
Chapter Five- 'Fight'

A flood of information swept through their head. All kinds of weapon techniques for swords were played forward and backward in their brain. 

They were by no means now a professional, but it would help speed up the learning process significantly.

After he was finished he picked two shortswords and left them out, then put everything else away.

Seeing that no one else was there yet, he started practicing by himself, taking practise swings in the air, experimenting with different techniques.

After about an hour the door opened and the old man from earlier walked in.

"Ah, I see you have already started. Good, I will not tolerate laziness or slacking off by my students." He walked over and grabbed a beat up looking longsword. "As you have yet to learn practically anything, to test what you do know, I will not initiate an attack but can only defend. Your job is to make me either fall over, or bleed. Understood?"

Carter understood that his opponent was probably strong enough to back those words up. So even if it would he difficult, that is what training was for after all, so he nodded.

The man assumed a relaxed standing posture, then gestured to come at him. 

Carver assumed a stance meant for quick attacks, raising his swords slightly. Breathing out he charged, his speed slightly faster than a trained human in good condition.

As he approached he slashed the swords parallel to each other on a horizontal. Contrary to his expectations, instead of hitting his opponent, he experienced moment of black before finding himself on the ground.

"Too reckless, I was able to knock you on the head easily, dead. Again." The old man said in a calm voice.

Carver picked himself up, this time when he reached the old man he stepped to the side and tried slicing him while just running past him.

A foot was planted between his shoulderblades and he was sent sprawling instead. Before he could get up there was a sword to his throat. "Dead, again."

Again and again Carver and the old man did this. Minutes stretched into hours, before they knew it Vald was knocking om the wall beside the door.

"Come on Carver, you can come back another day, it's almost dark."

Carver nodded, then turned to the old man and thanked him, "I appreciate this, do I have your permission to leave and come back tomorrow?"

The old man chuckled, "I'm not your master, I don't dictate that, but yes you may, to both."

Carver put the swords he used away, then joined Vald and walked out.

"So kid, how any times did you 'die'?"

Carver frowned slightly, "I lost count after 57."

Vald chuckled, "Be more versatile, don't expect something basic to work. You have to create a new fighting style of your own when you face him. He takes your weak points and uses them. Use his."

Carver nodded, "Okay, I can do that. I've got until he gets old and kicks the bucket."

Vald chuckled, "Don't tell him you said that, he'll drop you like a hot coal."

Carver smirked, "Wouldn't dream of it."


The next few days were spent training the basics, after he got them down, faster than the old man, who still hadn't said his name, expected they started on formulating a style.

"You need to take in the regular condition of your body, and your regular style, to formulate a sword style for you." The old man stood across from Carver, sword in hand. "For example, over the years mine has slowly evolved, so currently, it requires little movement, and I'm precise in what I do. Where as you are quick and strong, so hit and runs are more your style. However you need to keep your recklessness in check and formulate plans instead of blindly running and attacking."

Carver nodded, he rested his hands on the pommel of his swords. They stood there for a few minutes, staring at each other. 

Then all at once Carver lunged forward, his swords leaving the scabbard. For a brief second there was a clash of metal on metal before there was silence again. They faced opposite directions, his swords in his hands Carver slowly turned around.

The old man had his back turned, but that had never hindered him before. Silently he lunged at his right side, almost reaching him he changed to the other side, and struck.

This time there was no clash of steel. Again they stood, standing opposite each other. A trickle of red dripped down, cloth sliced cleanly, the old man had blocked the wrong side.

He smilled, "I have nothing left to teach you, you can keep the swords, and this" He tossed Carver a small bag. He caught it and heard the clink of coins. "Spend them well."

Carver thanked him, "I'm very thankful, I don't  elieve I am good enough to be dismissed, but I will take my leave. Thank you for everything."

He quietly walked out as the sound of a system message ringed through his head.


>Congratulations for completing *Get to safety*<

>Rewards; Shop unlocked, Random system feature unlocked, free basic weapon(s)<

>As host dual wields swords, his current weapons will be upgraded to have better stats<

>Randomly determining feature<

>Feature determind, Inspect.<

>When inspecting an item, host must come in physical contact with said item. Information about the item will be told to host.<

Carver nodded, then pulled up the shop.

>Welcome to the shop!<

>You currently have nothing for sale, thank you, check later.<

He was dissapointed, but set it aside and checked his hud.

Name: Carver

Race: Vampire (Newly Awakened)

Class: Shadow Controller 

Level: 2

Exp: 0/100

Health: 160/160

Mana: 120/120

Strength: 12

Dexterity: 12

Intelligence: 12

Vitality: 16

Charisma: 13

Inventory (Basic)

Quests (1 New!)



Passive Skill(s): Thirst

Active Skill(s): Blood Swipe (1), Shadow Control (Basic)(1)

Seeing that nothing had changed, but there was a new quest he checked it.


Currently Active: 1

Completed: 2


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