
Writer's Revenge: Rise To Fame

“Enough of this!” I threw my script to her face and walked towards the door. My name is Do Duho. An aspiring writer. I have been betrayed by the top writer in the industry, Gu Gyuri, and I will definitely take my revenge! This was the story of an underdog rising to the top, of David vs Goliath, of a young boy who struggled to achieve his dream against all odds and become the best writer on earth. ------ Author's Note: Please be aware that this is a work of fiction and some details might not reflect reality. ------ Come join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/xwqs7dKspx Or check my Patreon for exclusive benefits: https://www.patreon.com/febya Thank you ^^

FebyA · perkotaan
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13 Chs

Ch 11 - Dawn Entertainment’s CEO (2)

*** Dawn Entertainment's CEO, Yun Yena's POV ***

After seeing Director Jung off, I went to my office and began to read the script in earnest.

"Hm… So it's a movie…"

A successful movie isn't just about having a good script.

We had to find directors in each field, including filming, lighting, and sound recording. This could only have been done if many people, including the directing team, editing team, and actors, worked together.

So, depending on the script, it could cost a lot.

In fact, money was such a big part of film production that the success of the film could be decided by the amount invested.

"The title is… 'Revenger'? Is it action?"

It's a genre that usually costs a lot of money to make, even more so if it involves expensive special effects or special props like helicopters. So, I was a bit disheartened when I read the title.

But as I gave the script a full read, my worries soon turned into delight.

Let alone helicopters, there's only one car explosion. And if the scale is only this much, there would be no need to hire expensive CG artists to produce it. A decent one would be enough.

Honestly, it's a very good project for a new company like us.

And most importantly–

'This is fun.'

First of all, the main character's father is a police officer.

So what's with the title?

'Is the protagonist taking revenge because his father was killed by a criminal?'

That's what I thought at first, but no.

It turns out that the protagonist's father was a corrupt police chief who indiscriminately assaulted his wife and son at home, to the point that his wife died. 

So, he became the protagonist's target for revenge, even if the protagonist had to descend into crime to bring him down.

'I didn't expect it at all.'

It's a script that plays with the reader's expectations. As if expecting their reaction in advance and making full use of it.

'The confrontation between father and son is very exciting, and the main heroine too…'

A female officer that's the same age as the protagonist.

A girl who was torn between the two. 

She gets involved deeper and deeper in the protagonist's life as she tries to catch him. But she ends up sympathizing with the protagonist instead and letting him escape in the direst situation, which might very well be their only chance of catching him.

The scene where the protagonist saves her from public judgment near the end and brings an end to his father's corruption is nothing short of a masterpiece.


When I looked up, I realized several hours had passed since I started reading.

'I must have been fully absorbed in the script.'

It was that good.

Certainly, the dialogue leaves more to be desired. But everything else was top-notch.

Because it was depicted with meticulous attention to detail.

'This is not something a newbie could achieve.'

At least a pro. 

No, if it's at this level, is he comparable to Gu Gyein, who was recognized as the best writer in Korea?

'A writer of this caliber has been unknown for so long?'

There's no way this is his first work, so why haven't I heard of his name before?

'Do Duho.'

A very talented writer.

It's a name that will become famous sooner or later.

'I have to catch him.'

Even more so if he doesn't have an agency yet.

'Because no other star writer expresses their writing in such detail.'

For example, if there is an explosion scene where a car explodes.

How big is the explosion, where does it explode, and in what direction does the debris fly?

Do Duho's script expressed everything, including whether to capture the scene in long slow motion or divide the cut and proceed at varying speeds.

Even more amazing than that…

'Do Duho, were you an art student?'

When I saw him earlier, although he had a handsome face and a clean look, he only seemed like a slightly weird high school student. 

But was he actually older than he looked?

'No, high school student is probably right.'

Sure, some scenes have illustrations. However, Do Duho's drawing skills are not at the level of a major art student.

'How should I put it?'

It's almost as if the writer visualized the scene in his head and drew it exactly.

'Such a vivid imagination. That's definitely not something an ordinary person can have.'

It was so vivid that reading this script felt no different than watching a movie.

The fact that the text and illustration were depicted precisely.

Doesn't this mean that the situation and information about the work are all organized in your head?

"A real genius."

Director Jung would like it.

Because he, too, is a fellow genius in the movie directing department.


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