

Hello, ladies and gents to my wonderful mind. Inside this mystical place you'll find many things including but not limited to, self-monologues, my deepest secrets, what I truly think, and maybe even flashbacks!

A little about me: I never knew my parents, so original right? After never meeting the people who made me, I was placed the care of my dear grandparents. Sadly, the old Mam and Pap died before I could start school. Then I was placed in group homes leading into my adult life. In those years I learned a little about street fighting and even lost my glorious V card! You'll always hold a special place in my heart, Mrs. Hildegard.

I also had a bit of a reputation for needlessly helping those weaker than me, but don't you go calling me a hero or even a softy. I did it for the adrenaline rush, you know? C'mon guys, don't tell me you've never been in one of those situations that could go horribly wrong, but that just makes it more exciting, right?

Well if you haven't, let me be the first to tell you, it's the best feeling ever! If I'm being totally honest, I'm a pretty boring guy. That is, until I'm in a fight. I'm a different person when I'm excited. But enough about that for now.

After turning eighteen, I had to start fending for myself. And after entering the mundane cycle that is adult life, by the time I was twenty one, I was sick of it all.

Pretty sad right? Barely able to start drinking and I was already developing disdain for a world in which I had no control. Well thankfully, instead of becoming an alcoholic or starting a family or heaven forbid both, I signed myself right up for the military!

Yay, right? Boredom relieved, right?


I went through some training and served 26 months of active duty. 'Active' my ass! But who knows, maybe I was just unlucky. Well, unlucky by my standards.

(A/N no disrespect to any veterans. Thank you for your service🫡)

After returning home, I tried to slip back into a normal life, I really did. But one night, I saw a woman being assaulted. It's despicable, but I couldn't help but let a smile creep onto my face at the time. I mean I had been waiting for a moment like this for forever, even if it was deep in my subconscious.

I scanned the area and noticed that the man furthest from the woman was holding a beer bottle. Upon seeing this, I quickly made my plan to pursue the group of three.

Under the moonlight of the grimiest city in the world, I began steadily sneaking up on the man with the bottle. Just as I was reaching for it, he started waving his hands.

" C'mon babe, don't you think it'd be so much more fun to spend the night with us instead of that piece of trash?" Finishing his slurred sentence, the buffoon pointed at a young man I hadn't noticed.

Looking over, I saw a boy no older than 15 laying in a bloody heap on the ground. After a second glance, a thought crossed my mind. Once again changing my gaze to the 'woman' from before, I quickly realized she was definitely not a woman.

My eyes shined a murderous rage. If there's one thing you need to know about me more than anything else. Even after all of my over-explaining, at the end of the day there is only one thing I truly hate in this world.


And I mean that when I say it! I know that most people aren't exactly enthused by the thought of kiddy diddlers, but they truly make my blood boil! Anyways back to the fight!

Upon realizing that the person I was fighting for was a girl just barely in high-school, I immediately acted. My hand reached for the shoulder of the bottle-wielding man. I spun him around and gave him a good punch to the gut. This exchange barely took a few second even with my attention primarily on the bottle his grip had now loosened on.

As he hunched over, gasping for air, I caught the bottle, which he had finally dropped, and slammed it on a soft spot on his head.


With no time to react I was shoulder bashed and knocked over on my side. The exchange with the first opponent had taken longer than anticipated, I'm no super human after all. While I was on the ground i became hyper aware and I noticed a couple things. The girl had taken a good initiative and ran to help her boyfriend and run. Thank god.

Okay, okay, maybe you can call me a big ol' softy, but who cares right now anyways! Because the other thing I noticed was that one of the men was still charging at me with a sharp object in his hand!

Thankfully, I had held onto the bottle I used to knock the first guy out. With a short distance still between us, I began to smash the bottle on the ground repeatedly until it finally broke as the maniac approached me.

" Next time, don't stick your nose in places it doesn't fucking belong! " He ended his statement with a quick thrust of his blade.

I was half way to standing up when he attacked. I barely managed to spin my body to the right, though I avoided injury, I was falling back down.

Using my momentum from both falling and spinning, I slashed his calf and managed to roll a few feet away, getting back on my feet shortly after.

Seeing his injury and hearing his screams somehow allowed me some relief from the situation as a whole and the smile that had been plastered on my face for the entire fight finally began to fade. As I walked toward the screaming mess before me, I thought to myself, ' Wait, what happened to the douche who knocked me down? '

I became vigilant once again and noticed a now shirtless man aiming a firearm at me. Not capable of finding my way out of this situation I spoke, " Wait, wait, wait. " A smile found its way onto both of our faces. His was from the thought that he now held power in this situation, mine was something different.

" Did you take off your shirt like this was a bar fight and THEN remember you had a gun? " my smile grew larger with each word.

" Umm, no " the man's smile faded very quickly as he began awkwardly gittering.

" Oh my God, that is what happened isn't it? Fucking losers." I chortled as my eyes darted between all three men. One unconscious, one losing his shit after getting cut and the last one, ready to take my life.

He began to wave his gun viciously " Shut the fuck up or you're dead! "

I'll admit that I did get a bit scared then, but then I started to think. This life has always been so boring for me, this fight has been the best thing to happen to me and I'm about to die because of it. Would it be so bad if I died? Maybe I wasn't meant for this world.

I smiled once again, perhaps for the last time in this life. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from the joy I experienced tonight.

I took a step forward, " Will you really shoot me? Because I'm willing to bet that you're shaking not just because you're chilly, but because you're scared. "

" Stay the fuck back or I'll really kill you! " It seemed as though he was holding back tears at this point.

His threats meant nothing to me by now, so I continued my approach.

My strides became a hypnotic rhythm as i made my way to him. Both our breathes slowed.

I balled my hands at my chest, " My, my. Doesn't this seem almost romantic? Two people under the starlight, reading each other's bodies through bated breathes? The beautiful symphony of our hearts pounding for fear of what the future might hold in store! Why don't we take this to the next level. " Near the end of my poetic teasing, I spread my arms and looked up.

I took a moment to look at the stars and enjoy my final moments of tranquility, I might have taken this feeling for granted.

I lowered my head to see him looking up as well, though when he saw me move again, his head darted down.

As I finally stood face to face with the man, I grabbed my soon-to-be killer's wrist, the one wielding his weapon, that is.

Self control was merely a fleeting thought to me at the time. I pulled his wrist with little to no resistance and aimed the gun at my head.

My assailant finally broke put of his stupor and looked at what he could only deem a monster.

I spoke my final words to him " Dipshit. " With this I proceeded to stomp his foot, forcing him to pull the trigger when suddenly everything was dark.


Well now, you're probably wondering why I kept rambling on just now about all that dumb shit. Well let me tell you, it was to distract myself until I was done breast feeding.

That's right, I've been reincarnated. Some of you more perverse spectators may be asking, ' well why would you wanna distract yourself from such a god given blessing? '

First off, eww dude, second, it's to distract myself from one simple question, yet it's the hardest question I've ever asked myself.

Does this make me a furry?

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(A/N holy crud that was a lot to type on my phone. I wanted to try my hand at few things early on in the story, like the fight scene. Was it good? Lemme know plz 👍)

(1656 words)

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