
Y/N One Piece Story BOOK 1

Your dream is to become Pirate King!

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8 Chs

Meeting An Emperor

Y/N: Drake I forgot to ask you your abilities

Drake: I have a devil fruit that make a Poison auar around me but only effects my enemy's the effects happen in there blood if my knife strikes them it also increases my speed drastically

Y/N: Next stop Arlong Park I want to kill him I have heard he he horrible and heard the story of Nami of the Straw Hat Pirates story why didn't Monkey D Luffy kill him I will

Drake: Ok Y/N

(You arrive at the old Arlong Park and see Arlong Sitting on his old throne depressed)

Y/N: Arlong!

Arlong: What human

Y/N: I will kill you here and do what Monkey D Luffy should of done

(Arlongs eyes go bloodshot like in the fight v Luffy after hearing the name Luffy again)

(Arlong puts every bit of strength into a punch at you)

(You evade the puch and set him on fire and burn him so he turns to dust as he dies he says)

Arlong: I hate you humans

(You get go back to the ship in disappointment and say)

Y/N: I suppose he was weak that is what 20 million berries is to the government

Drake: I suppose so Captain

Y/N: Next stop Jaya

(You arrive at Jaya and walk on the street and as somebody walks down the street everyone hides in the back alleys you and the person are the only ones on the street as you get close to each other you say)

Y/N: Move weakling

Mysterious Man: I could kill you as quick as light

Y/N: hahahahaha weakling

(You cover your arm in flames and push him)

(He evades it puts your arm around you back and says)

Mysterious Man: Your So Weak Fool I am Jake an Emperor Of The Sea

(Bounty: 2,200,000,000)

(You shiver as you have heard story's about Jake before you set off to be a pirate with the old man in the village you lived in)

Y/N: Sorry Jake

Jake: Good

(A Marine Captain appears and asks)

Marine Captain: Poison Pirate I will not attempt to arrest you or anyone hear if you tell me your real name for you bounty poster

Drake: Ok it is Drake my name

(The Marine Officer releys that to HQ)

(Drakes Bounty has been updated

(You say sorry and bye again to Jake and leave to a different street)

(As you walk you see a familiar face that has come back to Jaya to relive the memories with his crew)

And that man is someone you recognise from stories and his bounty poster

That person is ...

Images on my wattpad @Dash711