

Ren made his way toward the 11th division while thinking over all the information he knew about them.

'Besides the fact that they are the close combat division and seen the most combat out of every division, they also have the strongest captain after the old man. But what I can't understand is, how was Zaraki able to take the title of Kenpachi.

These guys are currently on their 4th Kenpachi but I don't dare to underestimate this bastard. How the hell was that crazy bastard able to get the position?

Actually, I think the answer is pretty obvious. Including the fillers, I think there were at least 3 different rebellions during the year or two that the show took place. I can only imagine how many took place in the hundreds of years beforehand.

One of the Kenpachi's must have joined a rebel group or had been killed by the rebels. Either way, that must throw off the 11th division's captain system. Zaraki's predecessor was most likely not a true Kenpachi but a false one who did not truly earn his title.'

Ren kept thinking about the differences in Kenpachi as he made his way to the 11th division. It was such a strange thing to see the Zaraki from the anime who seemed so powerful look really weak when he saw the Kenpachi of the past.

He had seen both the 3rd and 4th Kenpachi in battle during his past hundred years. Both had gotten the approval of Khorne who even wanted Ren to go out and battle those two monsters.

Ren arrived at the 11th division barracks and the gates were not closed.

Actually, that was wrong. The gates had been torn off the hinges and thrown away somewhere. Ren walked inside since there was no one to stop him. He walked straight ahead since he had been there a few times. Every now and then he would have to deliver some information to different divisions so he had visited many before.

As he walked towards the officers' building, he saw a bunch of men fighting each other or working out while shirtless, gambling, or eating like some savages. Of the occasional woman that he saw, they all looked closer to men than women.

'They really don't give off the feeling of a military division but instead some bandits who are backed by the government. They suit Khorne's style though and I have no major complaints.'

When he entered the building, he made his way straight toward the main office. While it was called the main office, it was actually a large dojo that had 3 desks in it for the few officers of the division that did paperwork.

When he entered, he saw 3 men who were sending each other death stares and nearly had their zanpakutos drawn. It seemed like a fight was about to break out.

Not wanting to delay his chance of getting his officer position cause the people in charge got injured and knocked unconscious, Ren coughed loudly to announce his presence.

The trio looked at Ren and he took that as his signal to walk forward and hand one of the men his recommendation letter. The man he handed it to was 2 meters tall and had scars over his arms and face. He wore white haori that seemed to be ripped all over with one of the sleeves even missing.

That's right. The man Ren handed his recommendation letter to was not just any officer who was about to fight with some other ones. It was, in fact, the 4th Kenpachi and the man who currently held the title of the strongest shinigami, Kenpachi Kojuro.

Captain Kojuro opened the letter and read through it quickly before he threw it to one of the other men. He also read it before throwing it toward the third who quickly read it before throwing it in a trash bin.

These other two men were the lieutenant and the third seat of the 11th division. Each of the three looked at each other as if communicating silently before they looked back at Ren. It was the captain who spoke up.

"We don't have a spot for the 20th seat but our 12th seat just got himself killed. If you can beat the 13th seat, it's all yours."

Ren wanted to say that he was surprised to hear this but he was not. The 11th division lost the most officers and captains in the quickest amount of time. They would lose an officer at least once every 3-4 years while they would get a new captain about once every 100 years.

"When do we fight?"

Hearing his reply, all 3 of the others had savage smiles on their faces as they reevaluated Ren. Ren did not look like a warrior nor did he give off the aura of a warrior but with his words alone as well as the look in his eyes, it was easy to tell that he was good at fighting.

"Haha. You two will battle in 5 minutes. I suggest you get ready," the lieutenant said before the three of them ran out while shouting different things at their members.

"Figth for the 12th seat in 5 minutes!"

"Koda! Get your ass out here if you want to get the position of 12th seat!"

"Come see what the disgrace of the 10th division can do, you lazy bastards! He thinks he is better than all of you and can become an officer just after he has arrived!"

Ren walked calmly out of the officers' building and not minding the three. It was better to say he was distracted actually.

Whenever Khorne saw a powerful opponent he wanted Ren to fight, it would appear in spiritual form behind Ren and silently follow him while giving a stare that could chill the souls of adults and scare children to death.

And Khorne had appeared the moment that Ren saw the captain with the stare growing more intense with every second.

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