
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



When everyone left the room, Quirrell stood there with a cold expression on his face. He flicked his wand, and the door to his classroom was locked. He got into his study and locked the door. Then a muffled whispering voice sounded,

"Take this thing off."

Quirrell nervously answered right away,

"Yes, master."

When he took his turban off, you could see Voldermort's gray face at the back of his head. Quirrell looked like he was going to say something but gave up at the last moment; Voldemort sensed this and said,

"Out with it."

"Master, why do you care about this Elminster child? He is smart, but he is nothing but a bookworm."

Voldemort said,

"You can make someone a good soldier, but talent... talent cannot be given. He is a talented Syhlitern and from a pure-blood family. In the future, he can be useful."

"But his family didn't side with you, my lord; they were neutral."

Voldemort's withered face showed a sinister smile,

"Just because his parents were useless doesn't mean he will be useless too, and most importantly, he is trying to hide it, but the first time you met with him, he was repulsed by your touch. After that, he tried to hide it, but there was something. Now... Never mind the boy, and we should focus on what is important."


Elmi had been exploring Hogwarts for the last month, and the things to discover were endless. He wanted to read all the books there and discover the school too, but there was not enough time in a day to do all that. He would do anything for a time-turner right about now. He was awe-struck by the mystery and beauty of Hogwarts.

Elmi, Daphne, Tracey, and Zabini gathered in the grand entrance hall, their eyes wide with anticipation. Armed with Elmi's trusty map, they decided to navigate the ever-shifting staircases that defined Hogwarts' unique architecture. The staircases seemed to have a life of their own, changing directions and leading to unexpected places.

"Alright, according to the map, we just need to go up this staircase when it is in the direction of 9 o'clock and five more to reach the Trophy Room," Elmi said, pointing to a seemingly ordinary set of steps that shifted as they approached.

Daphne, her eyes sparkling with excitement, led the way. "It would take too long. I heard there's a shortcut to the Trophy Room through here. Come on, follow me."

The group ascended, descended, and traversed the maze of staircases, occasionally getting lost. Along the way, they encountered talking portraits and asked directions from them, but they were not much help, and they discovered a hidden alcove where you can read books while looking at a beautiful view of the Black Lake.

Zabini, glancing around at the hidden corridors they passed, remarked, "I never knew Hogwarts had so many secrets. How do you find your way up those stairs."

Elmi turned towards Daphne and said, "It is actually really easy. You just don't follow Daphne and follow the freaking map."

Daphne Elmi's shoulder and started looking around where to go next. She said,

"Being lost is part of the exploration. Hmph! That is normal for a bookworm like you not to know that kind of thing."

Elmi could do nothing but smile,

"It's like a magical puzzle. Each step takes us to a new part of the castle."

They had reached the farthest corridor on the east end; Elmi guessed that they were on the fifth or sixth floor, and as they walked, the temperature was going down, and they were starting to get cold. As the temperature dropped, Tracey started to get more nervous and said,

"I think we should turn back. Something is wrong with this floor. We shouldn't be here."

Daphne said,

"Why do you mind a little bit of cold? You are too passive. Where is your spirit of exploration?"

Zabini sneezed and said,

"I think I left mine in the dorm right next to my coat." After a moment of shivering, he said,

"I don't want to have a cold, so I am turning back."

Tracey followed him right away, and Daphne didn't want to be alone in those parts, so he pulled Elmi and followed behind them.

"Wait for us!"

Elmi could see the fluctuation of the magic on this floor, and the end of the corridor looked weird in his eyes. So he makes a mental note to come back here at a later date.

As they continued to explore, Daphne took them to the third floor, and they were at the start of the forbidden corridor since Elmi knew what was there. He wanted them to turn back,

"Guys, let's just turn back; there must be a reason they forbade us to enter here. It could be really dangerous."

Zabini smugly said,

"Why, Fawley, are you so afraid to explore an ordinary corridor?"

Elmi angrily said,

"There is no such a thing as ordinary in Hogwarts. If you guys keep underestimating Hogwarts like that, one of us could be hurt."

In the magical world, if you were not killed or cursed, they could basically revive you from near death. That is why most magical children are fearless, and they become cautious after losing an arm or leg and then enduring the pain of regrowing them.

As they approached the room leading to the door to the underground chamber entrance, Elmi was growing nervous. He hoped that the door was already locked, but if the events were similar to the book, it was not locked yet since they were still working on the charms and defense mechanisms of the room. Zabini confidently opened the door, and he was going in. Elmi grabbed his collar and pulled him back. He then angrily said,

"Are you stupid? This part is a forbidden floor; how could you enter a room without carefully looking inside?"

As they were arguing at the door, Tracey saw Fluffy sleeping in the room and screamed. When Fluffy heard this, he yawned and woke up and saw them. He started growling, and Elmi shot the door right away and shouted,


They ran back to the second floor, and Daphne said,

"What the hell was that?"

Elmi said,

"A three-headed dog, a Cerberus, they are used as guards for important things." 

He turned to Daphne and angrily said,

"Like a forbidden floor, I told you it was dangerous."

As they walked back toward the Trophy Room, all they could talk about was what that thing was guarding. Elmi tried to change the subject a few times, but he couldn't at last; he said,

"I think we should stop talking about the 3rd floor and the dog. You guys realize we broke the rules, and if a teacher learns this, we could even be expelled."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, they decided never to tell this to anyone else. After their escapades with the moving staircases, the group found themselves in the Trophy Room. Dusty trophies and plaques lined the shelves, chronicling the achievements of past Hogwarts students. Zabini couldn't help but examine each artifact with keen interest.

"Look at this one," he said, pointing to a trophy that seemed to sparkle with magic. "It says it was awarded for Outstanding Spellwork. I wonder who won it."

Tracey marveled at the Quidditch memorabilia. "Imagine catching the Snitch and winning the Quidditch Cup for your house. That must be an incredible feeling!"

Elmi said,

"Tracey, you could try out for the team; you were really good with your broom in Madam Hooch's class."

She got shy and said,

"I... I couldn't do it. I am not that good."

Elmi smiled and said,

"My mother says nothing is impossible until you fail. So, you can't know if it is impossible until you try it out. If you like Quidditch, you should definitely try out next year."

Daphne encouraged Tracey, too, and they started walking out of the castle toward the Black Lake and then around the castle they had spent all weekend exploring. As they were walking around the castle, they saw the upperclassmen come back from their Hogsmeade visit. They had to wait until they were 3rd year to visit it.