
Childhood and those stuff

When i was younger, i always thought that love just happens and there is always a happy ever after but as i grew older all those love stuff became bullshit to me.

I am emerald ,a very sweet 15 years old girl well you can skip the sweet part because it may be otherwise. My thought about happy ever after ended when i saw my sister's boyfriend break up with her, everyone always thought that they were the ultimate couple until few days ago i saw my sister crying in the corridor of our shared bedroom and i went ahead to ask her and she told me," oh it's nothing, i just had a bad dream"; well that didn't seem like one to me but i let her be until later today her trash of a boyfriend embarrassed her and dumped her right in front of my eyes from then i knew love was just a sham. Throughout that day my sister got angry at everyone at home and also refused to eat well more food for me; hey don't look at me that way i always had my doubt about the guy i just love seeing my sister happy that was the reason why i left him and also the fact that he was cute a bit yeah a bit.