
Working as a private detective in the fictional world

Reincarnating into a world full of mysteries, Jaxon Cross must find his way to the top to live the hedonistic lifestyle he desperately pleases, with the help of his unreliable system and his own intellect. For additional chapter join my patreon patreon.com/WriteandZen ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ. ⌖ ╾━╤デ╦︻ The novel is a collection of different movies, comics, and even TV series. Including popular movies like Fast and the Furious, Marvel, and various slasher and action movies. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ. ⌖ ╾━╤デ╦︻ And yes, I've been inspired by "Super Detective in the Fictional World," and many series with similar ideas. But I'll promise you an original take on the series.

Write_and_Zen · Filem
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28 Chs


Without warning, Jaxon grabbed the steering wheel turning it to the side as it hit one of the cars surrounding them pushing them off the road, causing the car to swerve violently before crashing into the guardrail. The sudden move took the robbers by surprise, and Jaxon used the momentary chaos to his advantage.

"Hold on tight!" Jaxon yelled to Billy, who clung to his seat as the truck lurched.

The remaining cars quickly adjusted their positions, trying to box the truck in again. The leader, still standing out of the sunroof, shouted orders, his voice barely audible over the roar of the engines and the wind rushing through the open cab.

Jaxon kept one hand on the wheel, while with the other, he reached for his gun but after a quick second decided against using it for now. In case, these robbers get away for now, he couldn't scare them off by too much.

The robbers' vehicles tightened their formation, preparing for another assault swerving away to the side of the truck.

"Get ready, they won't stop now," Jaxon warned, his eyes darting between the road and the surrounding vehicles.

The masked man aimed the second harpoon, this time targeting the side window. Jaxon saw the glint of the weapon and knew he had to act fast. He swerved the truck again, but the man had anticipated the move and fired.

The harpoon smashed through the side window, embedding itself into the door. With a mechanical whirr, the door was yanked off its hinges, leaving Jaxon and Billy even more exposed. The man climbed out of the sunroof, and a menacing figure jumped out of the car onto the truck.

"Take the wheel!" Jaxon shouted to Billy, as he used the baseball bat to repeatedly smash the man's helmet climbing aboard the truck with his increase in strength it barely took more than a couple of strikes before he cracked the helmet making the man falter backward.

"Shit!" The man yelled as the masked man stumbled backward, Jaxon seized the opportunity, lunging forward to grab him. With a swift motion, he yanked the man off balance, pulling him into the truck's cab. The two grappled for control, their bodies slamming against the metal interior as the truck careened down the road.

Billy, now at the wheel, struggled to maintain control of the vehicle amidst the chaos unfolding behind him. With one hand on the steering wheel and the other clutching the baseball bat, he watched in awe as Jaxon fought off the intruder.

The masked man disoriented from the impact and the force of Jaxon's blows, attempted to regain his footing. But Jaxon was relentless, raining down blows with the baseball bat, each strike fueled by adrenaline and determination.

With a final, decisive swing, Jaxon delivered a powerful blow to the masked man's midsection, sending him reeling backward. As the intruder stumbled, Jaxon seized the opportunity to disarm him, wrestling the harpoon gun from his grasp and tossing it aside.

Breathing heavily, Jaxon stood over the defeated assailant, his chest heaving with exertion. The masked man lay sprawled on the floor of the truck, his helmet cracked and his body battered. The man was clearly knocked out.

"Stay down," Jaxon growled, his voice laced with authority. "You're not going anywhere."

With the immediate threat neutralized, Jaxon turned his attention to the rest of the pursuing vehicles. The remaining robbers, witnessing the downfall of their comrade, hesitated for a moment, unsure of their next move.

Taking advantage of the lull in the action, Jaxon leaned out of the truck's window, surveying the scene ahead. The road stretched out before them, empty and desolate, with no sign of any other vehicles.

"Drive ahead as fast as you can!" Jaxon roared at Billy who did exactly as he was told, with the remaining cars who were still in shock noticed the truck moving forward but before they could hit the accelerator, Jaxon had already activated the mechanism that released the container, disconnecting it from the truck's trailer.

As the container detached, it rolled off the back of the truck, hitting the road with a resounding thud. Jaxon watched as it skidded to a stop, blocking the path of the pursuing vehicles.

The cars behind them immediately braked their cars, screeching to a halt to avoid crashing into the container. Jaxon could hear the shouts of frustration and confusion as the robbers realized they were trapped.

With a triumphant grin, Jaxon turned back to Billy, who was navigating the truck away from the scene. "Nice work, Billy," he said, clapping the older man on the back. "You handled that like a pro."

Billy grunted in acknowledgment, his hands steady on the wheel as he guided the truck away from danger. Despite the chaos they had just faced, he seemed unfazed, his focus solely on getting them to safety.

"Who are you?" He asked, 

"Like the old man mentioned, I am a hired help." Jaxon shrugged as he began dialing Sam's number, "Please drive back to the office."

"Hey! I am alright- yes, Billy is good as well- I did manage to fend them off but they got away, except for one," Jaxon said on the phone, "Yeah, please do that."

▬▬ι═══════ﺤ. ⌖ ╾━╤デ╦︻

Arriving at the empty office building, Jaxon carried the perpetrator in after sending Billy off.

"Come in quick!" Sam opened the door to his office for Jaxon making sure no one had noticed him, "Why did you bring him here?"

"Where else was I supposed to go?" Jaxon situated the man in the chair taking his helmet off. 

The man behind the mask was a fairly good-looking bearded man with masculine features and a menacing look to him. Jaxon opened his jacket checking on his injuries, "Just a lot of bruising, no bones seem to be broken."

"He'll live," Jaxon said as he used the man's jacket as a blindfold covering his face and with the tools Sam had collected, tied him up to a chair as they headed out.

Leaning on the balcony, Jaxon lit up his cigarette as Sam kept turning to look back, "I recognize that man... he is Vince... one of the Toretto's guys."


Sam nodded, "As you saw from the report, the suspects are those street racers punks and out of them Dominic Toretto's crew seems to be one of the popular ones. Last I checked, he was a suspect but now I am sure, he's the one."

"What do we do now? Should I call the cops? With him, we should've enough evidence to capture them right?"

"No, not yet," Jaxon replied, exhaling a puff of smoke. "Calling the cops will complicate things. This Toretto guy and his crew might even run away if they suspect too much. Not to mention, that guy might not speak even if we hand him to the police, at best we get him captured and end up scaring the crew away."

"It will stop the robberies but it won't help you get your money back.'" Jaxon said as he stretched a little, "So it's up to you, I'll get my share of pay regardless so the question is how you, the client want to go about this. To just stop the robberies or get your money back."

"Do you have a plan?" Sam asked his choice obvious to anyone who could look at him,

"We need to use this to our advantage," Jaxon replied with a smile,

Sam frowned, clearly uneasy. "And how do you propose we do that?"