
Winter Comes (Game of Thrones)

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Waking up tied to a Weirwood Tree with a Child of the Forest about to stab a dagger into your heart is never a good thing. What follows gives that experience a run for its money though. (Night King Pre-Canon Self-Insert Fic)

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

A/N: This story is another Free Write, similar to A Motherfucking Dragon but quite distinct and unique in its own way. It's already finished over on QQ and FF, but I've decided to port it over here as well. It will update once a day until it is done!


I woke up with a start. I was not in my bed. My eyes snapped wide open and I immediately felt the cloth gag between my teeth as I pulled and strained against bindings at my wrists. Cold wind whipped across my naked chest and harsh bark scratches at my bared back. I looked around and found myself to be tied to a white, pale tree with red leaves.

My body was changed. But then, it probably wasn't MY body. Looking down at myself after eyeing the tree for a second, I found a muscled, broad shouldered form. Certainly not half bad to look at, and I was still close to my same skin color, if a few shades paler. That was nice enough I supposed, but as far as ways to wake up go, this was definitely in the bottom ten.

Glancing around a little further out, my eyes fell upon tall stones arrayed all around the tree I was bound to. They were certainly not natural judging by their shape and the fact that each had carvings in it. Definitely man-made. Or… not. I looked at the strange gathering of small forest creatures in wide eyed wonder as they gathered about in a circle and chittered to each other.

They definitely weren't human but I still felt like I should have known what they actually were. It wasn't coming to me though. The tree, the alien beings, both were familiar in some way. I didn't have much time to think about it in the end. After a moment, one of the leafy small nymph creatures stood from their circle and turned to me with a wide grin on her face and a sharp piece of rock in her small child-like hand.

I only had a moment to register that it was probably a female, before my mind then registered the weapon she was brandishing in my direction. Eyes going even wider, I struggled against my bonds.


My heart beat faster and faster as she approached, but no matter what I did, I could not break free and she did not stop moving. One of her hands came to rest on my chest, holding me steady with fragile strength. The other brought the crude rock dagger forward and began to dig. I screamed in agony as pain I'd never felt before coursed through my body.

The forest nymph dug her weapon into my chest and pierced what I assumed was my heart. It was slow and brutal and agonizing. My life as a couch potato and an internet trawler had NOT prepared me for this kind of pain. But even with her dagger in my heart, I did not die. I felt cold though. I remembered reading a million descriptions of death. It was always cold before the end right? Perhaps then, I was dying anyways.

But… why? What was the point of self-inserting me into this man in this place and time if all he was going to do was die? For a frantic, horrified moment, I imagined an existence where that was all I did for the rest of eternity. Had I somehow pissed off a ROB and ultimately this was to be my fate from now on? To be self-inserted into characters about to die, over and over again, forced to experience each and every last death up close and personally. That was definitely a hellish punishment.

I knew not what I could have done to deserve such a thing. But even as I fretted about that being my new lot, I finally realized I wasn't actually dying. The big eyed forest nymph was staring at me with a wide grin across her face and I realized I was staring back. Looking down, I gasped in shock at the blue that was spreading out from the place where she'd stuck me with her crude, carved blade. Said blade or rock or whatever it truly was, had disappeared into my chest. Both of her palms were now pressed against my body as it turned blue.

It was a distinctive blue too, sort of like Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen. Still I couldn't really place this setting though, no matter how much I felt like I should know where I was. The deed done, the forest nymph stepped back and nodded to her fellows, who had risen from their little circle as well to watch my transformation.

More daggers came out and my bindings were cut. I fell forward onto my forearms, watching as they turned blue along with my hands. My nails grew sharp and my teeth did as well. My hair fell down in clumps beside me and I could feel protrusions pushing out of the top of my skull painfully. Reaching up, I grabbed the gag in my mouth and tore it away.


I got to my feet and leapt for the nearest of the forest nymph creatures, a snarl on my lips and my hands outstretched. I was going to hurt them and I didn't know if I would stop short of killing or not. In the end, I didn't get a chance to find out. I never managed to lay a finger upon any of them as they lifted their hands as one and stopped me dead.

I fell back to my hands and knees under immense pressure, forced low to the ground. Slowly, the one who had originally stabbed me approached and knelt by my side. She reached out and grabbed me by one of the small horns that now ringed my head, causing a gasp of irritation to fall from my mouth. I stared into her yellow eyes and she looked back into mine that satisfied grin still on her face.

"You are strong. You will do nicely. You are the first of our Walkers, to drive back that which you came from. Your service will atone for the Weirwood trees that you have cut down. While we fight in the daylight, you will strike from the shadows once the sun has fallen. Where we live in the forests, you will never know warmth or happiness or joy ever again."

The wood nymph took in a deep breath before continuing in a serious tone filled with meaning.

"First of our Walkers, I dub thee Night King. You will use the great power that we have gifted you to serve us in darkness, so that we may live free and peacefully within the light of the sun."

I knew where I was now. I'd have to have lived under a rock in my original world not to. My eyes, a deep ethereal blue though I could not see them, stared back in horror at the Child of the Forest that held me up. Her grin grew ever so slightly and then she and the other Children raised their hands again. Darkness overtook me as my eyes slid shut.

My attempt to attack the Children of the Forest would be the last free action I took, for when I awoke I was completely and totally their creature. Dressed in rough approximations of 'armor' and given a spear, I was commanded to lead five more Walkers in an attack on the First Men. It was a fine showing of the new power I had at my fingertips.

In the end, trapped in my own mind, I spent the next two thousand years fighting for the Children of the Forest alongside a growing number of White Walkers who obeyed my every brainwashed command. And then when peace came and their weapon of war was no longer needed, I and those like me were sent North into the Land of Eternal Winter.

The Child's promise to me came true up in the frozen north. I slumbered in the darkness so that they could live in the light of sun, in peace with the men I'd once shared humanity with. In the Lands of Eternal Winter, I slept alongside an army that the Children of the Forest wished dearly to forget they'd ever made. With snowstorms all around me and cold suffusing my already frozen flesh, the bindings that the greenseers had placed on my mind and the minds of every other White Walker… slowly began to erode.


Two thousand years later, beneath a mountain of ice in a small cave, my eyes snapped open. I awoke and for the first time in four thousand years, I moved of my own free will, slowly but surely making my way to my feet. Standing, I looked down at my body, at my hands. I stared in mute silence at what I had become, accepting it as one must in these situations.

Around me, other White Walkers broke free of the coffins of ice they'd ended up within. There was no easy path out of the cave we found ourselves inside of. Better to call it a natural made tomb, as in the end it was with our bare blue hands that we clawed our way up towards the surface. There was purpose and determination in each and every one of us. None would remain trapped, none would remain forgotten.

When I broke through to the world above, there was no sunlight to smack down upon my face. Only biting winds and slashing snow was there to greet me as I crawled up out of the ground and stood tall. All across the plain of ice beside the white mountain that I had pulled myself from, more of my Walkers appeared. An army of blue skinned immortal monsters ripped themselves free of their prisons and moved to meet me.

I ended up standing slightly removed from an army, even the few that had clawed their way out at my side moving to stand with the rest below my feet, staring up at me expectantly. I looked out at a sea of glowing blue eyes and I thought. I knew where I was now, funnily enough. More than that, my mind was somehow intact. Whether by magic or because of whatever had sent me here, the only memories completely and utterly untouched by four thousand years of a life that could barely be called lived were the ones from before I'd arrived in this world.

As such, I was still me. But I was also more than that and though I did not recall it all, I remembered my transformation and I remembered snippets of the things that the Children of the Forest had had me and my kind do to the First Men. I was not outraged on behalf of the First Men. I was not even truly outraged on behalf of the army of White Walkers standing before me.

I was outraged on behalf of myself. I'd always been a narcissistic little prick. The Children of the Forest had wronged quite a lot of people, but I felt confident in saying they'd wronged me most of all. Was I not due justice? Was there not no other way to get revenge but by taking it with my cold, blue hands? I looked out upon a sea of souls bound to my own. The greenseer's magic had faded but mine had not. In order to conserve their power and keep their bindings on me strong, it had only been me, the Night King that had been under their control.

In turn, the rest of the White Walkers were under MY control and here in the eternally frozen lands, my control and power had never been stronger. Reaching out, I could FEEL the freezing weather around me. I could strengthen the snowstorm smacking against our unmoving bodies, or I could force it to abate. I chose the latter.

A moment later, for the first time in thousands of years, the cloud cover rolled back over a small portion of the Land of Eternal Winter. The snow stopped falling and the winds died down. A multitude of blue eyes looked up away from me at the sun. I did not begrudge them that, in fact I did the same for a moment. Still, I had not revealed the sun and quieted the eternal snowstorm to show them light.

I'd done it so that I could be heard. Bringing my hands up, I clap them together a single time. The sound rings out across the now silent ice plain and every White Walker looks to me. With their attention, I finally speak. There are a number of things on my mind right now, but only one stands out to me. I can't help but wonder if it's the same thing the original Night King would be thinking, if I was not here standing in his shoes.

"We go south. The Children of the Forest die to the last."

My voice was calm and controlled and not at all raised, but it still traveled to every ear, reached every White Walker on the plain below me. Convenient that. There were smiles on the faces of my army as all raised their hands, closed tightly into fists above their heads. They pumped once, twice, and then three times. I lifted my arms wide and breathed in the cold air as the snowstorm returned.

It did not harm us though, beings of cold and ice. Instead, it strengthened us and with my control over it, it moved with us as I began walking down the mountain, through the White Walkers and towards the south. They followed and we began our march.

I was the Night King and the Long Night had finally arrived. It was time to begin.

… The first large creature we came across was getting zombified immediately so that I could ride on its back. This walking bullshit was going to get really old, really fucking fast.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

Thanks for reading!

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