
Why Should I Stop Being a Villain

In the midst of a ruined forest, due to the result of the clash between peak powerhouses, a body of a man lay. He was known as the 'Evilest Villain', the worst man ever born in humanity.His body was full of wounds with a spear piercing his heart. However, even in his final moments, he was calm and collected, with his usual cold face. The only thing on his mind was, "Forgive me, I couldn't keep my promise to you." He closed his eyes, ready to begin his eternal slumber in the darkness. Suddenly, a blue light appeared, with ancient text that read, 'Do you want to turn back time, my child?' He laughed and said yes. | Fate Devourer System | [Initializing......................24%] [Authority: Deus Time Control (Rank ?!?) used] [The Goddess of Time wishes you the best]. /////////////////////////////////////////////////// I do not own the novel cover. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, you can tell me. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// I have entered this novel for the fantasy carnival contest so if you like reading this novel,do give it some power stones.

Raos_IOI · Fantasi
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453 Chs

Back in Time

Asher awoke in his bedroom, unharmed and very much alive. His room was grand and tastefully decorated, with every ornament adorned in gold, silver, or diamonds.

To an observer, it might appear that Asher was a king. The first thing he noticed was his renewed youth. He had died at the age of 27, yet he now found himself back in his 13-year-old body.

"HAHHAHAhhahahahaaaHAHAHahahhAHHAHAHhahahahHAHHA!" Asher laughed hysterically, his outburst summoning his personal maid, Emmy.

"Young Master, are you alright?" Emmy asked, her face etched with concern.

Asher observed Emmy's familiar face but remained composed instead of exhibiting surprise.

"I'm fine. Just ensure that no one approaches my room for the next three hours," Asher ordered, needing solitude to arrange his thoughts.

"As you wish, Young Master," Emmy agreed before departing and securing his privacy.

Watching his maid leave, Asher began to recollect the series of events that had led to his current situation. Suddenly, a voice resonated within his mind:

[Welcome Host, to the Fate Devouring System]

Surprised, but maintaining his composure, Asher asked, "What are you and why am I back in time?"

[The Host was chosen by the Goddess of Time, who used her powers to rewind your timeline. I am merely a guide bestowed upon you by the Goddess]

"Why did the goddess assist me? Is there an ulterior motive?" Asher questioned, his tone frosty.

[ I apologize, but I cannot disclose that information at the moment. As you reach certain milestones, you will be rewarded with knowledge and understanding ]

"What is this 'fate thing' you mentioned about the system?" Asher inquired.

[ Your destiny was altered, and your fate was consequently devoured. Even the goddess can't meddle with the thread of fate. ]

[ You were destined to die in that forest, and your destiny would have ensued. However, by reverting to your younger self, your fate has been drastically reduced. ]

[ Consequently, you are destined to perish in the upcoming years]

"I've been sent back in time, only to die in a few years? Is this a joke?" Asher retorted, a hint of murderous intent seeping from him.

[ Rest assured, the system will aid you in regaining your fate points. Due to your depleted fate, you must plunder others' fortune and seize their fate points to restore yours ]

"So, I just need to steal other people's opportunities and futures?" Asher interrogated the system.

[ Partially correct. You can also accrue fate points through good deeds and aiding others, or by vanquishing enemies - either by killing them or seizing their opportunities. ]

[ Host is recommended to tread the path of righteousness, as it is a more feasible means of acquiring fate points ]

"Firstly, how should I address you?" Asher asked.

[ Simply call me 'System', for I am not a sentient entity. I am a part of the boon you received from the Goddess, as she cannot aid you directly ]

Asher remained wary of the Goddess of Time, clueless about her intentions. He was a man who trusted only himself, and even in his final moments, he didn't regret his lack of trust, for caution triumphs over betrayal.

"You mentioned that amassing fate points is easier if I adopt the role of a hero, correct?" Asher probed.

[ Indeed, Host. Choosing this path will likely result in fewer enemies. ]

"Well, in that case, I'll be a villain. It's more fun that way," Asher said with a emotionless gaze.

[ The Host has selected their path, but be warned, it will be fraught with bloodshed and animosity. ]

"I've lived my life being hated by the entire world. Every path I've traversed was stained with blood," Asher replied, staring blankly at the ceiling, lost in thought.