
Yes! He's Perfect

A struggling head strong young woman seeks to make a name for herself as a photographer in the fashion industry. She's given an opportunity to prove herself by doing a photoshoot for the men's underwear line of a huge fashion empire. Unware that the model she hired through an agency cancel at the last minute, Leah mistakes a gorgeous hunky guy as the model, giving him a pep talk, commenting on his looks and masculine body to the guys amusement. After completing, what Leah considers to be a successful shoot, she wishes the model who introduces himself as Logan Grey, all the best. Packing up, she receives a call from Mrs. Daniels who was happy to hear the shoot was over. Checking her phone at home she saw numerous calls and a message from the modelling agency. She reads a message stating that the model would be unavailable today and to reschedule. What? who was the guy in the shoot? The perfect model! How do I explained this to Mrs. Daniels?

Sabry_Singh · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
221 Chs



With determination, I stood my ground, uncaring of my husband's view. Jessica is my responsibility and I already have the judge's approval on the course of action necessary, to remove my sister's, from that bastards clutches.

"I'm sorry, but I don't support your decision" Logan says firmly.

Refusing to back down, I turned to judge Delano, "it's not your decision to make" I retorted angrily to Logan.

"I want my sister out of the clutches of that sick old man and this is my first step towards making it happen" I told Logan, as I felt my mother in-law hold my trembling hand.

Standing up, "Let's go, we'll discuss this at home." Logan responds impatiently, moving to touch my wheelchair.

"No" I shout stopping him, trying to catch my breath, getting my emotions in check.

Glaring at me, I felt Logan's gaze penetrating into my soul.

"Jamie, let's go, it's late and I will explain" Logan says trying to get me to agree in front of the judge who looks on keenly at us.

"What changed?" I asked, noticing that his expressions started changing.

"Tell me and I'll go" I say to him.

Ignoring me, he turns to judge Delano, "bring lots of cops" Logan advises her. She frowns, before her eyes widen in surprise, now understanding.

"You're that Daniels" judge Delano said softly, as if she spoke to herself.

Logan, nods sadly, while mom huffs, "yes, sad to admit" she confirms.

"Don't worry, we will send out officers fully equip. Thanks for the headsup" she smiles at Logan.

"WHAT. CHANGED?" I asked for the umpteen time,

"I'll tell you in the car, sweetheart" Logan said in a softer tone, as he tries to coax me into going with him.

"Mr Daniels, you have given us a headsup, but if your wife is uncertain, you should explain your reasons to her before taking her home" judge Delano stand's up, "use my office" she offers, indicating that mom should follow her.

Logan nods to his mother, who gets up and leaves with judge Delano.

I turn to see worry etched in my husband's eyes..Sighing he sits down pulling his chair next to me.

"Jessica has acquire a lawyer and is prepared to lie to the court about you and your treatment of her. Jamie I can't allow you to go through further distress. The doctor just warned me" he said.

Why am I not surprise. "I'll be fine, I told him, curious though. "You're supporting your grandfather now?" assuming that he's the one who got Jess a lawyer.

Sighing, he leans closer, "she told dad that she wants to apologize and dad wants us to give her the chance" Logan explains.

Chuckling dryly, "you saw the way she looked at you! You saw the way she looked at me! This is another trick on her part. I know it." I told him, even though I'm second guessing myself.

Logan stood up and started pacing. "You know dad never gets involved. Maybe he has a reason for asking us to hold on" Logan says softly, almost to himself.

"Then understand this, if your father wants to become her legal guardian, then let him apply to the court" I retorted, raising my head waiting for his reaction.

Looking down at me with a small smile reflecting his internal battle.

"Mom would never agree to it" he responds, definitely tormented between his mother and father.

"You know that and came to get me to back down instead?" I asked, stunned by his actions.

"No, no" he quickly sat down again, denying it. "I won't do that to you, to us!" he was quick to respond.

Chuckling at the thought that if Logan's father wins the family court and gets custody of Jess, Logan will be her stepbrother.

Narrowing his gaze on my face, "what's funny now?" he asks, looking at his wrist watch.

"You and Jess, brother and sister" I chuckle at his expression.

Shaking his head, "that's a horrible thought" he laughs with a disgusted look on his face.

The door opened and judge Delano returned with mom following her.

"Have you guys made a decision yet?" the judge asks, but looks at Logan.

Nodding, "yes ma'am" he said looking at me. "My wife won" he admits.

Chuckling, "it's a good thing she's not an opposing council" judge Delano said, sitting back down, indicating that mom should do the same.

"Ms Scott, I'm mak".... she starred before Logan interrupted her.

"Daniels... it's Mrs Daniels" Logan corrected an amused judge much to his mother's disapproval at his interrupting the judge.

"Mrs Daniels" judge Delano started again looking at Logan, with an amused smile. "I'm making this decision because I understand your present situation, but I will not put Jessica with a family yet, unless the court hears from you and your brother.

Logan and mom sat silently on either side of me. I nodded.

" Mr Daniels? " the judge addresses Logan, awaiting his response.

Sitting upright, "yes ma'am, I understand Jamie's reasoning and I support her decision." he tells her with a lopsided smile.

Judge Delano tuned to mom, "Mrs Daniels?" she looks at mom.

"I support Jamie's decision. I almost lost my son to that life. Losing Jessica in the long run will be totally devastating to Jamie." mom agrees.

Putting her pencil down, "I will be seeing you in about two hours" she says standing up.

"Wait, you're going to be there?" I wondered, knowingly Jess could play on her sympathy.

"Yes, I will overseer this personally, because I saw first hand your toil, your tears and the sacrifices you made to keep your siblings, so I know that you're not going to give up" she explains.

"Thank you" I said, graceful that someone in the system also cares about my sister.

"I just hope she doesn't try to manipulate you too" I admit. Deep down I still have a sense of fear, where Jess is concern.

What changed her?

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