
Yanderes For The Win (Yuri){Dropped}

Jane now Lila is a girl with a weird past and is now reincarnated with a system that aims to 'domesticate' yanderes. How will she survive in worlds where many of them exists. Just because of her. And who's this sister she's so scared and worried about. __________ Don't own any of the pics and properties here except my story and ocs. Fem Protagonist so if you want male ones go to the 4560 other fanfics for male supremisies. Also a Yuri fanfic so if you're not a fan go away.

ChildishSin · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 3 |Quest Complete|

"You Really Are trying TO KILL ME!!" I shouted to none as. And if anyone so me now they would think I'm crazy.

[The system is made to make the Host progress to a direction where none can compete with it so host doesn't need to worry]

'That better be true because if anything is true you're the one that's gonna be putting me into trouble with these missions, frick I spoke too loud

Realising my outburst and the danger it could lead to I spoke to the system in my mind then looked around.

Funny thing about me is whenever I felt goosebumps it meant something bad was gonna happen.

'*Sigh* Okay no goosebumps means I'm not in danger yet' I thought as I asked another question.

'Then what are those rewards?' I asked.

[Attribute points are used only for attributes, while Yandere Points can be used by the other functions of the system as points. They can be obtained when you complete missions, and do something that centers around yanderes]

[They can also be obtained when the host completes quests that have them as rewards. Think of them as this System's currency]

That's pretty interesting and it seems to be an important factor in me surviving this whole thing as I would need every strength that I need in this new world.

But something still bothered me here as it was treating Dalia as an object of mass destruction*Even though she is*.

'Then why do you need to bring Dalia into this and also why don't I remember anything after she went straight to me' I asked the question that's been bugging me for a while.

[The system has deemed this the host's worst nightmare and has deemed it a good motivator for you to do the Mission, also all the memories you have regained were the only ones you can recall, so the system has no part in it]

Listening to the systems answer it seemed logical, but very sadistic and cruel especially for what Dalia might do if she got to me. Considering she is still alive.

'Sounds suspicious... But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you for now as your the only thing I have now' I replied sadly as this thing I got from a god is the only thing I have now.

All my friends are dead now, and I presume Dalia as well and now I'm in a different world with nobody to lean on.

'But atleast I have the opportunity to deal with things on my own now'

I won't let something like that happen again.

After that I kept asking the system questions about it's functions and found out it had a menu for things.






[Status and Attributes]








After going through all the menu options.

I got the gist of what their uses are.

[Missions] are like quest but manditory ones that I can't decline and have more rewards.

[Quests] are tasks I can do to get rewards at a certain point in time they are constantly changing based on what's happening in the world I'm currently at so they're timelimits are much quicker than [Missions]

[Status and Attributes], and [Skills] I've already seen earlier so I didn't really touch them.

[Map] was just a HUD that showed my location and only showed a general area of where I'm at as well as it's layout.

[Inventory] is a storage with infinite capacity, it also has a nifty function of being able to have different tabs on which I can place different items and also control how they affect the items. Like pausing time in one tab so food doesn't go bad.

[Crafting] was unique as it allowed me to have the ability to craft anything as long as I had the material and yandere points for it. It can even make food and also weapons but I'm limited only to hammers , chains and scythes.

[Profile] was weird as it was basically a shield for those who have an appraisal ability that can see information about others and when this ability is used on me this is the only info I have, it also functions as a character sheet that judges, my faith and destiny and thanks to GOV I have become faithless.



{Name: Jane Heller}

{Race: Voidborn}

{Power Level: 145}

[Titles] (Hidden)

[God of The Void's Successor]•[Transmigrator]•[Yandere Magnet]•[Talented]•[Ruthless]•[Coward]•[System Host]•[Onee-Chan]


After seeing my profile I then asked what my titles do and got another prompt from appraisal.



[God of The Void's Successor] - The (GoV) has chosen you as it's successor and has given you the ability to control it's domain.

The power and control is based on the host's total power level.


[Transmigrator] - As someone who's lived through death and has lived again now in another world you are given a title that transfers the world's common languages to your head.


[Yandere Magnet] - A title given to those that had attracted the obsession of more than 10 girls.

Makes girls more attracted and protective of you.


[Talented] - Given to those who find most things easy in life.

Makes the host learn anything faster.

And improves natural talent to an unnatural degree.


[Ruthless] - Given to those that don't feel remorse even in front of others death.

Gives the Skill {Cold Heart}


[Coward] - Those who abandon their friends and run away only to save their skin are given this title.

Makes the holder more fearful.


[System Host]- Given to those that have been given a system.

Gives the holder a system.


[Onee-Chan]- Given to those that love their little sisters unconditionally and will always think of them positively.

Makes the holder look more amiable to those who the holder deem younger than them.



"What the hell is with all these titles" I half shouted to the system as some of them contradicted with others and some were just odd. Like the Yandere Magnet.

"And what's with my race being a voidborn?" I asked audibly to the system.

[The host was made a voidborn like the God of The Void, but also gave the host potential to surpass him as he made you his Successor]

"Why would he even choose me?" I asked as I don't remember doing anything noteworthy on our meeting if anything I was rude and impulsive.

[That's something this system also doesn't know as only the God of The Void knows the answer]

Seeing the systems reply I decided to drop it and moved on to another question that really disturbed me.

"Well.. moving on, I don't remember having 10 girls being obsessed with me"

[The titles are given to those that have honed by reality as a part of a beings personality, also the titles have been earned rightfully by the host such as the one from the God of The Void]

"But I don't remember girls-" I cut myself off as I began to realise something.

'Did Dalia kill them?' I questioned to myself as it was the most likely reason to her ever growing obsession for me.

'Could this be one of the reasons she got so out of control and so murder happy' I asked myself as it was most likely that she was the one who would kill out her competition.

"But who were they, this is pretty disturbing and now I'm probably gonna have more of them because of my title and abilities" I grimaced from the situations I might be out in just because of this title.

"Especially since I won't be able to just run away now as with all that happened before it only makes things worse]

[The host doesn't need to worry to much about it as it has long since passed and you have other problems to deal with]

"Huh.. Like what" I asked as I got my answer quickly.

I then hear a loud thump behind me only to see trees being knocked over by something massive coming my way.

'What the hell is that' I thought as I saw what the Hell it really was.

It was a 10 feet tall lion with gray fur and a silver mane.

It was also inching toward me in a threatening manner as it's claws popped out of its fingers.

"Hey! H-hey N-nice kitty cat ri-right" I tried to back away and make it seem nice but it only growled at me.

"Grrhh" It growled along with its bad breath and chilling gaze I got more scared.

If it was me from before I would've just ran away like before. But this time I have strength and potential to face my problems head on. I just need to start believing that I can overcome them.

'Okay calm down Jane, you have abilities which one could I use in this situation' I thought as I sank my fear deep in my heart to make a plan.

⟨Skill [Cold Heart] had been activated⟩

And as I did that got a notification. A skill activated.

But seeing me not moving made the lion think that I was frozen in fear. It used the opportunity and leapt out to tear me in half with its claws.

"Graeeghhh!" The lion then came face first as it was going closer to me as it was leaping to me.

Seeing it coming closer I got an idea but before I can put it into fruition got another notification.



[New Quest]

—Defeat the Danger Beast

Reward: 10 Attribute points.


I only saw the goal and so I put my plan in motion and used my blessing.

'This is the first time I'm gonna be using this I hope this works' I hoped as used my blessing to make a spike made out dark matter appear on the tree behind me as I jumped out of the way.

The Danger Beast not expecting me to jump out of the way and a spike to just appear in my place was too shocked to turn it's body in time as it tried to change its direction.

It bent it's body so that the spike would hit it's torso so that the damage would lessen.

As it did that I landed safely to the left of the tree and I looked into its direction.

It's side was now impaled with the spike as it tried to destroy it so that it can be removed, but seeing it not working it tried to reach me.

"So it didn't work, well I have a backup" I said as I used the blessing again.

The lion-like Danger Beast seeing that something was wrong tried to make a cry for help or something like that, but was too late.

As the spike that was previous my impaling it's side now made a morning star shape and blew the beast up from the inside.


⟨Quest Complete⟩


Well that was rough I can fix some edges so I'll need your guy'ss help to fix them.

Just say parts which need some ironing out ☺️.

Or any misspellings done as my auto correct is sometimes a bitch.

Okay I'll be honest the reason I couldn't upload is that I was speedrunning some audio light novels.

And the best one I read was Strongest Survival By the Otome Games Heroine.

It's about a Heroine from an Otome game who was made aware that she was a game character so knowing that she would be a woman who had men on leashes.

She became repulsed of it and tries to change her fate while surviving in her harsh world that the game didn't show.