
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

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350 Chs

The Cursed One

The witch disappeared from his world.

I don't know if I followed his advice.

All in all, Eleazar enjoyed several days of peace.

Early in the morning, he took his textbook to class as usual.

On the campus path, the two stumbled into a yawning Fina again.

Curious, he asked, "What, didn't you get any rest last night?"

"We went meteor watching last night and didn't sleep," Lingyin said in a depressed spirit.

"Is it a sweeper?"

Eleazar sounds like a curious baby.

Astrology was another big department, not dissimilar to the occult, but he only knew a little about it.

Lingyin gave him a blank look.

"Shooting star, repeat after me, shooting star! Star! A solid chunk of cosmic matter pulled by the gravitational pull of a planet that drags a trail of hot, disintegrating light as it travels through the atmosphere at high speeds; don't use that folksy term, you're a college student with a higher education at least."


Eleazar, who was well-versed in the occult, only found the things she spoke of to be extraordinarily strange.

Seeing him dumbfounded, Fina puffed out a laugh.

Looks like the anger at him from the other day has worn off.

Eleazar took the opportunity to say, "What time are your classes, do you want to get something to eat?"

Fina gave him a blank look, "No go."

"I'll get it for you?"


Eleazar could only follow her with a helpless face.

And at that moment, there was a bit of a commotion up ahead, as the students around them slowed down a bit, or simply paused, whispering to each other.

An aura of strength came over him.

A beautiful woman who seemed to be the center of attention everywhere, wearing a deep-necked blouse, a pair of slender legs over tight pantyhose, brilliant blonde hair that seemed to be glittering, and an incomparably hot and seductive figure that made people feel their mouths dry and hard to take their eyes off of it after just one look.

Behind them were three other handsome men who were talking and laughing as they walked past everyone.

"Look, it's the school beauty, recognized by the whole school, unshakeable status for three years in a row!"

"Wow, that's a great body too!"

"So... So big!"

Recognized by the whole school? How come he didn't know?

Eleazar's gaze was icy cold, and at the moment all he could think about was how to get her killed.

"Was it good?" Fina asked languidly from beside him.

"Good looking ..."

Fina raised an eyebrow and was about to get angry, but then realized that the expression on Eleazar's face was one of indifference she had never seen before.

The trail is already on Transcendence.

It was the first time she'd seen him get into the swing of things.

Fina mentally eeped softly and looked forward again.

But unfortunately, she still hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

In the realm of probing mysteries, no sequence can beat The Witcher.

Not bad for a mythical sequence...


Eleazar soon learned the monster's name from the chattering students around him.

Olivia ...

She has the looks and body that make boys marvel and girls jealous.

In the eyes of a normal person...

And in the sight of, all that she had hidden was revealed.

The long legs were a pair of eagle feet, snow-white skin covered with stray feathers, glowing green vertical pupils, and a high nose topped with a bird's beak.

The Cursed One, the Harpy!

It was formed for no other reason than that a wish was made for something unspecified, and while being granted the wish, it was also cursed.

It can't be reversed, in the same way, that the Sequencers drank the magic potion and never looked back.

She's become a monster!

Eleazar withdrew his gaze and smiled faintly at the two beside him, "Let's go."

Lingyin's eyes were full of wryness as if he was ready to watch a good show.

But Fina said nothing for the first time in her life, and her voice became incredibly soft.

"Well, are you hungry, let's go get breakfast."



With his attention completely distracted, Eleazar muddled through his morning class.

Between classes, he asked the students around him about Olivia-senpai.

"Oh, you mean the school girl, she's in the finance department."

"Usually listen to classes over at the science building, why, are you interested in people too?"

His classmates looked at him very strangely.

With the goddess, with the girl who seemed to have stepped out of a manga, he was hitting on the schoolgirl?

Eleazar just shrugged slightly in the face of all these complicated looks from everyone.

After looking at the schedule and realizing that he had exactly the right amount of time, he immediately moved to the classroom over there.

Science Building, Financial Management, 5th floor classroom...

Finding a seat in the back row, Eleazar glanced faintly at his side.

Olivia was right beside him, less than 2 meters away, and he could already even smell the bird-like odor emanating from her.

The true meaning of death can only be realized by approaching it infinitely.

If a fight breaks out in a place like this, all of the dozens of students in this classroom will have to undergo memory erasure techniques, as well as blocking anyone from escaping and informing.

In short, once he couldn't restrain himself, both of them would die on the spot socially.

Eleazar had wanted to work on his killing impulse for a long time, and while it was said to be a hunting instinct, he had to learn to control it.

The great difference between human beings and animals is that they are not governed by mere desires.

Your behavior of wanting to mate and reproduce is normal and by the laws of nature. But if you force a female to mate without her consent, you will be punished by the iron fist of the ruling class.

"Class, this seat is taken."

Just as Eleazar was silently honing his killing intent, a large, handsome man came alongside him.

His voice was soft and full of approachability, his features were very soft, his short white hair was very attention-grabbing, and his lips were so red and bright-eyed that it was almost hard to tell the difference between male and female.

Beautiful young men with white hair are very rare.

But Eleazar has read in books that people born with strong magic have very specific pupil and hair colors.

Could this be a spell caster?

Eleazar scooted his butt, patted the seat he had muffled, and invited graciously, "Sit~"

Classroom seating, is the kind of long stripes separated, while the content of each class and the teacher is not the same, what class to go to which classroom to listen to the class, there is no such thing as a fixed position.

When he did, it instantly upset the two girls on the left.

"Hey, how can you talk to the senpai like that, by the way, this is a 3rd-year advanced course, what are you doing here as a 1st-year freshman!"

Eleazar turned his head to look at the two girls.

As soon as he came into the classroom and sat down, they had been chattering away, and if no one else had been around, he would have gotten a kick out of it.

"You're only in 2nd grade, and you're in the art department, what are you doing here when there's such a wide range of subjects?"


"Don't argue!"

The white-haired teenager rushed to stop them from arguing.

"Don't fight! Let's all get along."

"Tell you what, I'll sit in the center."