
Wolfe Queen

People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible. His purpose is about to be fulfilled. For which he had been waiting for ages. At last that day has come. In the darkness of the night, where all the worlds, fast asleep, were dreaming their dreams. On the other side, in the middle of Jaglo, many people, dressed in black, stand outside the villa, as if they are keeping watch. People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible.

Malti · Fantasi
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13 Chs


When she went towards the bed, her face became completely silent. She went to the same libardo.

As soon as you give birth to the child. Harry was very sad to hear that. Only then the sound of the child's crying stopped.

Harry looked back at the child.

The baby stopped crying. Harry touched the child with his finger.

Hearing what happened, why is Harry so cold? Libardo quickly came to him and looked.

Seeing the child, he understood, his face withered.

And no words came out of his mouth. Why don't you stay the same Harry. What happened to my child?

Why isn't it crying and why is it so cold. Libardo could feel what he was saying, overhearing somewhere. How would it feel to lose everything at once, that's why he is not crying again, why are you not telling.

After all, you do something, it is not left.

Listen to Libardo, how can you say this like this?

This is the child of the Dragon King.

You can't go like this. As long as the Dragon King is alive.

Listened to what the Dragon King said and Libardo looked at Harry.

At this time, fire was seen burning in her green eyes. Who can burn anyone of his own.

Look at the side of the libardo. Give me my son back, you fix it, said so much and gave the child in his lap.

But you know what will happen to you if you do this, you turn into an ice seal. you want to do that I'm gonna do it

Now you help me quickly. If you love life then say so much Harry went to his room.

In a dark closed room, where one could not see well. Two people in the room, sitting face to face.

And from the voices of chanting some mantras, I could hear in the room.

After some time, yellow eyes started shining in the room and keep the yellow light from those eyes lying on a pot in front of you.

Covering the mouth of the pitcher with a black cloth.

The yellow light coming out of the eyes stopped after a while.

The room again turned dark and chanted the mantra again, after some time the yellow light flashed again and started reading on the pot.

After some time, the darkness in the room drowned me.

Again chanting the same mantra instead of earlier. Now the chanting started getting louder and the whole room was echoing.

Only then, from the hole made in the ceiling of the room, the light of the moon came out and the more energetic light or sphere got absorbed in the pot of fear from the black cloth. The room started glowing and there was a powerful beam of light. About an hour the light of the pitcher went out. And the room was again engulfed in pitch darkness.

A pair of two green eyes started shining in the room, so much else was happening with the eyes, anyone could tell by looking at them. That how powerful it is coming out of those eyes. Harry Roshni collided with the pitcher and the entire room was illuminated with green light. The whole room was lit up with green light.

As soon as the light was closed from the eyes, the light in the room gradually got absorbed in the pitcher, as soon as many lights were absorbed, the pitcher was seen bursting with the sound of an explosion. ,

Hearing the bang, the two humans sitting there opened their eyes to see before them a large egg in a golden, energetic light, illuminating the entire room with its light.

Harry and Libardo looked at the egg.

There was a smile on his face. Those who were telling that they were successful in their work.

As soon as the rays of the sun emanate from the Himalayas, the water flowing by making the sound of Nandi, I am tomorrow, lay down. Tell me you are walking in the water, you were looking at the sun by lifting your neck. Big stones on the banks of the river and very tall trees in the surrounding area, colorful flowers and colorful fish in the river were increasing the beauty of the river. Libardo in his hands a plate in which yellow green lotus flowers were spread. A golden beautiful egg was kept between those flowers. Standing on the bank of the river Libardo, looking at the flowing river water peacefully and going inside the water Vamaliya, I Libardo is giving you a very important task. You have to complete it. After listening to Libard's words, the water of the river stopped flowing as if the river had been somewhere listening to him. I am entrusting the lineage of the Dragon King to you. I'm sure you'll protect the Dragon King's lineage. And you will keep him safe, as soon as you say this, the water of the river starts flowing with the sound of tomorrow. Libard leaves the plate in his hand in the water. .And as long as he keeps seeing.Until he stops seeing. In the darkness of the night, where all the worlds, fast asleep, were dreaming their dreams. On the other side, in the middle of the woods, many people, dressed in black, stood outside the villa, as if they were keeping watch.

People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible. His purpose is about to be fulfilled. For which he had been waiting for ages. At last that day has come. In the darkness of the night, where all the worlds, fast asleep, were dreaming their dreams.