
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · Komik
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71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 35


Just when Lin Qiye went to the laboratory.

Suddenly, the sound of the life lamp gem came from my mind.

[Successful change of fate against the sky: At the age of 11, you discovered a super scientist who developed a genetic medicine to help you explode 5,000 troops and resist the invasion of the powerful Shenhu tribe. You get 10,000 walking points (currently 89,900 walking point)]


Lin Qiye's eyes trembled slightly, and a few surprises and surprises flashed.

"You actually got 10,000 walking points?"

"Doesn't that mean, next... I can walk wildly from Shenhu Cosmos?"

"Kill all the three million Jindan powerhouses. Even the entire Shenhu universe will be thrown away. How many walking points can be obtained? Is it possible for one million?"

At the thought of a million walking points, Lin Qiye's heart throbbed.

A million walking points.

It is a huge sum of money that cannot be ignored for any Daqianhang!

You know, even the gold-level Great Thousand Walkers want to accumulate enough million walking points.

You have to get a dozen A grades to have a chance.

And now.

Lin Qiye seems to be only a short distance away from millions of points.

No matter how bad it is, you can still earn 500,000 points!

Lin Qiye subconsciously pinched his finger bones.

"Blast! Be sure to blast! Push the Shenhu universe horizontally, get the SS score, take away the nine-color Shenlei body that is unique in ten thousand, take away "Dao Cang Jue", take away "Bombing Technology", and swipe a hundred It's all about exploding soldiers!"

Lin Qiye's eyes flashed with determination.

Immediately called Lu Ling, the chief in charge of the Dead Man Project.

"I am here with 5,000 dead soldiers of the Xia Kingdom, and the tragic picture of the battle with the gods and tigers, please publish it on the official channel!"

Director Lu watched the video carefully, gritted his teeth in anger, and his eyes were red.

"The lord! This abominable alien demon **** is too deceiving!"

"I know what the principal of the country has done, and I will definitely do a good job of publicizing it."

Lu Ling walked away with righteous indignation.


The video was released on the official website.

on the screen.

The powerhouses of the God Tiger Clan are aloof and murderous.

Treat the entire Angel Star as an ant's attitude and extremely hideous face.

It caused the anger of the people of Xia.

And the heroic sacrifices of the Xia Kingdom's dead soldiers one after another, and even the pictures of stumps left, make the common people grit their teeth with hatred.

"The alien demon **** is so vicious! My blood pressure has soared!"

"They actually treat our Xia people as beasts, and they want to kill them all!"

"Abominable! Abominable! If it wasn't for the fact that our country lord was born out of nowhere and changed his life a few times against the sky, would we still be able to live peacefully?"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for the sudden rise of the country's lord, the establishment of the Xia Kingdom, and the initiation of the Dead Man's Plan, our Angel Star would have been destroyed several times."

The more I see the hateful face of the alien demon god.

The people of Xia Kingdom are more grateful to Lin Qiye.

to this day.

Their adoration for Lin Qiye even reached the level of adoration.

"The lord... Please start the second death plan! I want to participate!"

"Lord, I beg you, the plan to kill the dead can't be stopped, I am willing to sacrifice my life!"

The content of the video has made people's voices for the launch of the second death plan to rise unprecedentedly.

The number of applicants has reached 5 million!

the other side.

Scientists are equally outraged.

"The lord, if you have a sword in your hand, you will not be bullied! We are willing to continue to manufacture genetic reagents!"

"Otherwise, the Tiger Clan will destroy us one day. Our country, our compatriots, our wives and children... Our civilization, everything about our Angel Stars, will vanish into thin air."

"Although there will be millions of casualties, if we don't create dead men, our casualties will be 30 million!"

"If there weren't so many volunteers, we scientists would be willing to be the dead man!"

Scientists are dying.

to this.

Lin Qiye waved his hand.

"Don't worry. There are enough dead men. My country Xia is a good man who 'did his life to go to the national disaster'!"

"The role of your scientists is reflected in another aspect."

"Make more explosives and awakening potions. The future of the Xia Kingdom is created by the scientists who are working!"

Lin Qiye's loud and provocative words made the scientists secretly excited.

"Okay! Lord! We will never let Angel Star fall!"


The scientists were full of energy and devoted themselves to the preparations.

Seeing that people and scientists are angry.

Lin Qiye chuckled in his heart.

The dead are enough.

There will be no shortage of explosives.

At that time, the explosives can create millions of dead men.

There are millions of dead men, and it is no problem to push the Shenhu universe horizontally!

that's it.

Still can't get an SS grade? !

Think of the SS-level score at your fingertips.

Lin Qiye was full of energy.

He couldn't wait, he wanted to explode into the Shenhu universe.


Things can't be rushed!

The fifth day after the video was released.

The public sentiment was pushed to the limit of anger.

Lin Qiye asked Lu Ling to start recruiting the second batch of dead men.

The second batch of dead soldiers, a total of 300,000 people.

The chosen dead man can be used for three generations, and there are other generous rewards.

Therefore, the people of Xia are scrambling to sign up.

Lu Ling screened many times and finally settled on 300,000.

The quota has been finalized.

Immediately, a special plane took the 300,000 dead to the capital.

They were placed in the newly built super barracks outside the capital for a two-week military training.


The reason for arranging military training for the dead is because it takes time to make potions.

Have to wait.

And in the process of waiting for the medicine to be made.

Lin Qiye specially distributed a pension to the 5,000 deceased or their families.

There are two options for pensions.

1. Obtain a plant with a century-old medicinal effect.

Second, children can inject a completely harmless awakening potion.

"We choose the awakening potion. Give our children an injection, and they will be able to cultivate!"

"This is an era that requires strength! Immortal cultivators can gain supreme respect."

The deceased chose the Awakening Potion without exception.

They have deeply experienced the status and dignity brought by strength.

Before participating in the Dead Man Project, they were just mediocre ordinary rats, and they were never looked down upon.

But a few days ago.

When they returned to their hometowns on vacation, the villagers who had once underestimated them were all respectful and greeted with smiles.

Even relatives who haven't seen each other for more than ten years have brought gifts and stepped over the threshold of their homes.

In just three months, they deeply realized what it means:

The poor are standing on the cross street playing ten steel hooks, unable to hook the flesh and blood of their relatives;

Rich people play knives, guns and sticks in the deep mountains and forests, and they can't break up unrighteous guests and friends.

Whether it is in terms of social status, money and wealth, or the quilt's descendants.

They were all worth it for being a dead man.


There are also genetic medicines with no side effects, which can be enjoyed by their children.

This made the dead even more grateful to Dade and gave up their hearts.

They all worshiped Shelin for seven nights.

"Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!"

"Actually, we were able to live and work in peace and contentment from a commoner who was frightened all day, all thanks to the grace of the king."

"Now that he has become a dead man, he has benefited three generations of younger generations, and even more so, the lord of the country has a mighty grace!"

"We just contributed a negligible life! How can the country's lord reward so much?"

The dead men crawled down in unison.

Lin Qiye raised his hand and motioned everyone to get up.

"You don't need to thank you, it's me and the entire Xia Kingdom, I should thank you!

You are the backbone of the Xia Kingdom! Your sculptures have begun to be erected in the Heroes Square in the capital, and your stories will be sung for thousands of years, thousands of years! "

Lin Qiye's words.

Raise the spirits of the dead.

There was a strange gleam in their eyes.

But still the mountains and seas shouted out the words from the bottom of my heart: "Thank you, Lord."

Lin Qiye was silent, his eyes drooping slightly.

He felt a simple and sincere emotion from drinking from the mountains and the sea, and it was easy to move people.

Lin Qiye took a deep breath.

His eyes became firmer.

Time passes like a white horse, quicksand at the fingertips.

A month passed in a flash.

Tens of thousands of scientists, working day and night, finally produced 300,000 qualified explosives.

After the medicine is finished.

Qin Xingtong led Lin Qiye to inspect the warehouse.

"The lord of the country. The production of 300,000 potions has been completed! All of them have passed the inspection!"

"Good! Good! The speed is beyond my expectations!"

Lin Qiye smiled, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


the next day.

The bombing plan is grandly completed!

The 300,000 dead were injected with the [Overdraft Life Edition, Genetic Medicine], and at the same time 600,000 plants of the Centennial Elixir were consumed.

Fortunately, Lin Qiye captured 5,000 storage rings in the last war, and obtained a total of 800,000 elixir.

The resources of 300,000 bombers are still available at www.uukanshu.com.

So in just one day.

On Angel Star, there are more than 300,000 Jindan powerhouses!

They were all fully armed by Lin Qiye! And everyone is equipped with a blood bursting pill and a healing pill!

"King! We are ready to die!"

"Take us to kill the invader's universe! Blood will not dry, death will not truce!"

"We will use our blood and life to tell them that Angel Star cannot be humiliated! Daxia cannot be humiliated!"

The dead men shouted loudly.

Lin Qiye was stunned slightly, sighing at the murderous aura of the deceased warriors like tigers, wolves and lions.

After consuming 20,000 walking points, a giant teleportation array was constructed outside the military camp that reached the edge of the Shenhu universe barrier!

"On the other side of the teleportation array, there is an endless enemy! Kill it!"

Lin Qiye threw three million spiritual stones.

The milky white beam of light shot up into the sky, and then, the 300,000 Jindan powerhouse disappeared from the Angel Star and descended into the Shenhu universe.


It is a world with towering ancient trees and dense aura like fog.

Lin Qiye stood in the void.

300,000 golden elixir dead men are quietly suspended behind him.

They were silent.

There was murderous aura burning in his eyes.


The lord did not issue an order.

They suppressed their anger and dared not act.

Lin Qiye felt the anger of the army behind him.

He raised his arm and pointed to a city in front of him.

"Kill! Kill it cleanly, don't let a survivor escape!"

The moment the order fell.

The corners of the mouth of the 300,000 Jindan strongman pulled outward, and the spiritual energy in his body was bubbling, and he rushed out like a mad dog!