
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

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350 Chs

 Pestilence Manor

The poisonous fog filled the manor, with waves of corpses coming in from all directions.

"Here they come!"

The warlock, who was gawking at Witcher chasing the ghouls into battle, quickly whipped his head around.

Rustling sounds of movement came from everywhere in the dark mountain forest, and the bodies of uncountable beasts, slowly emerging from the shadows around them, surrounded them.

Instinctively fearing the hot flames, but yearning for fresh flesh and blood, they stood densely on the periphery of the fire circle, hissing fiercely and trying to terrorize their prey out.

Fina held the flame with indifference, needing only to open her hand, the erupting flames could engulf the tide of corpses.

"Burn them! Burn them now!" Evelea, who seemed to have been infected by the epidemic again, coughed a few times.

The ghouls, who were frantically running away from Witcher's pursuit, suddenly ran towards the corpses.

That incredibly flexible body, like crimson lightning drew dazzling trajectories on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, it flashed into the crowd of tumbling corpses.

Fina didn't hesitate, her palm clenched hard.



A crimson flame erupted, and an uncountable number of limbs were instantly sent skyward by the explosion.

The flame-covered ghoul also flew backwards out of the room with his hands in the air, and was caught by Eleazar, who came after him, with a single slash of his head, splattering his blood!

"Let you run!"

Stomping down on the tumbled head, the blade plowed through the jaws, pulling the tongue out by the roots and tossing it to the two women on the far side of the room.

[Residue of magic potion: 488→438]

[Residue of magic potion: 438→415]

Digesting the two strands of magic potion residue, Eleazar looked up and around.

And then there was the last ghoul, which had completely disappeared.

The manor was also completely dead, all active dark creatures had been cleared by him.

A suture beast, three ghouls, close to 30 ghouls, and a deadly plague of natural disasters surrounded the area, all before even walking into the true source of the contamination, and multiple battles had already erupted.

If any other Transcendent intruded into this place, they would have to shed their skin without dying.

"There's at least one more Plague Mother!"

Eleazar silently senses movement around him, carefully pushes open the mansion's door, and surveys the inside.

The hall was covered in wreckage, statues, bottles, plates, all kinds of utensils broken, scarlet claw marks everywhere, the expensive carpet stained by all kinds of strange colored liquids, only the crystal lamps on the ceiling still silently reflecting the light.

It seemed that a banquet was being held before the accident, and in the long table in the center, with its blackened cushion cloth, you could still vaguely see the wine glasses, the trays, the knives and forks, the rotting food, in that writhing tide of black worms.

After a quiet glance around the room, Witcher stepped in and gently stepped on a ceramic tile.


The darkness around them thickened in the dimly colored transcendental vision, followed by the startling flight of bugs that roamed the table.

The three diners who had ambled over to the table slowly raised their heads.

Black blood spilled over his features, and his eyes were nothing but holes in which uncountable worms burrowed in and out.


The slowly smoking barrel of the gun blew one of them straight through the head.

Eleazar rotated his arm and was about to aim for the next one when suddenly the mind warned him.

He didn't even think about it and lunged straight out to the side.

Electricity suddenly flashed on the five senses of the two dead corpses, and in the next second, two arm-thick lightning bolts surged out of their mouths, directly shattering the mansion's outer wall.


Ghoul's advanced form - Ghoul Demon: awakened to randomly master flame, poison, lightning, cold, and high level spells of all systems, caster of the undead army.

Dodging two sudden bolts of thunderbolt lightning, by the time Eleazar is on his feet again and ready to return fire, he realizes that the two necromancers are already dragging their tattered clothes up in the air, an electrical energy barrier surrounding them.

Relying on the obstacles around him, he fired a tentative shot.


The silver and blue light annihilated at the same time, and while the silver bullet managed to knock down the spell shield, it ran out of momentum, and by the time he was ready for his next shot, the necromancer had revived the barrier and thrown in a couple of lightning bolts.




The two women outside the manor only heard violent explosions coming from the villa continuously, it was like a war inside.

It wasn't long before the wall blew up again, and Witcher tumbled out of the smoke in disarray amidst a splash of debris.

In the next second, two ghouls covered in flashes of electricity also flew out of the broken hole, and relying on their air-to-ground advantage, they frantically threw lightning balls at the dodging Witcher on the ground.

As soon as the field was empty, the Corpse Demon became even more brazen.

Lightning balls covered the ground like a hail of bullets, and the furious current rippled everywhere on the ground, paralyzing the living man below with sometimes stiff limbs, sometimes epileptic convulsions, black smoke coming out of his body, and his hair exploding.

But how could Eleazar lure out two flying monsters for no reason.

The ground suddenly rumbled, followed by a pillar of pre-judged fire that flooded a necromancer that looked like a bomber swooping down.

A ball of fire fell down and hissed in agony on the ground.

The other Corpse Demon had just gotten defensive when several water whips were suddenly thrown high in the garden at his feet.

A whip, the shield shattered.

Two lashes, upper and lower body breaks.

Three whips, four whips, and the corpse demon was directly in pieces.

Rambling limbs scattered from the air as Eleazar waited for a lonesome below.

He then had to quickly rush to patch up the one that hadn't been burned yet.

[Residue of magic potion: 415→375]

Digesting the magic potion, Eleazar returned to rest beside the two women for a moment.

Fina patted him on the dust with concern.

"Has the mayor solved it?"

"No, I haven't even gotten up to the second floor ..."

Evelea staggered as she looked at the manor, "It's a small army of natural disasters yah!"

"Maybe if we put it off a few more days, the plague dragons are spelled out by them."

Eleazar is rested and ready to run to the mansion again.

Fina admonished, "If things go wrong, exit immediately and we'll meet you outside!"

His figure once again disappeared into the villa that resembled the mouth of a giant beast.

It remained dead silent inside, as if slowly waiting for the living to awaken.

Those three ghouls seem to be the last of the monsters, and Eleazar doesn't encounter anything more this time, smoothly turning the first floor and then walking back up to the second.

Bedroom, guest room, parlor, exhibition room, and finally slowly pushed open the study.

In that room full of documents and reports, a middle-aged man with meticulously combed hair sat in a chair with his head bowed.

It seemed to be in deep thought, as if asleep again.

There was nothing unusual about his body, even though the pores all over his body were radiating a horrible plague radiation, there was no change in his appearance.

"Dolenk... Mayor?"

Eleazar tries to call out.

The man in the chair suddenly stirred, and then a low voice rang through the room.

"Sorry, I fell asleep."