
Wizard of Madness

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vishal_singh_0552 · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Chapter.3. Kark Town.

Note: Division of wizards according to soul strength.

: Apprentice level - ( Novice level & Advance Level )

: Wizards level - ( First circle, Second circle, Third circle, forth circle, Fifth circle, sixth circle, seventh circle and elememtal lord )

: Soul stage - ( gas stage (till forth circle), liquid stage ( till seventh circle), solid stage ( elemental lord ) ).

Thank you...


In the far east of the great Rudin Empire, were they don't share its borders with any other great empires on the continent but faced the luscious ever green forest, infested with unexplored domain and blood thirsty beasts, near those green forest and tall mountain ranges, stood a small town protected by ten meters long town wall from all sides and was Heavily guarded by the town guards. who had their eyes focused on any dangerous precedents that may threatened the safety of the town.The only way to enter the secured town was through the northern and southern gates. Were the south gate faced the green forest and the north gate faced the uneven road towards the Empire.

The name of the small town was Kark. Meaning ' last land' in the ancient language of the Rudin Empire. Inside those intimidating town walls lived a population of over twenty thousand peoples, while the other remaining population in the town were the adventurers, merchants and farmers who came with a purpose of business in Kark. Overall kark was a lively town with all the streets crowded with flourishing businesses and peoples from all around.

In between those busy streets of kark one could see a brown carriage led by an old but an healthy looking coachman who skilled fully controlled the two black horses and slowly led it towards the guard's standing at the entrance of the noble district of kark. Were all the rich and aristocrats lived in their aesthetically designed big Mansion's.

Seeing the plane but fairly presentable carriage slowly moving towards them, the four guards stood straight with an serious face unlike the leisure attitude they had few seconds ago. And waited for it to arrive

" Stop and identify yourself "

Standing infront of the carriage one of the guard questions with an loud but respectful tone as even after seeing the plane carriage he was not sure if an noble man was inside the carriage, so to be on a safe side and not to offend an noble he took a formal way of talking as it was neither rude or offensive towards the person setting in side the carriage. It was his years of experience of doing this job that made him so cautious and shrewd in such situations.

Hearing the words of the guard the coachman timidly gave a salute by taking off his old cap and said with an respectful tone.

" generous sir, my names is Thomsan, who is merely a coachman paid to bring the noble sir from the great holy church to this nobel place, here is the crest given by my employer "

Finishing his words the old coachman took out a pentagon shaped crest potraying a silver sword stabbed into an beast skull from his breast pocket and showed it to the guard's present infront.

Seeing the noble crest in the hand of the coachman, the guard didn't asked any further questions and conformed it in the records of the aristocrats living inside the noble district. The guards gave an conformation to the coachman and said in a respectful tone towards the carriage.

" Thank you for the cooperation my lord " said the guard.

Finishing his words the guards moved aside and the carriage went inside the nobel district with an slow pace.



" No matter the world nobels sure lived a life of luxury " said the young man looking outside from the window of the brown carriage, with bitter smile, as it went pass neatly maintained streets and luxuriesly build houses inside the nobel district.

Having enough of the view outside he close the curtain and went back thinking about the miraculous experience he just went through before ending up inside this body, yes it was not the owner of the body that was talking right now, infact it was Azreal who took over this body when the owner Lucas Marione was found wounded near the town wall by the guards and was brought to the holy churches infirmary for treatment, but to his bad luck or Azreals good luck. Lucas died and Azreal came into life on the sick bed.

Waking up in an unkown body with foreign memories inside his consciousness, Azreal didn't panicked as his maturity level was over hundred years age. so not minding the new environment he did all the infirmary procedures and took the carriage to lucas mansion according to the hazy memories.

'According to Lucas memories his parents died four years ago and didn't had a relative in this town, he doesn't has an title on his name, and he runs multiple tavren & hotels inside the town plus has an animal leather shop in the town center ' from the moment Azreal took the carriage he started sorting out the messy memories inside his head to make sense of every bit of information he could get about his body and the outside world that he was in.

' this conclude about his life and accordingly this is notes the same world that I previously living in -- '

" We have arrived noble sir " the coachman said from outside distracting the flow of Azreals thought process.

"Okey " Azreal replied.

' i'll think about those thing later at night, first I have to make myself familiar with lucas household servents first, it is better to know who is loyal and whose not ' Azreal calmly collected his thoughts and made plans about his future as he did his clothes.

" lets see whats in store for me in the future " saying that to himself without a little excitement in his tone, Azreal opened the door and went out the carriage.