
World Star System

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” “I Get up every morning and tell myself,‘I can do this.’” So many times, people told me I can't do this or can't do that. My nature is that I don't listen very well. I'm very determined, and I believe in myself. My parents brought me up that way. Thank God for that. I don't let anything stand in my way. I closed my eyes to listened carefully, the claps, the cheers, I finally reached it, I am finally, finally! I am a World Star! Then I heard my name being called "Please welcome our Star! Kyle Leon!" deafening roars and cheers calling out my name rang after that. ================================ I Don't own the Cover and only took it from google it's my first time writing a book, please don't be shy to help me Join My Discord: https://discord.com/channels/719934245170315361/719934245170315367

LovableBerry · Fantasi
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36 Chs

Meeting the Actors

Kyle and Sky were boarding on the plane on his way back home, it was very busy week for him, he still had some problem as the company who wanted to buy the park won't back down at all, Kyle really wanted to have as he could also use it to promote his anime and manga, and other things.

Before he left, he had finished the other things at the Jayfan but there was still problems, but Kyle thinks that Katsura could handle it, he definitely didn't dump all the work to him, he was a good boss after all.

After a few hours of trip, Kyle and Sky finally arrived the airport, there he was picked up by William and they made their way directly to the SilverBird, it had already many buildings built around, it but the speed also decreased as the financial was not on good side, the first one Kyle did was met up with Arthur who had been doing all the work for the movie.

"We will start taping next week, be sure you're ready, were going to nodnesia, or Indonesia in earth," Arthur said, "For now, let's meet up with the actors I have found, come" Arthur then made his way onto one of the studio's Kyle closely followed behind, William and Sky had already left to do their own work.

Arthur and Kyle arrived and was met up with many peoples sitting around reading their script or improving their acting, Arthur clapped which caught everyone's attention, everyone turned to the clap and saw Arthur and beside him was the rising star, everyone got excited.

"It's Kyle Leon in flesh!"

"Wow, he's so handsome!">

"Can I have his autograph? I'm nervous oh my gosh"

"He looks hot in personal"

Everyone became excited that Arthur's voice got drowned, a vein popped out of his forehead, Kyle noticed this and backed away for a few meters and covered his ears, "F*CKING QUIET NOW!" He yelled, everyone covered their ears and quieted down, they were all now shaking, because of Kyle Leon they forgot the fierce Arthur.

Everyone immediately quieted down and didn't dare to speak again, Arthur was the director of the movie they will be making and if he wanted, he could just throw them away and find another one, Arthur now had a title among the directors, he was called, The Demon Director.

Well, Arthur didn't care what they call him, what he wanted was the quality and the results so he needs to be strict on everything, he doesn't care if you're a famous celebrity or a president, once you come in his territory, his work, you will be his slave.

Now enough of that, Arthur introduced Kyle to everyone, he was the producer, so he had to meet everyone, first one Kyle got to know was the main actor, who's name was Fajar, a young man who was about 16 years old, he had some experience in Theater, Arthur had been training him for a week now, after some greetings and handshake, Kyle moved on to the next actor, he was a kid who was about 8 years old, His name was Budi, Kyle was surprised that he had some resemblance with Fajar, they looked like each other.

It seems like Budi will act as the kid version of Pi, Kyle was soft with kids so he got along with him, though Budi acts mature for his age, but Kyle was good at handling them, after he met with every actors, Arthur then brought him to a man, "Hello, I'm Mack" The man introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you I'm Kyle Leon" Kyle also introduced himself.

"Please come with me, to meet Richard" Mack said, they then went outside, Kyle looked at Arthur confused, Arthur didn't say anything and just followed Mack, Kyle was still confused but still followed them, they made their way to the park and rode a van.

After 30 minutes of trip, Kyle and the others arrived at a house with many fence at the back, "Over here please" Mack said and then they went to the back of the house, when Kyle looked at them he was truly shocked and excited at the same time, he finally got to understand why they went too far to come here just to meet an actor, because that actor was a tiger, aka. Richard Parker from the movie.

Richard the tiger was now moving near the fence while looking at them, Kyle stepped a little closer and observed the tiger, the tiger roared but in a low voice, and Kyle noticed how fierce it was, "Are they trained?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, he have been trained since he was young" Mack answered with confidence.

"Hmmm, could I touch them?" Kyle asked in a serious tone.

Mack smiled "Of course, wait a minute" Mack said then took out something like clicker, then entered the fence, he then started commanding the tiger, first making it sit, then lie down, after a few minutes, Mack called him so he could touch the tiger. It would be a lie if Kyle said he wasn't nervous but he was excited, one of the most wanted things by human was to touch a tiger.

Kyle entered the fence and cautiously closed to the tiger, he extended his hands and was about to touch the tiger.


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Sorry for the late updates, and I'm not sorry Haha<br data-mce-bogus="1">