1 (New York City 10:30pm)

When the New York times got a tip on what went down at the Honey Pot Night Club, they immediately sent a reporter and photographer to investigate. The New York post got there first though. And upon hearing what happened they ruled this morning's edition off the presses.

Female Reporter = Hey honey you okay in there?

Female Pole Dancer=: Is she okay?

Other female's waiting in line for the bathroom = Yeah I gotta go!

Female Photographer = Tomorrow the posts readers were supposed to see the headline. Princess Dis NYC Tryst, with Kenneth Irons revealed. A headline the NYPD didn't want to see.

Especially since their Chief Investigator on that serial case, Detective Sara Pezzini. Is currently across the East River in Long Island City. Enveloped in chaos. The walls shimmer still resonating with the energy that filled this hall minutes ago.

The bodies around her smolder ravaged by alien power. Is all this possible? Is it some bizarre Fugue fantasy? Maybe she'll wake up next to Yee, in his car, another mistake- out gone. Too long, the coffee must have stopped working. All this devastation caused by... Nope it happened.

But it didn't act alone, did it?

Bellow her, was the lifeless form of her partner, Michael Yee- torn apart by man made power. The Witchblade.

Sara Pezzini = I made this happen to me! No I didn't mean it. I can't believe I did this. I. Killed... All of them.
