
Yin Harmony Cultivation in a Magus World

Alabama city is a very peaceful place with beautiful scenery as it has the support of the Hans Empire. The Empire has been around for Thousands of years because of the stable governance of the Magi council. Magi are S-rank ability holders(magic possessors) with great power. Noah is a smart and naive boy at the same time as he had an accident which led to his mental age being stagnated(spirit force also stagnated) at 9-year-old with a physical age of 15-year-old. He always wanted to become a powerful person to help his family and he is physically above everyone in the city in the same age group but his spirit force stagnation stops his advancement to E-group from F-group. He has a very caring family and many of them were on missions of finding solutions for his injury. But all of this changed when he awakened his ability(soul type) which led him to get a supercomputer-like memory and calculative ability and many more. This ability led him to get the yin harmony technique which has been dormant in him. Follow the story of Noah as he grows from a boy to become a man. **WARNING** HEAVY INCEST AND HAREM **NETORI

lord_sin7 · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Yin Harmony Technique

Noah wakes up in a mysterious and empty white room and is searching for something unconsciously without bothering with his mysterious circumstances as if he is very familiar with it.

After rearranging a mysterious pattern in a corner of the room, he finds a small pinkish ball of fog emerges.

Touching the foggy ball, it explodes and he snaps out of his trance-like state and regained consciousness.

He finds himself in a bright room with a pinkish mist in front of his eyes and pondering over how he got himself there.

Suddenly, He felt a soul-tearing headache as there are some memories flooding into his mind.

He finds himself being a 9-year-old boy who is on a picnic with his family.

He has come over with his family for a picnic during the spring season. The cherry blossoms on the other side of the river are a huge attraction for both commoners and noble families.

While his parents were making preparations he heard a mysterious calling from the foggy hills that are embedded with a pink color from the petals falling from cherry blossoms which gives it a wondrous touch. He was immediately attracted by the sound and follows the path toward the sound, and enters the mysterious hills.

Foggy hills are very mysterious as any person who enters comes out safely three days later without any memories. There are no serious threats involved which is why it is a favorite picnic place for everyone. It is said that foggy hills are like this before even the empire came to be. Some say there are palaces of gods and angels which is why no one contains any memories of this place and says otherwise.

After getting out of his trance, he found himself in a white room where a pink ball floated midair above a dragon-like pattern.

He was immediately attracted by the pattern as he had read various stories of dragons. Dragons are said to be divine beasts. A newborn pureblood dragon is as powerful as magi while adults are matchless. Some say that even Gods envy them which is why there are very few pureblood dragons.

Dragons are bloodline species as they can breed with other types of species. They are also known to be very lustful in nature which created species like wyverns or flood dragons.

As Noah walked toward the pink ball, it flickered and instantly shot his head. His whole body was submerged in the pink mist. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a rickety old man with dragon-like horns above his head.

"Hahahahaha" laughs maniacally Agnes "Finally, There is someone who can touch the ball."

Noah has been trembling all over after seeing the ghost-like figure.

"Who are you," asks Noah while pointing over his head "and what is this pink mist "

"Don't be scared, boy"

"This is a gift from me, So just accept this"

"and how can I accept and what is happening with me"

"Just stand still and it will automatically find its way", strictly orders Agnes while contemplating his last moments.

Agnes is the primordial dragon who has been put in the eternal prison which is the white palace by God. He was one of the most powerful creatures to walk out in the world, But his uncontrollable lust screwed him over.

His nature has become so depraved that he has set his eyes on God's daughter someone who he should not have messed with. So he was put in eternal prison by God after being beaten by his daughter and left there to rot alone.

After countless years, he can't seem to find a way out of prison, and also the eternal prison sucks his life force thousand times faster.

He knew that he will die and he can't seem to accept his fate but he did not regret his decision, So he focuses fully on creating a technique that will become a nightmare for even the gods and devils.

He was a million-year genius with spirit calculative ability as spirit abilities are known to be rarest. With his ability, he has created many techniques which are renowned as apex techniques in many worlds. But he likes to laze and fucks around which has stagnated his chances to become God.

In his last years, he successfully created a technique to become the god of lust which is his only regret. But he can't become one as his vitality has already run out.

He was very angry over God's decision and he wanted revenge. So, he created an inheritance ground outside the eternal prison with his remaining soul power as fuel which has taken shape of foggy hills. He has cut off a piece of his soul and embedded it into the ball to judge his inheritor.

The pink ball has been made with the rarest awakening stone known as purple stone which contains his inheritance and the fog around it are amalgamations of his vital blood which is also a super rare commodity.

The purple stone can directly awaken and purify its user ability.

The only condition for the inheritance is to have the same ability as him as this is the minimum requirement to cultivate his technique.

To find inheritors, His ability creates a sound that is only to be heard by the people with the same ability and other intruders are simply returned after their memories are scanned to be updated.

Thousands of years have passed and his soul in the pink ball is already in the last moments, So wanted to try his last time while also praying for the first time to the Dragon God to send him an inheritor.

When he saw that Noah was attracted by the sound he did not believe his senses at first and was very thankful to the dragon god who seemed to fulfill his last wish.

While he was contemplating his life, he heard a soul-wrenching cry from Noah who is currently absorbing the pink ball.

He first wanted to force Noah to get his revenge but after hearing the cry as decides otherwise.

Agnes has never killed or forced himself upon any creature as he was a very kind soul. This is also the reason why God has put him in the prison to free him sometime later after putting down his daughter's anger but his white palace has been lost in a space-time disturbance.

"Well he is a young boy" sighs, Agnes, and then put his idea of revenge aside and focuses on helping Noah.

Agnes sealed the inheritance in Noah's soul in the same Dragon-like pattern while putting him under sleep which he will get at the time of the awakening ceremony as he knew about the empire from the different memories over the years.

Noah's spirit has been damaged in the process but Agnes is not concerned about that as he knew it will automatically get restored over time and his foundation will be perfect on the road to becoming God which is a blessing in disguise for Noah. He is concerned about Noah's physique as this is the main reason why the inheritance has been interrupted.

While Agnes was thinking of a possible solution, he gets speechless after watching what is happening in front of him.

Noah's physique absorbs every last bit of pink mist and improves his own quality which is very rare as a strong physique absorbs a weak physique. Agnes's physique was one of the strongest physiques even among the Dragons which is why he is shocked. After making sure Noah's health has improved, he sighs in relief.

"Well, this is our last meeting" mumbles Agnes and says his last words to Noah with a smile on his face

"Don't regret anything and make sure fuck every lady who catches your eye."

While adult Noah watches these forgotten memories, his eyes became wet and then he promises to make sure to follow the last words of his benefactor.

He then recalled this technique "Yin Harmony Technique" which does not govern by mana, So practitioners can't be controlled by mana and have a chance to become God and become even more determined.


NAME: Noah Goldstein

AGE: 15

Ability: Spirit calculation/Gold/***


AGILITY: 99.99



SKILLS: 1. Basic Martial Art(completed)

2. Yin Technique(beginner)