

This was supposed to be just another day of my boring life, you know waking up in my small rusty room, bathing, having my breakfast, and going to school, that was what was supposed to happen.

I mean this was the same routine I had for the last six years and even if it was boring, I liked it, so when something happened outside of my routine you'd find me excited and afraid at the same time.

I wanted to break my routine but at the same time, I fear anything that is beyond my comfort zone. So this is what happened to me now, the last thing I remember was me going to sleep, and what was expected to happen was me waking up in my dirty old room but no I woke up in a freaking dark room and classic old roulette in front of me, well for the first half-hour I had a fuking mental breakdown.

I have never cursed this much in the whole 20 years of my life. in the second half-hour I just stayed gazing at the roulette, and if you are wondering how the hell I know how much time passed, well in the middle of the roulette there was a clock that started the countdown from 1 hour to zero.

When the countdown reached zero, the roulette started spinning faster and faster, I just kept staring at it, I felt like this freaking roulette is deciding my life for me, it kept spinning for about a minute then it stopped on a card I know.

It was at that moment I knew I fucked up, if it is what I think it is then I am fuked, you ask why because the card says RWBY.

I started my second mental breakdown until the roulette started spinning again so I stopped the shit that was going in my brain and focused on the roulette. I mean if it going to send me to the RWBY verse maybe just maybe it will give me the ability to at least protect myself.

The roulette stopped it, it stopped on another card, and guess what after I saw the card, I know luck was just a freaking concept for people to justify their failures. but I was not happy, in a world where mankind was born from dust into a hostile world, forced to battle for survival against soulless creatures of darkness known as the Grimm.

what the hell is Ikki Kurogane from Chivalry of the Failed Knight going to help me there... I looked at the second image while cursing my luck, how am I going to survive with just Ikki's abilities, hell I don't even know what are his abilities but this is the RWBY world we're talking about. at least give me something else, another spin pretty please,

Then something happened, the card turned, and there is something written on the back of the card

FULL NAME: Ikki Kurogane

ALIAS: Worst One Other One Uncrowned Sword King Seven Star Sword King Sword God

ORIGIN: Chivalry of the Failed Knight

OCCUPATION: Hagun Academy

Doubling Physical Power: Ikki's Blazer ability, as a part of Body Enhancement. Using it, he can double his physical abilities, but this has been viewed as useless as an average Blazer could enhance their physical abilities from 5 to 6 times using magic power alone. However, through both his superhuman body control and ignoring his survival instincts, Issei developed Ittou Shura, then Ittou Rasetsu.

Magic Power: Among F-Rank Blazers, Ikki's magic power is the lowest among them, however, he makes up for it through precise magic control enough to create two Noble Arts. However, his awakening allowed him to raise it passed its upper limit enough to use Ittou Rasetsu after Ittou Shura.

Immense Strength: Having undergone a rigorous training regimen to make up for his low magic, Ikki attained an exceptional physical condition that granted him an A in Physical Attributes. Most of the time, he applies this to his sword letting him counter most attacks from other stronger Blazers. Since Ikki can ignore his body's survival instincts, he can draw out incredible strength, defeating Sirius in arm wrestling with no effort, despite the former's arm being twice that of his.

Immense Speed: Due to constant training, Ikki has remarkable speed and reflexes to match, being able to react to, dodge, and counter fast Noble Arts, Blazers, bullets, etc. After stealing the Twin Wings Style, his speed and reflexes have been honed to where even Yuudai couldn't see him despite hearing Ikki move.

Immense Stamina: Ikki has incredible stamina and endurance above that of normal people such as Stella, being able to continue fighting despite his injuries. He could endure Yuuri's Violet Pain sharing her sickness with others, which downed both Selection Candidates and trained Guards without resistance. Ikki can handle his inquiries that lasted for hours through the course of weeks while being fed poisoned food bars without much water, but was still able to make it to his match against Touka and used Ittou Rasetsu.

Master Martial Artist: To make up for his low mana, Ikki mastered various martial arts, his most preferred form is swordsmanship. He is, if not, one of the most prominent martial artists in the world, all the styles he learned from sheer observing famous swordmasters such as Kaito Ayatsuji, challenging dojos, and researching ancient sword styles, which aren't taught anymore in modern times from libraries and museums He was capable of defeating five Blazers armed with their varied Devices unarmed with multiple methods, while holding back, but shocking all his classmates.

Ukemi: Ikki mastered Ukemi, letting him receive powerful blows from his opponents, then disperse the force using his body unarmed.

Master Swordsman: Ikki is an incredible self-taught swordmaster, learning one-hundred and twenty-six sword styles, including the Imperial Sword Style. Despite being the weakest F-Rank, he has proven to be capable of fighting against Blazers who should outclass him under normal circumstances such as Stella, a genius A-Rank, who honed her swordsmanship too. As a testament to his prominence as a swordsman, Ikki earned praise from the God of War and Twin Wings, the former had noted he surpassed the Samurai Ryouma. His swordsmanship was further cultivated from learning Edelweiss' swordsmanship, which Ikki started adapting to match his one-sword style, letting him fight and defeat the Black Knight, becoming known as the Sword God.

Seven Secret Swords: Ikki's seven original sword techniques, a series of seven superhuman techniques that required Ittou Shura. However, upon learning Twin Wings Style, he evolved to the point of not needing it and improved them.

Mutou Dori ( "Weaponless Catch"): Among the Yagyuu-Ryuu, where he uses his fingers and wrist to catch his opponent's weapon and snatch it from them.

Ten'i Muhou ("Heaven Clad Null Shroud"): Ikki learned the ultimate move of the Ayatsuji Ittou-ryuu, in which the user counters the opponent's attack with minimal movements. Ikki used an imperfect version of this move on Kuraudo.

Twin Wings Style (

Hiyoku no Kengi): A unique sword style "stolen" from Edelweiss, affording him zero-to-one-hundred acceleration, making his movements near difficult to track, but difficult to alter his path. Ikki has trouble using it to the same extent as Edelweiss, but instead of developing a superior version, he adapted it to match himself.

Tsunoou ( "Horn King"): A unison technique between him and Stella, where Ikki runs, then jumps onto Lævateinn; at the same time she swings, he propels forward using Saigeki, focusing their combined strength, yielding greater offensive power than normal. Despite being a perfect union attack, their names are different as Stella named it Harmonic Bullet.

Weapon Specialist: Because of his martial arts training, Ikki has become skilled in wielding weapons such as kodachi, spears, and bows n' arrows to where he could teach those skills to others.

Trackless Step ("Without Foot"): He can combine breath control and footwork, letting him slip into his opponent's unconsciousness, making his movements difficult to perceive until it's too late to avoid. Ikki can use this to weave through an entire crowd reading their blindspots undetected, impressing a trained assassin. He can mix Trackless Step and normal footwork against the Necro Battalion messing up their aim, a feat that Nangou and Nene can perform.

Master Marksman: Ikki has an incredible aim, firing off small items such as an eraser, bouncing it off the ceiling and wedging it in-between Manabe's Gun Device's hammer and percussion cap to keep it from firing; kicking a lipstick tube knocking a knife from a man's hand; and kicked a small rock into Narukami's scabbard keeping Touka from performing her Raikiri.

Keen Intellect: Ikki is highly knowledgeable and able to pick up on a lot of details even in the midst of battle. He knows a lot about the inner workings and strong points of the human body, letting him improve Ayase's stance so she can use her feminine build to improve her Ayatsuji Ittou-ryuu. Ikki can also figure out most opponents' fighting styles, abilities, and strengths after fighting against them: figuring out Kuraudo's Marginal Counter, the Trackless Step, and even the rare causation manipulation of Amane. In battle, he tries to outsmart his opponents, which is highlighted as he was able to defeat Iris Ascarid, the 4th Ranked Blazer without being in danger.

Insight: As a result of being neglected over the years, Ikki has mastered the skills to see through his opponent's techniques by observation. He can read his opponent's next move, simply through their muscle movement. Ikki's insight has even allowed him to properly sense how dangerous someone is on the first meeting, being able to tell that Amane Shinomiya was more dangerous than he appeared, something few others notice.

Perfect Vision ("Perfect Grasp"): Ikki is able to completely see through his opponents by grasping their fighting styles using his incredible insight to grasp their personalities and tendencies. Using this, it is possible for him to figure out their thought process and predict their moves in advance. It's as though Ikki is able to see everything about the person in question

Blade Steal ( "Imitation Sword Technique"): Derived from Perfect Vision, Ikki is able to use his great insight to analyze and steal his opponent's techniques, then he improves by using his swordsmanship. He is able to grasp most styles or techniques after a minute and seconds to surpass them, it isn't limited to sword styles, but it applies to others. Once he understands the style, he is shown to be able to grasp their deepest secrets, it is possible to even reproduce their advanced techniques as shown when he learned Ten'i Muhou through training with Ayase despite not seeing it before.

Body Supremacy: During his rigorous training, Ikki learned to control his body at will, letting him perform various such as his sense, turning off his color acuity to augment his motion perception. This also became the basis for his Secret Swords, Ittou Shura, and Ittou Rasetsu. After stealing the Twin Wings Style, his body control became sharper to where Ikki could manually make his heartbeat. Upon warming up for the finals, his acuity has been strengthened to where he could see the hair strands on Stella's cheeks, feel and count the dust on his skin, understand all his muscle fibers, and feel his blood flow.

Mana Control(AURA CONTROL): Edelweiss praised him for his perfect mana control, letting him use Ittou Shura and controlling his mana emission,[7] which rivaled Shizuku in precision. His training on Edelberg let Ikki improve his method of using it, allowing him to use mana defense to block one of Edelweiss' Testament. As such, this allowed him to improve Ittou Shura and Ittou Rasetsu; focusing the latter's power on the most required parts, while pouring all the excess power into Intetsu, removing the normal backlash. In his ten-year-old form, concentrating magic power inside of Intetsu lets Ikki create a thin blade that can cut through Union soldiers' special fibers and EDY's armor, where he wouldn't be strong enough to do