When you transfer to a world of unbeknownst and no amemory intact other than you name. . . How will you survive in hoard of monster? Solution: Fight during night time. ————— ® Original story by «Ao_Omoshiroi» © Disclaimer: Cover not mine
Battered, scrapes, and bruises; freshly blood litters from the body of a man, surrounded by a group of horrendous green creatures equipped with different kind of weapons; a monster with the physique like that of an 8 year old children; eyes like that of a frog; endless freckles all over their body that one could find it hideous.
This is the very creature who terrorizes small villages alike, creates it as their hideout to reproduce in the process is why this man raided this very hide out of theirs.
This monster is very common in every fantasy related novel or other related source and one thing that describes them best; A man-killing creature.
They kill to live and live to kill and reproduce is also a given to their species.
Thanks to this lust as if cursed, that none of them born a woman and instead uses other races for the catalyst as their source of reproduction which made them worst than any monsters.
This infamous creatures are commonly known as, Goblins. Weak and fragile when alone but deadly and dangerous when in groups.
It was also thanks to this that the majority of people who had a bright future ahead of them is only a prey before this creatures during their beginning phase of adventuring.
And at these very exact same moments.
Stands a man who's at the very center of this wave 'alone', battered, and bathed in blood.
In his mind swims an endless thoughts that only him knows what it was.
Knives and small sharp objects, nailed from many parts of his skin and are bleeding profusely, mortally wounded.
His helmet, armored chest, back plate and shoulder plate are full of scratches, holes and painted with blood.
If it is the other people, they will without a doubt die helplessly in this place.
But the most surprising sight to behold is that, the said man although in his dying state, still struggling, enough that he still had the strength to slit the left ear of the goblin he just killed and moved to another.
The goblins at the same time, perplexed why is he doing this in the first place. Not only that, he repeated this manner every now and then which flabbergasted the monster. . .
Other than his severe wounds all over the body, small cuts and bruises and even the newly slightly injuries he received are all closing-in steadily that one could be seen from the naked eye in which, made these goblins panic-stricken.
It has been a couple of hours since he received such multiple wounds but this said man is standing still; more likely, he thinks of this creature as a living item to loot.
Thanks to this eccentricity of his made the goblins panic whilst one of them fortunately stab one of his eyes from the inside of his helmet, blood dripping out thereafter.
With such a handicap, the man slash down his sword diagonally to the creature out of fury; grabbing its head with another hand and tore its body like a paper sheet with his bare hand alone after releasing his sole weapon.
He didn't forget to take its left ear and put them inside his pouch.
Again, out of panic and after witnessing that very scene infront of their eyes unfolded as if they were just a toy, the goblins subconsciously stepped back and grunted.
Opposing them, the man sways back and forth just from this simple exchange.
Fortunately, the creatures doesn't have the commander that could order them and instead using own their instinct to kill and attack.
Giving a leeway, the man's body slowly regain his composure after few of his wounds are closing in-in a fast rate than a normal pricey potions
from the market flee.
The man then growled with all his might as if pumping all the air inside of his lungs. This very scream from the cornered beast is enough to instill more fear towards the monsters who are already in panic and using their instinct.
Others covers their ears while others screeched out and intimidated. In this span of seconds, the man then started his onslaught once again.
With his sinister grin and noticing this from the inside of his helmet, that the goblins dispersed in every direction, running out of their wits and frightened and because they dwindled down that made them realize it is hopeless this time. Sadly, the man didn't stop and kill those he could reach until not a single green creature is in his sight are anymore, other than the piles of body of the same race, littered from the ground.
After then, the man continued stabbing the goblin's throat to make sure none of them are still alive which is crucial after the battle; is what according to his experience. . .while doing so, he didn't forget his loot item.
After noticing many equipment are everywhere, he collected them all without a second thought.
destroyed or not, he looted them without sparing any. . .
Realizing late that sun has already risen and pouch and from his back bag is fully loaded. The man then started to stride towards the City he currently lived in.
To a place where he arrived without any memory intact other than his own name.
After a few hours of walking, the man arrived in an area he called a 'hideout'. After sitting casually with his back against the wall, the man open his dried lips
"Ahh! I've lost a lot of blood again"
After then, he drop his heavy metal chest, back plate and the bloody clothed underneath, lastly his helmet. Though dried blood lingers still, his two eyes returned to normal as if it didn't receive any stab from the last fight.
And as if it was all normal as his daily routine, being bloody at that. The man closed his eyes to rest and muttered
"Too lazy to clean 'em today, lets leave that for later" thereafter, he leisurely started to sleep using his own bloody clothes as his blanket