
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

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350 Chs

Destroying His Mind

"Jingle bells ~ jingle bells ~"

Phyllis, who was wiping the corridor handrail with her head bowed in grief, suddenly smelled a strange meaty aroma.

There was a somewhat appetizing aroma, but also a smell that made the soul emit a vague fear.

She lifted her head and looked down, only to realize it was the subordinates she had abandoned.

And at that moment, they all became food for those tribal warriors.

"How... How..."

She couldn't hold back her silent sobs and began to wonder what she was living for.

"There's still time to cry, so it seems you're idle."

The witch, who had stood at the stairway at some point, had a bemused gaze.

"No! No!" Phyllis shook her head back and forth with a horrified face.

Still, she couldn't stop the demon from raising his hand.

Then the shape-shifting shackle began to move violently in the linen garment.


Phyllis instantly let out a scream, subconsciously bending her legs across the room, unable to stop the trembling.

"It's going to... It's going to break, leave me alone, oh..."

Instead of stopping, the witch took out her matching dragon-taming whip and sent her flying with an expressionless mental lash.

The back was directly skinned and tumbled to the end of the corridor, Phyllis's eyes went blank with pain, and her mouth was wide open, but not a single sound could come out of her throat.

"Crawl back here." Then another voice drilled into her ears.

The voice was soft and plaintive, yet it had a tone that made it impossible to resist.

In the hazy vision, it seemed as if the dreaded whip would come down again at any moment.

The King's daughter, whose consciousness had been drained a little, crawled back in a daze with both physical and mental pain. Eleazar, who came up behind her, finally saw the corset style in the coarse linen.

Although only the back was seen, it was already possible to guess that probably all the vital parts of that body had been clamped down.

"Tsk..." He couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

It's true that women still know best.

Suddenly, a hand reached out behind him to block his eyes.

Fina got a little upset and said, "No looking!"

The witch turned back to the two, glaring at them with an unkind gaze as if to warn them not to ruin the current chilling atmosphere.

Eleazar caught that look just as he peeled his hand away from his face, and then took a delicate hand back in his and led the way down the stairs, leaving the space above for the witch.

Bypassing the group of reveling tribal warriors, the two strolled through the sunny grasslands.

Enjoying a nice quiet hour, Eleazar suddenly whips his head around on a whim nibbles on the one on his shoulder, and whispers:

"If I say, I want to see it, Nana will you wear something that looks good for me?"

Fina blushed and raised her hand to her side.

"Don't even think about it!"

Though it was on his lips at the time, Eleazar saw the hazy, translucent night veil at night.



"I heard that Earth Court commissioned witch hunters to hunt us, specially invited from Loran, and I guess that assassin last night was the spearhead."

The witch who was cooking dinner in her room on the first floor said absently.

"Also, I'm doing my job and you guys are hanging out!?"

Eleazar smiled helplessly and stepped forward to take the spoon she was stirring.

Then he looked at the pot of lime green soup with an odd face.

"Is today an important day?"

It's a traditional witch's soup with an unknown number of herbs thrown in.

Evelea said absently, "Didn't we consume a lot today, more replenishment."

Eleazar looked at her oddly, "I'm fine with that, but you guys..."

This kind of stuff is very tonic, but the toxicity is also amazing, to put it mildly, it's normal for lower-level Sequencers to be poisoned to death.

The witch glanced at the dull-eyed king's daughter.

"It's all about food like this."

"I've never seen anyone become strong just by enjoying themselves."

Eleazar gets it.

The Witch is going to destroy the cowardly-minded swordsman and remake a newborn king's daughter, the mind is already in the process of being destroyed, now let's build the new body first.

"But why should we suffer with her?"

Eleazar shrugs and ladles up the herbal soup and distributes it to a few people.

Fina's brow furrowed, but after realizing there was no other food for dinner today, she could only pinch her nose and take a small sip before jerking her head back, the fire of her soul radiating from her body.

Eleazar, who had downed half the bowl in one gulp, also jerked his heart and covered his chest for a long time.

And the witch amazingly dries it all in one gulp.


Eleazar watched in horror, and then soon, as he had expected, the poison was all transferred.

It hurt so much then that he could barely hold the bowl.

After settling her share of the dinner witch smacked her lips, then collected her expression and coldly looked at the king's daughter whose body was motionless.

"Drink it, or, you go outside and crawl around a bit."

Phyllis subconsciously shivered her body, her gaze regained some clarity, and she hurriedly picked up the bowl.

She probably didn't even realize what was being brought to her mouth.

As if indicating obedience, he took a large gulp, then his body stiffened and the wooden bowl fell right out of his hand, spilling the precious witch soup all over the floor.

Eleazar narrowed his eyes as he looked at the body that had collapsed on the floor in frantic convulsions.

"It's not going to die just like that, is it?"

Evelea picks up the bowl absently.

"If we die like this then there is no need for support, let's continue to go on the run, I've heard that there is another country called Crescent Moon in the north that is at odds with the Earth King's Court."

Eleazar asked curiously, "How many forces are there on Rune's side?"

Fina thought about what she'd heard when she went to town to get some wine and said, "It seems like three, and there's a kingdom of Onia to the far east, and that's where we were supposed to be routing ourselves towards."

"Three again?" Eleazar frowned slightly.

Just as they were discussing it, the slightly twitching figure on the ground was finally slowing down.

The witch's face didn't change much, as if she had expected it.

If just a mouthful of witch soup was all it took to be poisoned, then there was no point in supporting such trash.

Returning to her senses, Phyllis blushed in horror, "Right... I'm sorry!"

The witch didn't give her a chance to beg for mercy, just waved her hand, and strands of liquid metal spread up from the collar of that linen shirt, first looping into a collar around her collar neck, then covering a mask with only her nostrils for air.

Just as she had imagined before, only endless humiliation awaited her.

He couldn't even stand up, his body was fixed into a limb-on-the-ground form by the deformation shackles, and his mouth could only emit helpless whimpering sounds.

Then Evelea throws the control gloves over.

"Honey, why don't you take her outside for a spin~"

"I'll go?"

Are you testing her or me?

Eleazar muttered darkly.