
World to Worlds:A

This fanfic consist of different types of worlds of this genre with its own Mc in it.

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4 Chs

Chapter 2

My family continued shouting at each other, their voices filled with anger and frustration. It broke my heart to witness the conflict tearing us apart.

Henry: Does it have to be like this? (Sigh)

I leaned against the kitchen door, taking a deep breath. It was difficult to watch as the Eldians were treated worse than dogs. Pity was the overwhelming emotion I felt in that moment.

Herbert: I'm done with this conversation. I'll head back to my room in the basement to continue working on my inventions and stuff.

Grendel: M-me too... I'm finished as well. I'll go with Herbert back to our room.

Herbert: We would like to excuse ourselves, Mother and Father.

Herbert and Grendel finished their meal, mumbling to themselves, seeking permission. Finally, the last one spoke out firmly to their father.

Father Schneider: You may go.

Herbert: Tch.

And with that, tension filled the air as the son and father locked eyes, their heated emotions palpable. It was meant to be a day of celebration, welcoming Herbert Schneider back, whom we had missed dearly, but instead, it ended in a bitter argument.


The basement door slammed shut loudly as Herbert stormed off. I decided to make my way to the kitchen and continue with my meal. However, when I looked at my parents, I could see the weight of sadness and depression in their eyes.

Henry: Mom, what's wrong?

Mother Schneider: N-nothing, honey.

Father Schneider: Yeah, nothing.

I knew there was something seriously bothering them, but they insisted that everything was fine. So, I decided to play along and pretend that everything was okay.

Henry: Alright then.

I tried to enjoy my meal, but my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of what had transpired earlier. Despite their reassurances, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was terribly wrong. Nevertheless, I chose to trust their words and not push further, fearing it might only make things worse.

Henry: Mom, I've finished my meal! Can I join my brothers in their mancave?

Mother Schneider: Mancave? Oh, you mean the basement.

Henry: Yeah. (Nods)

Mother Schneider: Sure, honey, just be careful not to break their things. They can get furious if their toys are destroyed.

Henry: Okay, I promise. Can I go now?

Mother Schneider: (Patting his head) Off you go then.

Henry: Thanks!

Leaving his seat behind, Henry excitedly rushes to the basement, where his brothers have set up their "mancave." It's a special place reserved for boys and men, filled with science labs and cool inventions.

When I reached the door, I tried opening it, but it wouldn't budge. I remembered that in order to gain access, I needed to place my right palm on the metal tab beside the basement door. So, I did just that, and a green light began to glow beneath my palm. This was one of their inventions, a security measure that only allowed entry to registered individuals who placed their hand on the designated spot.


Henry: Things never cease to amaze me. It can make lockpicking doors obsolete.

As the door opened, I stepped inside the room. The sight before me was truly astonishing. The tables were filled with laboratory tools, and the sophisticated yet complex machinery scattered around the room boggled my mind. I couldn't help but wonder how my brothers managed to set all of this up without our parents noticing.

Henry: Hmmm...? Where are they?

I searched the expansive otherworldly room, but I couldn't seem to find Herbert and Grendel anywhere.

Henry: HERBERT, GRENDEL! Where are you?

I shouted their names loudly, hoping they would hear me.

After a few minutes of calling out to them, it became apparent that they were busy somewhere else. When they were this silent, it usually meant that a meeting was being conducted. They had a designated meeting room because a room of this size in the basement definitely required one.

Henry: It looks like they're having another one of their secretive meetings. (Sigh) When will they let me join them? I'm their brother too.

I spoke to myself, feeling left out once again. It always made me feel lonely and betrayed when they excluded me from their discussions. They would say it's too complicated for me to understand, but I wished they would include me anyway.

Henry: I guess I'll just go back to staring at the insects in the animal lab section. (Sigh)

Feeling disheartened, I made my way to the section where Grendel had arranged the insect cages.

Henry: That caterpillar has been in its cocoon for a whole year now... And that mantis looks amazing with its blade-like arms resembling those from oriental countries I've read about... Oh, and...

Every time I visited the insect lab, there was always something new or improved. Grendel didn't limit himself to just insects; he was a true scientist when it came to biology and life.

Henry: Huh. Wasn't there a spider in this cage last week?

I noticed that the cage where a red and blue spider was supposed to be was now empty.

Henry: I better keep quiet about it. I don't want Grendel to blame me if I mention it.

Deciding to leave the insect lab, I felt a strange crawling sensation at the back of my neck. Trying to brush it off, I suddenly felt a sharp sting, causing me to slap the area instinctively. To my surprise, I discovered that the spider that had escaped had bitten me.

Henry: Well, that's just my luck... I should not probably let Grendel know about this.

Dashing towards the exit door, I felt a surge of fear about what would happen when Grendel discovered what I had done to his pet spider. I quickly made my way to my room, hoping to assess the spider bite in the mirror. As I looked at the mark, I noticed it was starting to swell, resembling a bloated pimple. Feeling a mix of worry and discomfort, I decided to ignore it for now, hoping it would heal overnight with the help of some painkillers I had stashed in my closet.

Henry: That should do it. I need to get some rest now because tomorrow I'm meeting Annie at their barracks to play again.

I changed into the new invention called "PAJAMAS" created by Herbert. They were incredibly comfortable to wear, and with the added benefit of the "Aircon" device cooling our home, it made sleeping much more pleasant, especially during hot seasons.

Henry: Well, time to sleep.

It took me a few minutes to drift off to sleep, but my peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by intense pain coursing through my entire body. I writhed in bed, desperately holding onto myself, hoping to endure it until it subsided. Eventually, exhaustion overtook me, and I fell into an unconscious state, lying motionless as if I were lifeless.


Morning came, and I jolted awake as I heard a loud bang at the door, causing me to jump and stick to the ceiling in surprise.

Henry: WHAT THE F-

Mother Schneider: Henry, wake up! You said you have a friend to meet today.

Still perplexed by my ability to stick to the ceiling, I responded to my mother.


I unstuck myself and landed on the floor with a thud.

Mother Schneider: Are you okay? I heard a loud noise. Should I come in? (CREAK)

Henry: No, I-I'm fine. No need to worry.

I hurriedly approached the door, trying to prevent my mother from entering.

Mother Schneider: All right, just hurry up and eat your breakfast. It's already past eight in the morning.


I exclaimed in shock, glancing at the wall clock, which showed that it was precisely eight o'clock. We were supposed to meet at that exact time. Panicking, I quickly dressed in my best clothes. However, as I glanced at myself in the mirror, I noticed that my small body had transformed into a muscular, toned physique. The change was noticeable, though still somewhat surprising.

Mother Schneider: Henry, is there something wrong?

Henry: No, Mom, I just have a feeling that something exciting is going to happen today.

Mother Schneider: Oh, really? Well, make sure to be back home by five. Have a great day!

Henry: Sure, Mom.

As my mother headed downstairs to prepare a quick breakfast for me, I couldn't help but admire my transformed body in the mirror. It was a completely new experience for me, and I felt a surge of energy coursing through my veins. Excited about the day ahead, I quickly finished getting ready and headed down to join my mother for breakfast.


I weared a black jacket and a blue short thus, finishing it with eating the breakfast that my mother prepare for me.

Henry: I'm done! Mom, Dad, I'll go now.

Mother Schneider: Take good car to your self Henry.

Father Schneider: Be back by five.

Henry: Why does everybody need me to be reminded when it is something important?

Complaining them with my pouting words before I go out in the house.


Both of them really sync at the same time, well it is true that I forget things sometimes but not always.

Henry: Before I leave where is Grendel and Herbert?

Mother Schneider: Both have already eat and going to some chores before they come back.

Oh yeah! I need to ask mom if grendel is mumbling something about a spider before he leave early than me.

Henry: Mom did Grendel mention something about a spider.

Mother looked at me with a confused expression.

Mother Schneider: Umm... No. Why did you ask?

Henry: N-nothing well gotta go (FWOSH)

Mother Schneider: Did henry pranked Grendel again? Well it is nothing new but their brotherly war.

After I dash out the house I run very fast and not to mention I'm not even panting or out of breath with this fast pace. When I run the street I was in the middle of the crowd I was about to hit them, so I tried jumping and landing to some high crates that rises in the group of people. From another to another until I reach out to the entrance of the barracks which I saw Annie waiting for me angry.

I saw a chain hanging from the building, and for some reason, my instincts told me to grab it. Without hesitation, I reached out and seized it tightly. Swinging on the chain, a rush of confidence washed over me, as if I had done it countless times before. With a bold push, I propelled myself forward, and within seconds, I reached the peak of the swing. As I soared through the air, I executed a graceful front flip, landing safely on the ground. I locked eyes with Annie, her anger apparent in her eye.



Henry: Y-yo Annie!?

Annie: That was an amazing stunt you did. So how did you do it?

Henry: I eat vegetables a lot, HAHAHAHA. (Nervous laugh)

Annie: Nevermind that, I'm just glad you came. I was about to leave, you know.

Henry: Sorry, it won't happen again.

I bowed to her as a sign of apology.

Annie: Don't do that; you'll get in trouble if you do.

Henry: Oh yeah, I forgot.

Despite her harsh words, it was clear she was a nice person with a rough exterior and peculiar thoughts about the people around her.

Henry: Is your father okay after all the practices you did on him?

Annie: Mm-hmm. He got the help he needed at the hospital. Your family helped us in some ways, and I can't thank you Schneiders enough. (BOWING)

Henry: No biggie. Your father also taught me some martial arts when I passed through wearing those armbands your people have.

Annie: Yeah, we got into a lot of trouble because of your idiocy. (SIGH)

I remembered the time when I was curious about what the internment zone looked like from the inside. So, I snuck into a waterway and wore the armbands that the Eldians wear whenever they go outside their houses and the zone.

While walking, I spotted a log near a house that piqued my interest. I approached it, and as I entered the house, a blond girl about my age tackled me, pinning me to the ground to prevent my movement. I calmly explained to her, and after she pinched my ears firmly, I had to explain even more to convince her that I wasn't an Eldian. Eventually, she seemed to believe me, probably.

Annie: NOW, why did you come here if you're not an Eldian?

Henry: I wanted to see the internment zone here. Is it bad for me to come?

Annie: You have no idea, do you?

Henry: Nope.

Annie: (SIGH) What an idiot. (Whispered)

Henry: I heard that!

We growled at each other out of annoyance, but something in my gut told me that she was speaking to me without fear. We were talking to each other like rivals or something. Just as the tension escalated, a person entered the house, looking at us with curiosity, clearly wondering why we were glaring at each other.

???: Annie, who is this guy?

Annie: Just a stray, Father.

Henry: I'm not a stray! Oh, sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Henry Schneider.

???: Okay, Henry Schneider. My name is Leonhart. What are you... wait, say your name again?

Henry: Are you deaf, sir? My name is Henry Schneider.

Mr. Leonhart: I'll be damned.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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