be angry with me. "lets go" as we walking back to the village. i seen he zoomed out. he probably in his thoughts cause i would too. my childhood friend ... just gonna kiss me? i can totally understand what he is thinking. i looked at his hand and sightly put my fingers threw his and gripped on his hand and smiled and act like everything was normal. he had a smirked on his face, and picked me up and lean me against a tree with my legs wrap around him. i blushed and slightly terrified. "how old are you?" i asked "18" he said. "i'm underage" i slight chuckled. he had an unsatisfied look on his face. "i know yona, i know." he let me go. we was talking back to the village. "i have a question." i asked him as i seem uncomfortable. "i'm listening." he said. "so.. can an underage person date an person over 18?" i asked. "no, it can't. well maybe an 16 year old because they're going to be 17. so it wouldn't be bad but if they do decide to be together but they can't be sexually active until the underage is illegal." he stated. "too much information." i blushed. "you're old enough to know, and we are here" hak said as slightly pushed me into the village, and everyone was gone to their rooms. i went to mines, me and hak shares the same room. i sat on the floor, because there really isn't a bed here yet. it will be here soon, me and hak will set it up. i was slowly getting unchanged. slightly opened "princess you need anything" as hak came in and turned to his to see me and his eyes opened wide, i covered myself and he turned away blushing and i was half naked. "hak..." "my apologies yona... i've should've knocked" he apologize again. i chucked. "it's not bad, it's okay and no i don't need anything." he left. i changed quickly before he came back. as i was falling over... and over again. i finished but hak came back in and the pushed the pieces of the bed into the room, and he put everything in the room. "you done changing?" he asked. i nodded. he sat down and started putting the bed together. "you need help?" i asked. "if you want." he says as he knows what he is doing. i don't know why to do because i never did things like this because i always got things. "hak... i don't know how to do this. i never did anything like this." i felt embarrassed saying that. "don't be embarrassed it's okay, and i'll teach you. so here we're making the bed frame. so we can place the bed on it. you put this piece here." he grabbed my hand and he put the piece in my hand "place it here, and you use this to wrap around it to keep it in place. so just place it here" as he pointed. i put it where he pointed. and he grabbed a bamboo string and he wrapped it around tightly and tied it tightly.
i looked into his eyes as he explained but i understood. i just.... zoomed out. and i just had a sexual daydream about me and hak. i snapped out of it, and i was slowly leaning forward to give hak another kiss, and he lean back. "yona.." why.. so he doesn't wanna kiss me? did i do something wrong. to make it seem like i wasn't trying to kiss him, i grabbed another bamboo from behind him, and sat back. "so i have to pull it apart?" he nodded "but wait not yet, and he finished the rest of what was left. "you ever had a girlfriend?" "yes, i have but it wasn't really a relationship just puppy love." he said. "ever been sexually active" maybe i shouldn't have said that. hak look uncomfortable and slightly stuttered "n-no, never. i'm interested." he got up "where you want your bed to be. "in the corner over there." i pointed. he placed the frame where i wanted. he sat back down. "why are you asking these questions." he asked me. i grabbed his hand. he had an unsatisfied look as always but he was blushing. "i don't know, i just wanna know these things." hm. hak smirked. "okay.. my turn. are you a virgin?" he asked. "uh, a little too far hak." "no? it's not you asked me remember? so are you a virgin?" he asked again. "you wanna test that theory?" i mentioned. he eyes opened wide once again. "no, yona we will not, and we would never." he sighed. "i wouldn't mind." i said. "you're crazy." he got up, and he picked the bed up and he put it down for me, and he left the room. i like him but i don't know how to tell him. i did like soo-won but that was in the past... hak came back with the blankets and sheets. he put it on the bed for me. "there is you're bed." he said. "where are you sleeping?" i asked. "floor." i don't think he should maybe i could.. "sleep with me hak." i said he immediately said no. i begged him and begged him, and i always get my way and he said okay. i smiled. i laid down.. and hak laid down on the opposite end. "um hak." "yes" he said. "sleep up here with me." i said as he sighed and he got up and laid next to me. "better?" he muttered. "better" i grabbed his cheek. "i get cold during the middle of the night." he mentioned. "i mean i could cuddle up next to you and sleep under you or on top of you" i smiled as he was shocked but smirked "that's fine cause i'll misbehave." "misbehave?" i blushed. hak turn around and fell asleep and it took a while for me but i did fell asleep too.