
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

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58 Chs

Chapter 26: The Main Cast are here


Alpha's eyes locked onto Deputy Kevin Briggs, who was standing guard by the crashed car, diligently waiting for the tow truck. "First, start with you, policeman," Alpha muttered under his breath, his grin widening.



Standing by the damaged car, Deputy Kevin Briggs held his flashlight, casting eerie shadows around the crash site. Despite the early afternoon sun filtering through the trees, the atmosphere felt heavy and oppressive. He glanced at his watch, wondering when the tow truck would arrive.



His thoughts were interrupted by a rustling sound in the bushes. Instinctively, he reached for his gun, pointing the flashlight towards the noise. "Who's there?" he called out, trying to keep his voice steady.



From the darkness, Alpha stepped forward, his red eyes glowing ominously. "Good afternoon, Deputy," he said, his voice dripping with malice.



Deputy Kevin's heart raced. He tightened his grip on his gun. "Stay right there! Hands where I can see them!" he barked, trying to assert control over the situation.



Alpha continued walking towards him, a smirk playing on his lips. His minions, grotesque and menacing, emerged from the shadows behind him.



"I said stay right there!!" Deputy Kevin shouted, his voice cracking slightly as he fired his gun, aiming for Alpha's legs.



The bullet pierced through Alpha's leg, but instead of falling, Alpha smirked as his leg healed instantly, the bullet dropping to the ground. Kevin's eyes widened in disbelief.



"Is that all,officer?" Alpha taunted.



Panicking, Deputy Kevin fired again, this time aiming for Alpha's chest. He emptied the clip, each shot met with the same result—Alpha's body regenerating almost instantaneously, bullets dropping uselessly to the ground.



"Monster!!" Kevin shouted, his voice filled with fear and frustration as his gun clicked empty.



Alpha's chest healed, the wounds closing as if they had never been there. "Oh, what's wrong, officer? Out of ammo already?"



Before Deputy Kevin could react, an arrow shot from Three Finger's bow struck him in the left leg. He screamed in pain, collapsing to his knees and clutching at the wound.



"Fuck!!!" Kevin shouted, pain and desperation in his voice. "What the fuck are you?"



Alpha just ignored his words and approached him, then kneeling so his red eyes, eye to eye with Kevin's eye. "Now tell me, where are they going? Which station are they at?"



"Fuck you!!" Kevin spat defiantly, his voice shaking.



Alpha laughed, a cold, sinister sound. "Saw Tooth, do it. Left ear."



Saw Tooth stepped forward, his machete gleaming in the dim light. With a swift motion, he sliced off Deputy Kevin's left ear. Kevin screamed in agony, blood pouring down the side of his face.



"Aaah!!!" Kevin's scream echoed through the forest.



Alpha leaned in closer, his eyes glowing with cruel amusement. "It seems you didn't hear me. That's why I cut your ear off—to help you hear my words more clearly." He smirked evilly, enjoying the fear and pain in Kevin's eyes.



Kevin groaned, his vision blurred with tears and pain. The sight of Alpha's red eyes filled him with a primal fear.



Alpha's voice turned cold and menacing. "Now, tell me, where will they go?"



Kevin, panting heavily, tried to muster his courage. "I… I'm not telling you anything."



Alpha's smile faded, replaced by a look of dark determination. "Very well, then. We'll just have to do this the hard way."



Kevin's resolve began to crumble under the weight of his injuries and fear. Desperate to make the pain stop, he finally gave in. "The… the station… they're headed to the station… the one on Route 18 Fairlake... Sheriff.... station," he gasped out.



Alpha's grin returned, satisfied with the information. "Thank you, officer. That wasn't so hard, was it?"



Kevin slumped, his strength fading. Alpha stood up, motioning to his minions. "We have what we need. Let's go."



As Alpha and his minions started to move away, Alpha paused and turned back to Saw Tooth. "Oh I almost forgot...Do it, Saw Tooth."



Kevin's eyes widened in fear. "Wh-wh-what do you mean?" he stammered, his voice trembling.



Without a word, Saw Tooth approached Kevin, his machete gleaming. With a swift, brutal motion, he sliced Kevin's neck. Kevin's hands flew to his throat, trying in vain to stem the flow of blood. He looked up at Alpha, his vision blurring, and saw the evil smirk on Alpha's face. It was the last thing he saw before collapsing to the ground, As he died, the blood still spurting from his neck.



Alpha looked down at Kevin's lifeless body, the ground stained with blood. "I never said I wouldn't kill you, officer" he said coldly, his smirk fading into a look of satisfaction.



Alpha turned to his minions, who were watching with grim expressions. "Let's move. We have a station to visit."



With that, Alpha and his minions disappeared into the forest, leaving the scene of brutality behind. The forest grew quiet again, but the air was thick with the promise of more violence to come.




Adam side


Adam Wilson and Porter Harmss cautiously made their way through the dense forest, the afternoon sun filtering through the trees and casting dappled shadows on the ground. As they walked, Adam suddenly spotted police officers up ahead.



He glanced at Porter and nodded, a plan forming in his mind.



Porter hesitated. "Wait" he whispered urgently.



Adam turned to him, his expression calm but determined. "What?"



Porter looked concerned. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"



Adam whispered to Porter as they walked through the forest, keeping their voices low to avoid detection.



"Relax, Porter. This is the safest way to get to the police station. I don't even know where it is exactly, and besides, this is our first offense. I'm sure they'll just give us a warning and let us go after a day or so."



Porter sighed, unsure but willing to follow Adam's lead. "Okay... If you say so."



Porter looked skeptical but nodded reluctantly, trusting Adam's judgment in their risky plan. As they continued walking through the forest, Porter couldn't shake his curiosity.



"Wait, how did you know about 'first offense' or something... don't tell me you've done this before?" Porter asked, his voice a mixture of concern and incredulity.



Adam glanced at him without a word, his expression unreadable. In his mind, memories flickered back to a time in his previous life, back when he was still involved in delinquent activities.



Porter broke the silence. "So you have done this before?" His tone was insistent, searching for reassurance or explanation.




Adam sighed softly. "Stop talking nonsense, Porter. Let's focus on what we need to do." He adjusted the bag of weed slung over his shoulder and raised his hands slightly, reminding Porter of the urgency of their situation.



They continued forward, the afternoon sun casting long shadows through the dense trees. Adam walked with purpose, his mind calculating their next steps. He knew their plan hinged on appearing cooperative and innocent until they reached the police station.



As they approached a clearing, they spotted a pair of police officers up ahead, talking near their patrol car. Adam maintained a steady pace, keeping his demeanor calm and non-threatening. Porter followed suit, trying to emulate Adam's composure despite his lingering doubts.



The officers noticed Adam and Porter approaching. One of them, a middle-aged man with a stern expression, stepped forward. "Hey, what are you two doing out here?"



Adam put on a friendly smile. "Hey, officers. We, uh, got a bit lost. Can you point us in the direction of the police station? We were hiking and got turned around."



The officer eyed them suspiciously. "Hiking, huh? What's in the bag?"



Adam kept his tone casual. "Oh, just some camping supplies. We're heading to the festival, but we took a wrong turn and ended up here."



The officer raised an eyebrow. "Mind if we take a look?"



Adam nodded. "Sure, go ahead."



The officer approached and opened the bag, revealing the contents. His eyes narrowed when he saw the weed inside. "What's this?"



Adam shrugged. "It's just a bit of weed for personal use. Like I said, we're heading to the festival."



The officer exchanged a glance with his colleagues. "Alright, Young uns. Looks like you're in a bit of trouble here. Come with us."



Adam and Porter exchanged a look, silently confirming that their plan was working. They complied without resistance as the officers escorted them towards their patrol car.



The officers drove Adam and Porter to the Fairlake Sheriff Station on Route 18. Along the way, they maintained their story of being lost hikers who made a mistake with the weed. Adam and Porter kept their demeanor calm and cooperative, playing their roles convincingly.



Upon arrival at the station, they were booked and processed. They cooperated fully with the officers, providing their information and going through the necessary procedures. Inside, Adam quietly assessed the station's layout and noted the officers' routines, gathering information that might be useful later.



As they sat in the holding area, waiting for further processing, Adam leaned towards Porter and whispered, "We're closer now. Just stay calm and follow my lead."



Porter nodded, his expression a mix of anxiety and determination. "I trust you, Adam. Let's just hope this gets us where we need to be."



Adam glanced around, keeping an eye on their surroundings. He knew they were one step closer to finding Sheriff Angela and confronting Alpha. But they still had a long way to go, and the risks were mounting with each passing moment.



The hours dragged by, tension mounting as Adam and Porter waited for their next move. The station buzzed with activity, officers coming and going, but Adam remained focused on their goal. They had gambled by getting caught, and now they needed to turn that gamble into an opportunity.




[Meanwhile Julian side]


The drive back to the station was tense. The rain had let up slightly, but the roads remained slick, and the air was thick with humidity after the storm. Sheriff Angela Carter kept her focus on the road ahead, occasionally glancing in the rearview mirror to check on the van following closely behind.



Inside the van, Julian, Billy, Gus, Lita, and Cruz sat in uneasy silence. The gravity of their situation weighed heavily on their minds, dampening the earlier camaraderie that had filled their journey to the festival.



Julian leaned over to Billy, his voice low. "What do you think they're going to do with us?"



Billy, nursing his bandaged wrist, shook his head slowly. "I don't know, man. Just stay calm. We'll figure this out."



Gus, trying to lighten the mood despite the circumstances, commented, "Well, at least we know the cops are thorough, right?"



Lita shot him a disapproving glance. "Now's not the time for jokes, Gus."



Cruz, sitting beside Lita, sighed deeply. "I just hope they believe our side about the old man. We didn't provoke anything."



Lita nodded in agreement, reaching out to squeeze Cruz's hand for reassurance as the van rolled on towards the sheriff's station.



When they arrived, Sheriff Angela parked her car and briskly walked over to the van. "Let's get them inside." she instructed the officers who were on standby.



The officers opened the van doors and ushered Julian, Billy, Gus, Lita, and Cruz out one by one. The group followed quietly, resigned to their fate but hopeful that their innocence would be recognized.



Inside the station, Sheriff Angela kept a watchful eye on them. "I want statements from all of them. And make sure that old man gets medical attention immediately," she ordered the officers.



Julian, feeling a surge of urgency, stepped forward towards Sheriff Angela. "Sheriff, we really didn't do anything wrong. It was that old man who attacked us first, he—"



Sheriff Angela cut him off with a weary sigh. "And what about the weed, boy?"



Julian's face fell as he struggled for words. "The weed... oh, shit."



Sheriff Angela nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of their situation. She turned to the officers with a decisive tone. "Book them. Separate cells for the girls and boys, but keep them close enough to each other."



The officers acknowledged her instructions with a crisp "Roger, ma'am," and began processing Julian, Billy, Gus, Lita, and Cruz into the station, their steps heavy with uncertainty and apprehension about what lay ahead.



Sheriff Angela watched them go, her expression a mix of duty and concern. She knew they were caught up in something more complicated than a simple festival mishap, and finding the truth would take careful investigation.




Adam and Porter sat quietly in their respective cells, having executed their risky plan to get captured and brought to the Fairlake Sheriff Station. They knew their next move would be crucial, especially with Alpha targeting the main cast and manipulating the events of the Wrong turn plot.



In the dimly lit jail corridor, Adam noticed movement. The door to their cell block swung open, revealing Julian, Billy, Gus, Lita, and Cruz being escorted by officers towards their cells. Adam's heart quickened as he realized the main cast was now all together in one place.



Porter, beside him, raised an eyebrow in surprise. "What's going on?"



Adam glanced at him briefly, then focused on Julian and the others being brought in. "It's time for the plan." Adam thought to himself, recognizing the critical juncture they were in.



As officers finished booking Julian and the others, Adam scanned the area discreetly, considering backup plans. He knew Alpha wouldn't hesitate now that the plot is happening, and Adam knew time was critical. But he needed to stay calm and wait for the right moment to act.



To be continue